
locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 2:28:34

Just curious who went over the 2billion mark and by how much :P I think I heard one laffer say he had 3 batches up... so 4 bill lost


Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 2:32:46

ya, we'll be working on rectifying that :-/
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 2:35:02

do you have a way to see which countries lost cash to the 2bill limit?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 30th 2010, 2:46:49

that would be a cool metric to know over the course of a set in general

food lost to decay would be cool too

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 30th 2010, 2:51:36

I'm sure they could take all the data from the DB and run queries on stuff like that! That is if the DB saves all that information.
- Premium Patron Member

kemo Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:19:32

lost a good 3bil... swears i did. if i could get that sent to my ffa ones though thatd be nifty thanks
all praised to ra


Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 3:27:45

we can verify it, and people who try to submit false reports, false info etc may find themselves deleted :)

I'll start looking into this a little more after work tomorrow :-/
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

kemo Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:29:32

everyone in collab knows theres not a chance in hell i had that much stock
all praised to ra

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:52:52

man isn't having active game admins awesome heh!

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:54:44

so if i submit a report claiming i lost 1 bushel....

Beltshumeltz Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 4:45:12

I know of at least 7 iMag members who lost a few batches of 2 bil $. So much for our netgaining set :(

de1i Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 5:30:27

You guys are hilarious, who writes your material?

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 5:41:32

If you lost stock to the 2bil bug it's your own fault. Deal with it and move on.

torment Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 5:44:35

Originally posted by Silent Sentinel:
If you lost stock to the 2bil bug it's your own fault. Deal with it and move on.

Dont be stupid.

How about those ppl who put up several batches of 2bn at hour intervals? No im not one of them.

AoS Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 5:50:08

Originally posted by torment:
Originally posted by Silent Sentinel:
If you lost stock to the 2bil bug it's your own fault. Deal with it and move on.

Dont be stupid.

How about those ppl who put up several batches of 2bn at hour intervals? No im not one of them.

Those people need to get a life :P
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 5:56:38

Silent sentinel for ignorant comment of the month award? :P

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 7:27:28

Putting so much money on the public market at once has always been a risky strategy. What if your internet dies? What if there's an emergency? What if all of your bushels sell at the same time?

QZ posted about a restart at 5:00 GT and indicated that he wasn't 100% sure if the server would come back.

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 7:30:05

Not everyone saw that :P and still would anyone have expected that :P

torment Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 8:05:37

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Putting so much money on the public market at once has always been a risky strategy. What if your internet dies? What if there's an emergency? What if all of your bushels sell at the same time?

QZ posted about a restart at 5:00 GT and indicated that he wasn't 100% sure if the server would come back.

Which is why you put them over an hour apart. This way they cant come on at the same time.

I dont believe the game server has a habit of daising on itself? Its not like it goes down on the 6th minute of each hour or something now does it? Besides I dont think even qz expected the server to dai himself as per his original announcement.

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 8:15:41

Slag dosn't know that trick torment. Shh

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 13:32:55

it was the seventh minute of every other hour I thought...

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 15:21:10

Originally posted by locket:
Silent sentinel for ignorant comment of the month award? :P

EVERYONE who has 2bil worth of stock knows about the bug, if you get bit by it then you're a moron. You just can't defend it, although I'm sure you'll try.

rajiv1 Game profile

New Member

Jul 30th 2010, 16:55:07

I lost what I had left because I accidentally put some 290-300m~ bushels @ 32 instead of 500. Do I get Kuya Award now?


Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 17:04:39

Bushels do not necessarily instantly sell when they hit the market. What's the bushel demand like from 5:00 GT - 9:00 GT?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 17:44:43

Silent Sentinel and Slag you guys are morons. LaF has clearers online so we don't lose our stocks. The game going down shouldn't screw us over. We put our stocks up at times a food clearer can be on, and we will be on for a few hours. The down time then going up right away.. might mean our bushels sell as we are asleep. I had no clue when the game would be up, I assume most others didn't. I had no clue it was going down, I assume most others didn't as well.

Slag is only arguing this point because it hurts LaF and benefits Evo who play all-x and jump earlier.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 18:14:46

wiat what? we don't jump earlier? i'm still stocking!
Finally did the signature thing.

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 19:57:12

on average you guys jump way earlier. And SS... your ignorance is amazing :P

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 20:20:47

You want to get personal, Lord Tarnava? That's fine with me.

I am aware that LaF sets up bushel clearers. I am also aware that you, Lord Tarvana, are absolutely terrible at destocking and have choked away more top ten finishes than probably anyone else in this game. You even told me that it was usually due to mistakes in timing. Yet here you are saying that I'm a "moron" because I dared say that there is some risk in destocking more than $2B at once. Your own crappy finishes are proof of that. Even your big paragraph supports my point: you're explaining what LaF does to mitigate some of the risks of that particular destocking style. There are still risks. Maybe boxcar goes down. Maybe your bushel clearer pulls a LT and chokes. Who knows.

As to LaF vs Evo, really? How do you even know that I'm playing in evo? Let me fill you in on a secret: I don't care who wins average NW. Once you start viewing that competition for what it really is: whoever screws up less wins; it's not really that interesting. Once you become an admin of the game, other concerns trump that. The fact that LaF jumps later than EVO does not necessarily mean that they lost more stock. There was a very narrow range for countries to lose stock. How much stock did EVO lose per member? How much stock did LaF lose per member?

What exactly are you making a big deal out of here? So far in this thread we have heard one statement: "I think I heard that a laffer lost 4 billion dollars". What a tragedy. How much extra stock did LaF get because the set was extended for five hours? All you care about is how well LaF finishes and your posts here show it. You're willing to accuse me of lacking integrity because I suggested that one laffer who someone heard who might have lost $4B in cash shouldn't get a refund? Here's a good example of how much I hate LaF:

Let me fill you in on another secret: every time one of you idiots comes to AT and accuses an admin of lacking integrity, it makes me want to work on the game less and it especially makes me want not want to poke around in the db to fix your problems. So if you really care about LaF's finishes, you should keep your mouth shut and stop sabotaging your chances.

locket Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 20:45:48

Thats why people doing that tend to have some at 31 so they sell automatically. There is little to no risk if you know what you are doing, unless of course the game goes down for 1-2 days. Planning for the game to go down is planning to lose. But I guess you might be good at that ;)

Your view is pretty one-sided though. But thats ok :P

Slagpit, no where did LT or anyone else question your credibility as an admin. I am sure you keep evo and adminning seperate and he never mentioned admins. In fact I havn't seen anything but good comments about the admins on the alliance forums for awhile now. So perhaps people as a whole should pay more attention to the generally less loud supporters of admins/authority than to the 1-2 loud idiots.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 21:12:18

There really isnt much risk to selling multi batches at the same time if you have any idea what you're doing, esspecially with a large majority of people having internet on their mobile now.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2010, 21:42:11

Ultimately it's an admin level question: what exactly do we compensate countries for? Where do we draw the line?

I'm not posting about it just for no reason. So if someone says that I'm drawing the line in a certain place because of evo, yes, I'm going to be offended by that.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 23:14:50

I think that if you lose $$ b/c of stuff that happens to you thats one thing. If its b/c the server is down for hours (if somehow server being dwon for 5 minutes fluffs you up thats quite different) thats quite another...

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 0:38:47

lol well I think you are taking it too personally in that regard ;)

And Bobby said it well right there anyways. I'm sure its only because hes in an admin alliance though! ^_^

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 2:15:23

Originally posted by Silent Sentinel:
If you lost stock to the 2bil bug it's your own fault. Deal with it and move on.

LT, read it again. Says quite clearly "IF you LOST stock...".

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 2:32:14

Ok, Slagpit.. consider this.. Say for instance someone had their batches coming to sale at a period they had hours to sit online.. and because of the 19 hours down time.. it came up 5 hours prior.. they might be sleeping, they might be at work, etc.

For the record I lost no stock... and my past destocking f ups are irrelevent. Mine were mostly personal choices.. i.e when my alarm would go off at night I'd hit ignore rather than get up to buy up, or I'd but several batches up then decide to stay at work late, etc etc. Server downtime is unexpected and it's not a choice, so to be punished for it is not fair.

Popcom Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 5:57:27

u get up in the middle of the night to play earth? wow, thats dedication

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:19:27

lol if he did that he wouldnt have had the fluff ups mentioned popcom ;) He has dedication when hes here and then it disapears apparently

rpottage Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:25:40

Hey, LT;

Just some friendly advice here, but in the future I'd suggest thanking the admins for their hard work on the game and politely asking if something can be done about the lost stock. I mean insulting them and accusing them of manipulating the game after all the hard work they put in really doesn't seem like the best approach.

Just some friendly advice though.

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:28:21

I still don't see how he was bashing admins but ill jump on the admin bashing bandwagon too.

Pang, your mother wears army boots and your cat looks more like a duck. No one likes their animals being bashed...

rpottage Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:32:16

Originally posted by locket:
I still don't see how he was bashing admins but ill jump on the admin bashing bandwagon too.

Pang, your mother wears army boots and your cat looks more like a duck. No one likes their animals being bashed...
He called Slag a moron and said Slag was only taking the stance he did to screw LaF and help EVO.

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:43:12

Calling someone who happens to be an admin a moron dosnt mean he attacked the admins ;) And his comment on why slag is arguing isnt necessarily anything to do with adminning either. Sounds like a shot at evo to me.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 6:57:03

It's a shot at an admin.

It may be intended as a personal shot, or a shot at EVO, but he's doing it at an Admin.

I'm saying his best bet is to thank the admins for their hard work and then ask for help with the stock.

Insulting an admin (even if it's just a personal thing and not at all the admins) is just not going to help.



Jul 31st 2010, 8:19:16

Honestly, I've played this game for over 12 years, and I have exactly one top 10 finish and the rest as below 500 to show for it.

If you lose stock and you call yourself a netter, then either you are an idiot, or you need to go learn some basics of the game.

I destocked 800mil bushels in 6 days without asking for a clearer, it's not that hard
ICQ 43083642

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 31st 2010, 9:10:26

i've lost like $4B stock once and $6B stock once at the end of sets because i was trying to auto-sell bushels on PM as i was auto-buying using tab-refreshing with firefox, and went over the 2B limit because it didn't interleave quite right and it double-sold before the buys happend =/
Finally did the signature thing.

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 9:12:25



Game Development

Jul 31st 2010, 14:50:38

wow this thread really blew up....

I'm just going to respond to one quick point:
I think there is definitely a difference between a player based problem causing you to lose stock/money and a game based one doing it.
Boxcar going down/an emergency/whatever is not the same as the game going down. Based on the spam I got while the server was down, a lot of people were sitting there TRYING to play the game but couldn't. That's an entirely different scenario than if they're out in the hospital or something.

I don't like the idea of setting a policy which says that when we negatively impact the playing experience of people we don't make it right. That extends across all servers, not just alliance.

now stop the flaming...
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting


Game Development

Jul 31st 2010, 14:58:28

oh, and the "stop the flaming" was mainly directed at laffers...

post your concerns in the laf site and they will be digested by leadership and brought to the game admins.

flaming the admins is just.... not a good thing to do :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2010, 15:09:24

I'm more concerned with my real life stock... fluffING MARKEt!!!

Pang can you compensate me for my RL losses?

- Premium Patron Member

jdpanther42 Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 15:31:37

and i`m concerned about my imaginary stock disappearing .
there is no shame in being an idiot, but only if you stay one

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 16:12:33

Slagpit was flamed before he was an admin, becoming an admin isn't really a get away free card if he starts posting views about ingame issues.... Everyone else is open to be flames for opinions on ingame issues, slagpit is no different, in terms of questioning his integrity if his view happens to coincide with what is most beneficial to his alliance it's probably coincidental, but i'm sure he's used to defending his views...