
TNTroXxor Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 14:51:48


Some of you may have seen on AT discussions and allegations about mods abusing their perms to look up SoF member's profiles and giving that information to our enemies. We gathered some evidence of this and requested admins investigate this issue. I will not go into details about the investigation or what we know took place during the investigation at this stage but needless to say nothing is being acted on as a result of the investigation.

One of our closest allies in RD was deleted for LESS than what we believe has occured against SoF, but because the mods in question were acting against SoF and in favor of the MD/SOL/Evo bloc (of which Pang and qzjul both support) we are yet to see any actions take place against the offenders.

This leads us to this serious discussion... What is the point of SoF continuing to fight against the admins if we are just going to be unfairly treated set in and set out. All we ask for is fairness and I do not believe we are getting it. As such it is time for us to consider our future in this game.

Next set is our 80th set. It will fall to SoF members to decide whether it should be our last or whether we will continue to do what we do and forge on knowing that we will not be treated fairly in the future.

We have also been told that if we post about this in public on AT we will be banned.

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

TNTroXxor Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 14:54:54

Just helping out since i dont play anymore... If they proceed to ban multiple sof for me posting this then i guess i've made the decision about sof future that much easier for baldy lol..

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Red X Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 15:09:48

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
Just helping out since i dont play anymore... If they proceed to ban multiple sof for me posting this then i guess i've made the decision about sof future that much easier for baldy lol..

Cry me a fluffing river, you won't get banned. This mod abuse, I have yet to see what you are talking about.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 15:14:26

Just because an accusation is made, doesn't mean inaction in your favor is favoratism toward those who oppose you... perhaps there was not enough evidence or your tin hat is on too tight.

I know nothing about the situation... but there seems to be a lot of shining around here from all sides. I trust the admins. If I (or you) don't... then the game is dead to us. Move along. Posting these fluffy paranoid threads only makes either side look like fools...
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

Sov Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 15:17:32

This was copy and pasted from within the SoF site. It was not intended for AT.

There is a lot of information we are not disclosing at this time.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 15:31:42

Well if people don't want to play that is plainly a matter for them.

I am intending to play in 1A next set and have been thinking that there are perhaps not enough crap clans about. So maybe I'll start one. If SoF don't need their site any more I'd have a use for it.

Let me know.

And if there are a couple old FIST members snoozing quietly around the place it may be that it would prove to be not so crappy a clan as all that. :)

tellarion Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 15:57:06

I, for one, would love to see the details. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything, but that doesn't make it true. Or are you still holding out hope that I was abusing my powers?

Sov Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:10:58

Martian told us he would ban us for discussing this on AT and as such we will not be responding to any of your claims nor will we be elaborating on anything here.

SoF knows something wrong happened. SoF is not happy with the response. SoF is discussing leaving the game. You do not need to know more than that.

Trife Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:18:01

We need the details!

Some other SOF member leak the more detailed details, pl0x!

tellarion Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:20:40

Let me correct that for you:

Sof suspects something wrong happened.

If you wish to avoid the threatened ban, send me the details in private. I have yet to hear anything, publicly or privately, that would actually incriminate anyone, so if you've got proof, I'd love to hear it.

Red X Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:23:00

I already asked for them, I was told greenboy had it.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Kalick Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:23:10

Originally posted by Sov:
Martian told us he would ban us for discussing this on AT and as such we will not be responding to any of your claims nor will we be elaborating on anything here.

SoF knows something wrong happened. SoF is not happy with the response. SoF is discussing leaving the game. You do not need to know more than that.

Buh bye.

Alin Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:49:13

Alin Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 16:55:11

There were no offenders. Rumors around my place says completely the opposite. We are not meant to post on AT either.

OF course the game owners and admins will support the side that was not caught breaking game rules, game data base, boxcar etc., share that info, in order to win some political battle or a stupid reset.

Home Turf Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 17:15:35

blah blah blah

iNouda Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 17:35:17

Sof abuse!

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 17:42:36

The Mods would have to face far fewer accusations of impropriety if they would just be more forthcoming about their actions.

This game needs transparency.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 17:59:28

This game needs an enema...
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

Heston Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 18:38:43

Tella should not be a mod. He is too active in the mickey mouse politics and is often in the front of the croud throwing fluff. You dont ask a crack head to sell your crack and expect either money or the crack in your hand at the end if the day.

Ill be there for the 80th and there if you all decide to fluff on this server..
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 3rd 2014, 18:48:01

yeah ok then.

Sov: this is called shooting yourself in the foot.

We are transparent as we can be. We aren't going to give people a manual on how to bypass our security or cheat. There is also such a thing as wanting to have all the facts first before doing anything rather than going on a baseless paranoid rant.

When I was president of sof I never had a rule about posting stuff to AT what makes you think now that I'm not involved that I would start now. Maybe it's because I hate secretly sof.. or maybe it's just the bromance.

when it comes to this type of thing I don't take sides. because of my prior associations with sof in some situations certain tags/players are not as comfortable approaching me so they go to qz. That's totally fine. But it does slow things down.

Whatever you *think* you know... you don't know fluff bro.

I don't share certain things publicly because people come forward to me in confidence.. I don't post anything because I don't have all the facts yet and/or there is nothing postworthy yet.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
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