
Cee Game profile


Jul 19th 2014, 5:01:03

are horrible. As I type this my panic is at an all time high. Ive suffered with this horrible disability since I was young. You think after 30 years I'd learn a thing or two. I will admit they do not come often, but when they do, they cripple any man or woman. can anyone relate? My attacks come from and have come from something being wrong with me (sick) I did lose my job recently and I'm sure that is the major cause of this recent attack..

h3x Game profile


Jul 19th 2014, 5:54:20

Smoke a blunt and relax. Learn to accept life as it is. Break yourself out of those mental constraints that you have preconceived in your mind that once reached put you through such an awful state of anxiety. Assuming this is psychological. I feel your pain.

If it's something more serious like a "chemical imbalance" or so, go consult with a doctor.

Or learn how to simply say "fluff it" when fluff hits the fan.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2014, 11:38:14

Cee, before you start taking anything, go see your doc - a fair bit can be remedied (nb not solved) simply by counselling, talking through what sets you off, how you feel about some issues.

i hope things settled down mate
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Ivan Game profile


Jul 19th 2014, 12:19:59

how long does your panic attacks last for?

Boltar Game profile


Jul 19th 2014, 23:34:43

Rub one out. Should relax u a little

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jul 20th 2014, 23:16:36

Originally posted by Cee:
are horrible. As I type this my panic is at an all time high. Ive suffered with this horrible disability since I was young. You think after 30 years I'd learn a thing or two. I will admit they do not come often, but when they do, they cripple any man or woman. can anyone relate? My attacks come from and have come from something being wrong with me (sick) I did lose my job recently and I'm sure that is the major cause of this recent attack..

Just keep a I don't Give a F*** attitude and you will be fine.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2014, 5:07:41

diazapam...valium whatever
wasn't me...

Erian Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 8:25:46

I know how horrible panic attacks are. I had quite a few when I was younger, and I didn't know what it was at the time, which made it really scary. I thought I was dying... You can learn to cope with them however. It's not easy, but one piece of advice h3x offers I do wholeheartedly agree with is "learn how to simply say "fluff it" when fluff hits the fan.". It's the only way AFAIK. Just embrace the horror, and flow with it. If you are going to die, better to die relaxed anyway. Maybe it's fatalistic to think that way, but it helped me. Nowadays I don't really panic ever, so you can get over of it :) Still sometimes when I am really stressed out and tired I can feel my body start to "spin up" like it wants to do a panic attack, but I can recognize it and relax and calm down. If you let yourself experience this a few times you too will learn to control it. It really is about "letting" yourself go, not trying to control it by force.

Don't go for drugs though, you're just running from the problem then, and running will make it worse! Good luck!

Assassin Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 18:17:48

bane of my existence for the last 20+ years. back then, i'd never heard the term "panic attack" and went to emergency rooms maybe 15 times - only to be checked out, told everything was fine, and discharged. finally went to a psychiatrist because i figured i had to be crazy if i kept having these delusions that i was on the brink of death. he listened to me for five minutes, then rolled his chair across the room, pulled a book off the shelf, and showed me the panic attack section of the diagnostic and statistical manual. never felt such relief in my life, knowing there was a name for what i was going through and ways to deal with it.

i've tried all kinds of therapy etc. to deal with it, but what's worked best, by far, is better life through chemicals. daily regimen of prescriptions reduced the rate at which i had panic attacks by 95%, and "as needed" adjuncts made the rest go away after 15 minutes or so. they do tend to make you tired, but i'll take that any time over the alternative. other problem is you develop tolerances to the drugs over time, so they stop working. but, there are so many alternatives, finding a new one that works is usually pretty easy. just find a good psychopharmacologist and develop a good relationship where you're checking in regularly on how the meds are working and tweaking them when needed.

i can totally relate to how horrible they are. wouldn't wish them on anyone. feels like being tied to railroad tracks with a locomotive bearing down on you while an elephant's sitting on your chest and you're being waterboarded, all at once. i'd take intense physical pain over a panic attack every time, without hesitation. good luck.

Assassin Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 18:22:41

have to disagree with erian that drugs are running from the problem. taking insulin isn't running away from diabetes. by all means, if there's an underlying cause that's causing you added stress, deal with that as well. but the pernicious thing about panic attacks is that they can come out of the blue at any time for no apparent reason. even just carrying around a bottle of "as needed" meds helps, even if you end up never taking any of them, because you know you'll be able to get relief if you do have an attack. the worst attacks i've had have been when i forgot to have meds with me. do that a couple of times and you'll never leave home without them again.

Trife Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 23:11:06

Panic attacks?

Probably just being a diva and freaking out over nothing, chill the fluff out. Smoke a bowl and you'll be fine. In my experience folks with panic attacks are folks who just crave attention.

Dr troll has spoken

Juden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 0:59:04

My girlfriend has been suffering from panic attacks. Those do not come because she is worried or something has happened. They are just there and she doesnt notice until she goes to sleep. She got some pills for it which I think are anti depressant pills. After she started taking them anxiety and panic attacks stopped completely. Now when she´s trying to get pregnant she cant take the pills and the fluff started again :P So drugs do help in her situation. I guess where there is a pshycologial reason for this drugs arent the first or only option. I got panic attacks during exams in uni. I learned meditating which helps a lot and I also had sessions where I was my behaviour was "corrected" Basically they told me there was no reason for my drastic reaction. (drastic reaction was thinking i´d die during an oral exam) :P

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 1:05:18

I have Issues at times.
but I refuse to be Royce White.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Erian Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 9:15:53

I guess "running from the problem" is harsh and I'd agree that it's not even factually correct by itself. Drugs used properly can be a great thing, and help you get back to a good life, regardless of what the underlying reason is. For some people depending on their brain chemistry, I'm sure they are even necessary to have a decent life.

I do think however, that if you want to permanently deal with panic attacks you have to learn to do it without drugs. This is hard, hard as hell, and probably harder for some than others, if not impossible, but I also think that the vast majority of people can learn to deal with panic attacks without medication. It's not weird that you would suffer severe attacks if you depend on drugs and leave them at home of course. Regardless of whether it's a psychological trigger because you lack your support of having the meds as a go to, or a chemical imbalance from withdrawal, you're going to have a bad time forgetting meds in this situation.

That is not an uncommon perception sadly, troll or no. In my case however, I thought it was embarrassing as hell, and just wanted it to go away. Perversely that helped me because I eventually felt it was less embarrassing acknowledging and getting help for my underlying issues (as a young straight male I don't think this is very encouraged in any culture today) and in that process I learned to deal with the panic itself.