
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 28th 2010, 23:30:43

all strats have peaks and floors, but some are stronger than others:

ceiling - 10k per point - $2500/acre or $3250/acre with allies
peak - growth - 8k per point in alliance, lower in other servers, maybe 6k in ffa, 5k in team and express, 4k in primary - high $/acre but less turns spent teching makes it more about how much you want
stocking - about 3k in alliance, 3k in team, 4k in ffa, 3-4k in express - around $975/acre
floor - 2 networth per tech point - anywhere between $600/point minimum, with $800 being likely and in ffa and sometimes express all tech selling right at the end due to empty markets - ~$200/acre but at this point almost always reselling will be more beneficial

floor - cash start - goes from ~50 for a new country to ~184 for a rep cash built with no tech (usually less than farm start selling on private)
growth - fully built 165% tech rep - approaches $514/acre - income ramps slower than farmer
peak - stocking - fully built max tech rep - approaching $617/acre

floor - $220/acre for fascist on private - starts slightly lower than that for the same reason as cash start but is a lot closer because most income come from food
growth - $420 on private at 205% agri which it hits quicker than casher hits 165% - or $490 at 205% selling for $40 on public
stocking - ~$460 selling for 32 on private for a late jump

floor - $131 for commie on private during protection which is less than food but way higher out of protection
growth - team primary and ffa all have the odd set of $120 average prices, alliance has been at $150, express is usually $150 but crazy - at $120 its $430/acre at $150 its $532/acre with the fastest and cheapest tech boost, but less of a boost from it, which also means starting income is highest (except for techer)
stocking - should be $150ish except for alliance which can drop to $120ish - at $150 ~$600/acre - at $120 ~$500/acre

early - pointless to produce oil below ~$60 a barrel
growth - should rise from $300/acre to $450/acre
stocking - hugely volatile, advantage is no required outlay on tech
floor - market used to auto buy oil at either $20 or $21 - so $83 dollars minimum - but you should always jump/convert before it hits that point since a theo reseller should do that well with prices ~82% of max and with destocking time the market should rise to that

Edited By: enshula on Jul 28th 2010, 23:48:21
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