
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:52:20

The coalition, besides Ely, is pacted to LaF to my knowledge.

And we wanted to pact Ely too -- we didn't want to continue the beef from last set. They did. This is how it ended, unfortunately.

LaF doesn't want to run players from the server -- despite what you all think. The more players here, the more land there is, and that's positive for ALL netters.

If Ely had just played ball with LaF at all, this whole thing would have been avoided before it started.... everyone, PLEASE focus on that for a while. No one ever really brings that up, they just want to focus on big bad LaF hitting tiny, innocent ely.

If Ely wants to discuss pacting, they can contact us. We are still open to it, to my knowledge. Please do not blame us for the poor decisions Elysium's leadership made.

Here are the grabs made involving Ely all set:

AttClan DefClan total kills
zOMG ElySee 12 0
SancT50 ElySee 22 0
ElySee LaF 45 0
ElySee SoF 7 0
ElySee CFH 1 0
ElySee EVOata 2 0
ElySee ElySee 1 0
ElySee SancT50 1 0
EVOata ElySee 11 0
CFH ElySee 3 0
SoF ElySee 116 0
LCNostra ElySee 30 0
LaF ElySee 302 0

So, LCN, SoF, and Collab all farmed Ely quite a bit as well, without ANY reason to. It's not just a LaF problem, but LaF is getting all the blame. LaF is the only alliance with a legit reason to hit Ely.

So let's talk about the other alliances...

SoF, why are you guys farming Ely with 116 hits? Way to ruin the game, game ruiners!
LCN... 30 hits, you guys are killing what's left of the server :(
Collab... not only are you KILLING the game, you're posting hypocritical things on this thread.
To my knowledge, none of you had reasons to farm ely, other than trying to steal land and hope they don't notice because LaF is hitting. That's WAY lower than anything LaF is doing.
We actually OFFERED them a pact, unlike hypocrites like Collab, because we didn't WANT issues to happen.

Come on people.... look at the facts. LaF is not the big bad alliance you want us to be, we're a friendly bunch of folks looking to play the game and have a good time.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 24th 2010, 3:04:10
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