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I'll do what I want Martain...
(For those of you who do not know, Martain and I co-GM'd MD in AstroEmpires for a couple of years together. I am allowed to take shots at him, and vice versa :) )
But yes, I am using Cheating loosely. FAing someone to the top spot is being a poor sport, and we don't like that.
I don't think LAF would have liked it either had they been netting that set...
Correct me if i am wrong - but i remember a laf member doing destructive spy ops on Evo`s prime country. Of course that happen in one of the few sets when Laf was not fighting Evo on the field ( aka the time when Laf and Evo were like Ukraine and Russia ).
Anyway my entire opinion is :
- Faing to rank 1 is stupid
- so is doing destructive spy ops
- so is land-trading, because you can`t really tell who`s a better netter when half of the server trades and the other half is starting to think they must start trading to achieve something.
I think the time for land bots has come.