
Serpentor Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 16:29:35

I agree with you giants. Smaller players should have the freedom to retaliate and protect themselves how they like. I liked old earth 1B for that. If a top player was a douche he'd get wacked. In fact all top players got wacked to a degree. It was a whole other skill to try to avoid the retaliations and suicides to rise to the top. Now its very easy to just run a strat without having to adapt and roll with the punches or run from an all tanker, or whatever. It was fun.

I know the netters won't like that comment, but honestly I did like the old 1B. Not to say that I don't like how it is now either though. Because I do. It's just different server now with different rules. Not to mention its brought in more skilled players from alliance who strictly want to net. That's been fun in the competitiveness of net gaining.

Edited By: Serpentor on Aug 11th 2013, 16:38:38
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