


Aug 3rd 2010, 1:11:50


no dictator will ever win express in its current rule set because the server interferes with gov's ability to efficiently use its specialities, while other gov's specialties are not restricted by the server

in order to win a gov has to be able to efficiently use its specialties on a regular basis. The R, F, H advantages come into use on every turn, a D should buy and sell repeatedly to maximize their advantage and express does not interfere with this specialty. if d's had to wait six hours for goods to get to market, their advantage on this server would be diminished.
the dictator's specialties are spy and military
anything that interferes with repeated efficient use of these specialties hurts the gov


1) 72 hour no drop land rule
vacant land reduces SPAL and tech improvements reducing this gov's use of its specialties
72 hours means it is a set long hindrance
if the I spends time building up the vacant land it is maximizing its weakness not its strength

2) ghost acres
when the government is trying to max aggression tech this rule handcuffs him with added vacant land

3) spy formula is substantially weaker than e2025
one of the benefits the I has is % stronger spies but since the current formula does not adequately reward high SPAL, the specialty is compromised

4) no aggressive attack like e2025 had
this reduces benefit of military strength

5) no ability to raid jumpers before they jump
by raid i mean the first post on this thread
again reducing both military and SPAL

6) DR on the server is too high, should be adjusted to be equivalent to primary
this inadequtely rewards repeated hits on vulnerable targets
limiting I's use of its military specialty

7) spy op does not allow for stealing cash only blowing it up
where the cashers are benefitting every turn the I has no similar ability
cyber ops should be an alternative means of acquiring goods

8) commit espionage is not set high enough
it should result in more yield for Is since their spies are supposedly better than ordinary spies
while the techers are advancing every turn the I has no such ability
thx enshula for this idea

9) when dictators LG they should get less land and more goods than other countries
thx again enshula

10) the number of allowed spy ops is too low
in primary u get 50 x 30 spy ops but in express u only get 1000 this unfairly restricts the gov's specialty

a dictatorship should be doing tons of spy ops and lots of raids or LGs or it has no real advantage
because vacant land interferes with using that specialty
and building on that land maximizes the liability
no dictatorship can win express in this environment


Edited By: starstalker4 on Aug 3rd 2010, 1:32:45
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if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game