
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:30:05

that's fine, then why are people complaining that we are performing more war-acts on them?

a state of war has existed for quite some time with Ely, whether it has been officially declared or not.

Peanut gallery, PLEASE REMEMBER:
-LaF offered elyisum a pact BEFORE the set started, which was rejected without ANY negotiation at all. Simply rejected just because we were LaF
-We attempted to broker an agreement, but were rejected again
-i PERSONALLY tried to broker a pact last night and today, and my messges to ZIP were not returned. They were read, but not returned. Marshal's replies to me today were short, and he ignored my last messages which included terms to start negotiating from.

The decisions Elysium made are what caused this to happen, and it would have been avoided if Elysium had done absolutely ANYTHING to try and be peaceful with us.

come on people... I know it's hard to think, but LaF did NOT want this to happen, and tried numerous times to stop it.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 24th 2010, 2:46:58
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