
Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 0:35:21

Welcome back to the game BobbyATA. BobbyATA had a good showing (46k land) until #177 ABed and GSed him (for double taps), and then a month later, MacXGee (#11) mass missiled him for another risky double tap.

Congrats to LATC for his second win, although a somewhat lucky one for oil prices to be staying so high throughout the reset. I've maintained (to oldman) years ago that winning the server is roughly 30% luck, you have to pick and run the right strat (indy vs farmer vs casher vs techer) from the first 100 turns, so my typical goal is to strife for the top country of my strat type. In this case, I narrowly lost to Crest(?) by 1.4m NW.

PaceBooM also self-deleted early in the reset.

Wondering which countries are grimjoww and eManny.