So really, giants1223, what you want is the game to cater to your skill level instead of not being so lazy and figuring out how to be better. You contradict yourself many times to prove this point:
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I am not a top player. I am a mediocre player to be honest. Don't get me wrong I understand land grabs are a part of the game and I agree top players are top players for a reason but I do believe I should be able to defend myself/retaliate/do justice for myself by any means necessary not be restricted by the rules of GDI. Be accountable for your actions and stop hiding behind GDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
1. Why aren't you a top player? That's no excuse. Figure out what you're doing wrong or what other ppl are doing right. It took me only a few resets to finish rank 70 to rank 1 with some toying around in between. Ask top players questions.
2. "I do believe I should be able to defend myself/retaliate/do justice for myself by any means necessary". I'm sorry, last I checked this wasn't giants1223's empire, who cares if that's what you believe, the game isn't going to change just for you. You said it yourself "..because thats life. Not everything is just and meaningful."
3. Be accountable for YOUR actions and stop complaining about GDI. Who told you to get so fat relative to those around you? Who told you that you couldn't be a top player earlier? It's all by your own actions.
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Sucked for who? It sucks for some now. And if each method is going to suck for someone I would go with the one with less restrictions, which is the old method.
Until you learn to play right all ways will suck for you. W/o GDI I'll play with tanks/SDI but farm each target to the ground instead of hitting them just once. Not wasting my turns on multiple ops if I don't have to. And then you'll have no economy/production to do anything to me. What will you complain about then?
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It is frustrating now to build up and get land grabbed all the time. FORGET GDI AND ITS STUPID RESTRICTIONS.
So it's frustrating for you to build an awful country and pay for it by being grabbed, but you don't think it'll be frustrating to build a perfect country for weeks and have it destroyed by some random suicider who just likes to be an @$$ who hides behind the internet? The difference is, it's easy to build an all tank country or all missile country or all spy country and then "grief" ppl. However it's impossible to netgain and protect against missiles/spies/tanks all at the same time. A determined suicider is impossible to defend against on all fronts, hence GDI.
And like I said before, GDI protects you as much as it protects top players.
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Maybe suicides aren't random, maybe they are players you f'ed early in the game, or maybe its fun for people to play that way just as its fun for you to net and try for top 10 finishes.
Why were these ppl f'ed early in the game? Because of THEIR OWN ACTIONS. Everyone starts out on the same footing like Xin said. If you joined late, that's your problem, GDI shouldn't change because you were tardy. The game resets every 2 months anyway, so everyone starts on the same footing again.
I also open myself up to ppl during the reset because, unlike other "top players", I double tap/triple tap ppl if I deem they are weak enough to not be able to catch up to me. But I also carry tanks.
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They don't know I won't they know I CAN'T under these new GDI rules.
Also what makes you think everyone that plays wants to be recorded as a top 100 player and the like. Maybe some people enjoy warring. There are over 700 people in this game why should it only cater to the top 100. Why should I be land grabbed by someone if I never attacked them once? You aren't getting that a simple land grab isn't simple for a small country when it only has 3000 acres and gets hit for 300 acres at a clip, it can put you back a day just like getting 5 missiles shot at you could put you back a day.
They know you can't by looking at your country setup, not just because of GDI. If I spy on someone who has sufficient jets and country setup to get enough jets to retal me I move on.
And yeah, I like to war too. But I can war and finish top 30 as I did 3 resets ago. I guarantee you if I went to war with you you'd be done after 3 days regardless of GDI. So the problem here isn't GDI, it's the way you're playing your country.
It doesn't cater to the top 100. The top 100 are just the top 100 smart ppl who figured out how to use GDI to their advantage.
"Why should I be land grabbed by someone if I never attacked them once?" Because your country sucks. Don't want to get grabbed? Do something about it. You want GDI to change so you don't need to change your stupid style of play but can in return be an @$$. You're like the homeless guy who heckles the CEO because he's rich. Well guess what, most likely he EARNED it. Get off your lazy butt and earn it.
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The game should allow it because thats life. Not everything is just and meaningful. If you don't want to be missile attacked then build up your SDI thats why it is a part of the game to defend against missiles. "Top Players" "netters" most likely don't want to waste turns building up a missile defense so you advocate a system that totally eliminates that threat from the game
See above, it's impossible to protect against all fronts.
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Maybe the arrogance of the "top players" should be checked and "random people down there" won't feel the need to launch missiles at the top players. And if you don't like it prepare for it. My arguement is the restrictions. I don't believe in them I believe in freedoms. Why stop at harmful spy ops and harmful attacks. Why not just get rid of all attacks then ", because then the "top players" couldn't expose "the random guys down there" and newbies trying to learn the game or casual players. Its slanted one way and to favor one preference of play thats all. I understand no system is perfect no game is perfect no playing style is perfect and that thee will always be a complaint somewhere thats why I advocate freedom and no restrictions.
Maybe you need to check your own arrogance and then you won't feel the need to complain. And if you don't like it go play SimCity. Top players EARNED their way to the top. From these complaints you sound like you don't want to put in the work to learn the game/make it to the top.
By your logic, you're saying ppl in real life should be able to murder/steal their way to success right? That way it doesn't favor one preference - that of hard work.
Giants1223, take a hard look at what you wrote and your attitude. You don't want freedom and no restrictions. What you really want is to get what you want without having to change yourself. Path of least resistance. I sincerely hope that in real life you aren't one of those ppl with an entitled attitude thinking the world owes you this and that. Life, whether it's school, job search, job, family, or a game, is about figuring out how to thrive in the existing systems already put into place. You can complain all you want about how you deserve this and that, or how you should be able to do this and that, but at the end of the day no one gives a crap. Adapt or die.