
LATC Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 0:14:57

IF(country gains a turn)
bonus_to_give = 0
IF(logout_timer_12 WAS SET more than 12 hours ago)
bonus_to_give = bonus_to_give + 3
SET logout_timer_12
if(logout_timer_18 WAS SET more than 18 hours ago){
bonus_to_give = bonus_to_give + 3
SET logout_timer_12
SET logout_timer_18

Originally posted by qzjul:

Technically, if you play every 6 hours all set, you end up with an average of 8 turns per day, over a 72h cycle. However you'll have a smaller PM &etc; if there ends up being any sorts of abuse with this we can always tweak stuff, but I don't anticipate anything too extreme.

Let's try to explain this better.

- Its two completely separate timers now - 12h and 18h, let's call them timer A and timer B.
- Each timer rewards you with 3 bonus turns when they are reached.
- BUT you only get your bonus when you access your country.
- When you get your bonus, the timer resets FOR THAT COUNTER ONLY. So if you access your country at the 12th hr timer A resets to 0, but timer B keeps running since it has not been reached.
- So assuming you are always accessing your country from day 1, bonuses are given as follows:
> 12h Timer: hours 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc
> 18h Timer: hours 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, etc
- So you actually get rewarded now for being online essentially every 6 hrs vs before where you got rewarded for being offline for 18h at a time.

Think of it as two oven's baking pies. Oven A bakes a pie every 12h, oven B bakes a pie every 18h. You can thus get a pie from oven A every 12h and from oven B every 18h. But if you only collect pies from the ovens once a day (every 24 hours) you only have 2 pies a day. Whereas if you check on your ovens every 6h you can collect a pie at hour 12 from oven A and put in a new one to bake, collect a pie from oven B at hour 18 and put in a new one to bake, etc.
Edit: Realized he resets the 12h timer at the 18h bonus. Forget everything I said =(

Edited By: LATC on Aug 30th 2014, 0:28:30
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Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?