
Makinso Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:13:26


Over the past few sets SOL has tried to make things work between our two alliances but so far our efforts have shown zero success.

Last set we offered to fight you 1 v 1 in an evenly matched fight. You turned us down. The set after that (this set) we offered to honor your 75th anniversary with a fight of honor on evenly matched grounds, you turned us down.

When you turned us down we told you we would not watch and stand by as you try to chew away at our allies hoping to crumble them down bit by bit. So we will not!

As a general message, we wish to emphasize to you SoF that your grudge mentality is not a warm welcomed mentality, we wish to emphasize this has to end for the longevity of this game and specifically the Alliance server.

But changes starts by reflecting at yourself, so the Sons of Liberty are embracing a philosophy change. Our hearts burn with the desire of blood and war. However we've come to understand that we can not require or demand our fellow Earthers to full fill this desire for us on a 6 sets a year basis. Therefor we are vouching to netting occasionally or fighting arranged wars with tags who wish to fight and to only fight on none arranged terms when deemed completely unavoidable.

Looking at the present you had MD outnumbered 1 to 1.5, had the FS and hit very early. Last set you rallied against being hit early and outnumbered yet you apply these tactics the minute they favor you or you deem them necessary.

The Sons of Liberty wish to move away from all these deemed necessary tactics and obtain virtues of sportsmanship and fairness. . . Do whatever you must with our message, but the Sons of Liberty has always been an alliance to uphold it's philosophy and SOLer code and we will show to do so again.

So as final words we are putting our promises into actions.

The Sons of Liberty as promised to you the Survival of the Fittest Alliance hereby declare war on you in defense of our ally Moral Decay.

-Son of Liberty

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:20:28

This coming from an alliance that promised to war us every set period. LOL

izapimp Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:23:12

Flaccid(bonus) post !

Makinso Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:23:25

KC.... I think you are drawing things out of context feel free to contact me about that though ;)

Medic Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:38:20

Originally posted by Helmet:

If you make us mad, we'll kill you
I don't see why it's so hard to understand. Respect our rules or fight us.
Even if you fight us we wont' respect yours. If you think for a second that attacking us will get you any progress then you're sadly mistaken. Ask SoL if you need some advice. They learned the hard way several times in a row.
It's our way or war.
Flame me, hate me, run multies on me if you want.

In other words,

Go fluff yourself.
Patty loves a big dict

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 14th 2013, 22:43:37

If Makinso went inactive again I am sure SOL could go back to the SOL alliance it was where they had no issues.....

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Pride Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:47:09

If Imag would go away we would have 0 issues.

MauricXe Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:47:20

" Over the past few sets SOL has tried to make things work between our two alliances but so far our efforts have shown zero success. "


This coming from the alliance that canceled our good relations...and for what? because some of their heads (they shall remain nameless) don't like SoF?

Comical @ the MD/SoF member ratio. It's as if none of us knows what's happening. Please make more postings like this. I'm starting to see why your members line up to be shot down each set. You guys sure do lay on the propaganda.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:50:16

Only 2 dead? C'mon let's see more killing and less talk!
Do as I say, not as I do.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 14th 2013, 22:50:18

Originally posted by Pride:
If Imag would go away we would have 0 issues.

Can I borrow this quote? to the other thread. Anyhow when did you become a part of SOL? Oh yeah last set. I remember now.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Pride Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:57:00

I played in MD last set and this set? lol

ELDrifty Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 22:57:24

Good luck Sons of Liberty, I figured you'd invite yourselves to the party.
Survival of the Fittest/Illuminati X

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 14th 2013, 22:58:41

Pride you missed the point. Come back when you figure it out. Though I am not shocked.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Pride Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:02:22

Originally posted by galleri:
Pride you missed the point. Come back when you figure it out. Though I am not shocked.

Your point is pointless, though I can not say I'm shocked to find you not making sense. :)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 14th 2013, 23:06:20

Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by galleri:
Pride you missed the point. Come back when you figure it out. Though I am not shocked.

Your point is pointless, though I can not say I'm shocked to find you not making sense. :)

Stop stealing my lines! ;)

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:10:40

War Dec confirmed. We cannot stand idly by while our ally has been attacked. We come to their defense in an effort to close the gap of the membership advantage.

These early wars need to stop at some point. As FR Commander, I hope I can improve on relations with any and all alliances on the server. There are plenty of ways to war without ruining someone else's reset. I have not spoken to many of you outside of SoL's close allies. Hopefully I can get in contact with some of SoL's recent battlefield 'enemies'. Luckily I don't have previous grudges or issues with anyone, so hopefully we can chat amicably and work toward some form of understanding. We cannot mend these rifts overnight, but hopefully we can take some steps in the right direction.

If anyone wants to chat and get an idea of who I am, please contact me via any of the ways in my sig. Thanks, good luck and have fun!
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

Sov Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:18:59

You started the early wars and you are now preaching for them to stop? Ironic.

If you surrender now we'll consider being peaceful :)

Pride Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:19:57

I can chat is you would like to preform sexual favors on me ;)

ninong Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:23:51


war decs should all be less than 30 words and in 1 paragraph
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

rain Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 23:51:08

nobody seen this coming lol

mrford Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 0:12:53

so the fun begins!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2013, 1:25:53

pew pew pew
- Premium Patron Member

Vamps Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 1:47:58




Oct 15th 2013, 1:50:30

Grabs his popcorn. This game just is not fun with out blood, explosions,turtle pron and war
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 1:54:22

Originally posted by Makinso:
Over the past few sets SOL has tried to make things work between our two alliances but so far our efforts have shown zero success.

Last set we offered to fight you 1 v 1 in an evenly matched fight. You turned us down. The set after that (this set) we offered to honor your 75th anniversary with a fight of honor on evenly matched grounds, you turned us down.

Looking at the present you had MD outnumbered 1 to 1.5, had the FS and hit very early.

we all know that SoF are a bunch of pantie wastes that could never fight a pre-arranged fair war without getting their asses kicked.

waiting to see how long it takes them to kiss LaF's ass to bail them out again

Sov Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 1:57:50

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Makinso:
Over the past few sets SOL has tried to make things work between our two alliances but so far our efforts have shown zero success.

Last set we offered to fight you 1 v 1 in an evenly matched fight. You turned us down. The set after that (this set) we offered to honor your 75th anniversary with a fight of honor on evenly matched grounds, you turned us down.

Looking at the present you had MD outnumbered 1 to 1.5, had the FS and hit very early.

we all know that SoF are a bunch of pantie wastes that could never fight a pre-arranged fair war without getting their asses kicked.

waiting to see how long it takes them to kiss LaF's ass to bail them out again

Hi tardface. It is with regret that I inform you that about 1 year ago SoF and SOL engaged in a 1 on 1 arranged war and SoF was victorious. Maybe you are too far Over the Hill to remember your history lessons.

Plus, everything is going to plan. Let me tell you the end of our plan... You all get wrecked. Have a swirvey day!

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 2:07:35

guys what about canadian thanksgiving? pretty sure theres some unspoken rule not to fight on important holidays

mrford Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 2:17:19

canada has a thanksgiving?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Oct 15th 2013, 2:18:23

SOL claims moral victory.... already

Pain Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 2:35:29

Originally posted by Makinso:

As a general message, we wish to emphasize to you SoF that your grudge mentality is not a warm welcomed mentality, we wish to emphasize this has to end for the longevity of this game and specifically the Alliance server.

But changes starts by reflecting at yourself, so the Sons of Liberty are embracing a philosophy change. Our hearts burn with the desire of blood and war. However we've come to understand that we can not require or demand our fellow Earthers to full fill this desire for us on a 6 sets a year basis. Therefor we are vouching to netting occasionally or fighting arranged wars with tags who wish to fight and to only fight on none arranged terms when deemed completely unavoidable.

-Son of Liberty

these 2 paragraphs are rich coming from you maki. not to mention its just empty promises that you will renig on as soon as you have the opportunity.
Your mother is a nice woman

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 2:36:07

Ssewell did you play Spartan wars?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012



Oct 15th 2013, 3:02:58

Originally posted by RavenBF:
Ssewell did you play Spartan wars?


RavenBF Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 3:11:57

Hmmm just checking.... I know a marine that went by that name without the usmc at the end. So just thought I would ask.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

iScode Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 4:30:24




Man you so funny you should be a comedian!!!
God of War


Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 4:54:08

Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 4:59:17

Do as I say, not as I do.

Zahc Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:02:34

that first one is great. 2nd is broken
llort orp s`fos

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:03:59

Do as I say, not as I do.

Zahc Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:04:00

nevermind it works if you copy paste, cant use the hotlink
llort orp s`fos

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:07:42

yeah first one was a great find
Do as I say, not as I do.

Erian Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:24:35

Woo! And it spreads :D

Trife Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:40:35

this DoW = 0/10 or F-

not nearly enough tits, or cursing

locket Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:43:42

Originally posted by Makinso:

As a general message, we wish to emphasize to you SoF that your grudge mentality is not a warm welcomed mentality, we wish to emphasize this has to end for the longevity of this game and specifically the Alliance server.

But changes starts by reflecting at yourself, so the Sons of Liberty are embracing a philosophy change. Our hearts burn with the desire of blood and war. However we've come to understand that we can not require or demand our fellow Earthers to full fill this desire for us on a 6 sets a year basis. Therefor we are vouching to netting occasionally or fighting arranged wars with tags who wish to fight and to only fight on none arranged terms when deemed completely unavoidable.
o uphold it's philosophy and SOLer code and we will show to do so again.

fluff Makinso! It is generally easy to dislike you/Sol but if you actually try to hold to this then I quite like your approach and I agree with your thoughts on Sof. I have done my best to provoke the conversation along those lines in both Laf and in RD since I have been there to little avail. The current war policies and long term aggression are killing alliances such as Evo/PDM etc and like them or not(I do in the post KJ era), the game is better with them here.

Oh and I really really hope that you actually hold to this.

Edited By: locket on Oct 15th 2013, 5:48:43
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 5:47:49

Originally posted by Sov:
You started the early wars and you are now preaching for them to stop? Ironic.

If you surrender now we'll consider being peaceful :)

THEY started early wars? Hah. Early wars have been happening for ages. They just went a little bit earlier. Wars have been going earlier and earlier and EVERYONE is guilty of it. This "you started it" childish bullfluff is part of the stuff that has to stop if this game is to keep its current player base.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2013, 6:57:52

gl sol
Don of LaF

cypress Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 7:13:18

Yes, it would definitely have been better for us to sit there and let them FS first again.

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 8:12:13

gl hf son


Taveren Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 8:13:36

Originally posted by Sov:
You started the early wars and you are now preaching for them to stop? Ironic.

If you surrender now we'll consider being peaceful :)

He's saying that it's strange to be vocal in your dislike for early wars and then turn around and start one.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 8:33:57


After two resets of failed negotiations to fight an even 1v1 (that SoF so badly "wants") it is quite obvious where they stand.

We have tried to resolve this politically and are always open to discuss. Clearly this has been the issue; lack of discussion, lack of communication.

With new leadership comes new ideas and new direction. SoL is turning the page on grudge wars. They are killing the game faster than Qz's random mid-set formula changes. (I love you Qz)

While SoL has the ability to fight set in and set out, we cannot ask or demand our allies, who don't share our bloodlust, to do the same.

It is our hope that this slight transformation lessens the insane time burden on the casual player across the entire server. We also hope that it will ease the backstabbing and shady maneuvering that has become 1a politics; or at least get the ball moving on that one.

The serverwide politics has lost its civility and honor of yesteryear, It is time to bring some of that back. Let it begin here.

Sons of Liberty
Head of War
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Sov Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 8:37:28

On the contrary, I made it very clear to SOL that their actions last set created a precedent which we would follow.