
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 17th 2010, 15:03:16

oh my god people just aren't reading our posts

there is no farm list, there is no evil anti-ely measures being enacted in LaF.

ely rejected our pact, they ran not so great countries, they talked crap to us... why is it LaF's fault that Ely is in a position where they are being hit a lot?

Like come on folks, let's call a spade a spade here.... I like ely, they were in LaF for a while a few years ago hiding from being tagkilled by IX & co, some old Ely members still play in LaF now, since they enjoyed it. But Ely has been on a downward slide for quite sometime... they got in a dumb war 2 sets ago, they were in Rage last set and basically caused the LaF vs Rage war to happen, and this set they come out with 4 countries, none of which are deterrents and refuse to pact LaF? LaF tried to leave Ely alone, but they didn't want any part of that... apparently.

Everyone on this server is going to be in for a rude awakening when new players come to this server and don't take part in FR negotiations, don't sign pacts... just hit everything that moves with no regard for the past, the status quo or anything else that this server clings to :p

As an admin, we're working on ways to alleviate the land situation (ghost acres was one way... but everyone still feels like they should never, ever be grabbed, so that change isn't really helping the way it should....)

also, regarding respect: if we were to NOT play to our utmost against people like Ely, that would show a lack of respect. Like we've all kept saying, we should be focusing on increasing the country quality of the little guys who feel they are being violated... not just complaining about it in public and hoping LaF's heart will grow 3 sizes on christmas eve or something...

Edited By: Pang on Aug 17th 2010, 15:27:33
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