
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 13th 2014, 14:58:00

lol sorry, but you right-leaning folks are completely clueless on this issue. It's interesting to see how you perceive the world outside of what you are familiar with and/or wish it was, but wow.

also, stop talking about training in every single, Angel1, it makes you look kind of like an ass who doesn't understand this issue to people like me who actually understand the socio-economic issues behind wages, particularly non-livable wages. you're living in a fantasy world where flow of labour is viscous and every worker/employer goes into the relationship looking for mutual growth on a long term trajectory to begin with.

that's not how it's been framed by anyone who feels minimum wage is helpful to society, but that's how each response seems to be framed.

Edited By: Pang on Apr 13th 2014, 15:07:38
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