
mdevol Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 5:36:45

Originally posted by aponic:

1. SOF ran attrition wars and that was my main complaint about Ivan. It continued on with some of SOFs current leadership. I see that SOL and MD have moved towards exercising similar tactics. I am not trying to put down SOL and MD for doing so but simply pointing out the degeneration of the game. In addition, I do not feel that attrition style wars began with SOF but that they have predominated in the shrinking server we play in.

2. I don't flame Colonel Chaos. I rightfully flame Makinso for treating me underhandedly and you as well. Further, in general, the only SOL leadership I troll/flame is you. No one accuses me of flaming MD leadership as they tend to be normal stable individuals. I think a case could be made that I have treated Tellarion unfairly and not read his posts through before commenting multiple times. Tella: I recognize that I have made some baseless comments on your posts.

3. There were block wars and SOL/MD/LCN block pacted for a long time. I don't really see any point in continuing #3 as both sides targeted each other. You could point out legitimately that targeting was likely one way for a long time but there has certainly been the reverse in recent sets. As it is obvious to everyone, what is the point of saying SOF targeted those alliances? Those alliances have now targeted SOF while having the advantage. The argument is ridiculous because it is unending. Clearly, when either side has an advantage, they are leveraging it.

4. You treated me with severe disrespect. You shared logs of us talking in private. You attacked my character and belittled my position within my alliance. Why would I talk to you in private? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don't want to talk to you because it is always a terrible experience.. Since I come here in the attempt to have fun, there is no reason to subject myself to the misery of discussions with you.

5. I cannot stress enough that your constant misinterpretations of everything I say and one sided take on everything leads me to display animosity towards you. You are certainly right that I could ignore you, but why should I? You generally stink up the board with a bunch of trash.

1) Of all of the wars since you came back to SoF, how many times did SoF get hit to begin war? 1 that is all. 1. The SoL/SoF 1v1. Every other war that SoF has been a part of since you have been back in leadership has been started by SoF. Don't tell me that SoL/MD are pushing attrition wars. Perhaps if you don't declare war on day 10, you wouldn't be in them. Just a thought.

SoL has tried to avoid attrition wars, that is why last reset we arranged a week 6 war with MD, and why we are currently discussion a potential late reset war with RAGE sometime down the line, when you allow these stupid grudge/power grab wars to end.

2) I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

3) As long as I have been in leadership in SoL there has been 1 reset that there was a block back. Only one. There have been situations where we have made it clear that if you guys were going to isolate our ally we were not going to pact you, so we were waiting for them to get a pact before we signed. That lead us to the war over the holidays. I have no regrets about standing up for our large allies and our small allies in that regard but it is far from block pacting and nothing close to what SoF/RD were doing before RD got the boot.

4) Then don't complain about us not trying to fix this issue if you, yourself are unwilling to turn the page and resolve it. I have tried to put down the sword. Sharing the logs was fluffty, I get that. I shouldn't have done it. I learned from it and moved on. As for attacking your character, all along I am pretty sure I have defended your character. I was sympathetic with the position you were put in because it was clear to everybody what was going to come of it regardless of who was in that position. Xyle was responsible for that, not you.

5) It is pretty strange that, for the most part, you and symac are the only 2 that have that issue with me. The constant misinterpretations. Perhaps it is in your writing style, I don't know. But I don't really have that with other people in this game. Do I have a 1 sided take on everything? Not everything, but yea, some things. That is part of politics. You do that too. Does that mean I am incapable of doing so? No. But the only people that even talk to me in leadership on your side of the spectrum are probably not the ones you want talking to me if you are worried about interpretations. But, alas...

Edited By: mdevol on Sep 11th 2014, 5:39:58
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Heston Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 6:03:46

Get private accommodations for the mutual masturbation session that will surely follow after you find your long lost respect for eachother.
If not then step up the personal attacks plz and thx.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Academus Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 7:34:15

lol bonus

Link Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 7:35:40


I Am a meat popsicle.


MauricXe Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 16:32:19

heh aponic, no use wasting your time. you are obviously a level headed and objective individual.

how many posters would admit they make bad postings and arguments like you did with tella? how many other posters admit their alliance has done a few shady things without qualification? i.e. the attrition wars.

despite his LONG record of being bottom of the barrel, mdevol wants you think he has changed. I think you are well in your right to not trust him. Look no further than his recent use of your recorded phone call (not to mention his most recent narrative on SoL's innocence). I don't see how any trustworthy actor could cite that and use it against you. moreover, he then conflates it with general SOL bashing. That is also exactly what you were talking about in point number 5. You aren't the only one that notices that nonsense, and it's not just a few people.



Sep 11th 2014, 16:46:29

Ding ding ding ding.... we have a weiner!

VictorSOL Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 19:58:00


Alin Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 20:28:13

Originally posted by MauricXe:
heh aponic, no use wasting your time. you are obviously a level headed and objective individual.

how many posters would admit they make bad postings and arguments like you did with tella? how many other posters admit their alliance has done a few shady things without qualification? i.e. the attrition wars.

despite his LONG record of being bottom of the barrel, mdevol wants you think he has changed. I think you are well in your right to not trust him. Look no further than his recent use of your recorded phone call (not to mention his most recent narrative on SoL's innocence). I don't see how any trustworthy actor could cite that and use it against you. moreover, he then conflates it with general SOL bashing. That is also exactly what you were talking about in point number 5. You aren't the only one that notices that nonsense, and it's not just a few people.

Despite your attempt to dress your post, it is obviously that, if you really wanted to tell aponic something you could tell him all those words in private.

However, your intention is not to give aponic a wake up call, but to paint mdevol (Sol) into something ( they are not ).

mdevol Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 22:32:09

Originally posted by MauricXe:
heh aponic, no use wasting your time. you are obviously a level headed and objective individual.

how many posters would admit they make bad postings and arguments like you did with tella? how many other posters admit their alliance has done a few shady things without qualification? i.e. the attrition wars.

despite his LONG record of being bottom of the barrel, mdevol wants you think he has changed. I think you are well in your right to not trust him. Look no further than his recent use of your recorded phone call (not to mention his most recent narrative on SoL's innocence). I don't see how any trustworthy actor could cite that and use it against you. moreover, he then conflates it with general SOL bashing. That is also exactly what you were talking about in point number 5. You aren't the only one that notices that nonsense, and it's not just a few people.

If you have read my posts, MauricXe, you would see that I have a long record of condemning some of the actions and tactics of previous SoL leaders. I have been very consitent on that because that was one of the main reasons that I stepped up into leadership. Furthermore, I also do admit when I am wrong, if I am wrong. If you took off your blinders you would see that.

I hope you are not still bitter about me calling you out on your country name. I have noticed that the Buckeyes theme has been missing as of late. At least scott doesnt run from his country theme.

What is incorrect in my "narrative of SoL's innocence?" I would love to see how it is wrong. Do you have evidence? I would like to see it, so far I have seen none. And since the accusations invole me directly, I think I have a better understanding of it than you do. But if you have anything, I would love to see it. Until then it is just...what is the term, baseless?

As far as your defending him on point 4 MauricXe, you, scott, and iScode have 0 standing. The points he made in 4 are directly what you three attempted to do to me. You failed of course because the points you were trying to make dont apply to this server and the leaders on here saw through it but you tried hard for about a month anyways. Getting numerous threads closed in the process. (Those damn bias mods anyways!)

Also, Go Green, Go White!
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

macmd Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 0:03:03

Originally posted by hoop:
Can we just all agree MD is the worst alliance of all time and be done with it?

def agreed

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 1:13:49

2 things....

How could I run from "my country theme" if I haven't played in SoF for about half a year? moreover, you mentioned yet another piece of evidence against your character....trying to expose country names on AT. congrats for trying to call me out....but in the process you broke AT rules lol. iirc, you had to edit those posts. very bush league and unfitting for a leader in a major alliance.

I don't know all of what happened between you and iscode... because I wasn't involved and cause I forgot. what i am using as my basis are the things I listed, the stuff aponic mentioned, and you trying to 'expose' my country on AT. Aponic shouldn't trust you because you have a looooong history.

I have no desire to get into a long AT debate with you about politics. 1st, we both know how this will go.....there will be no budging from you (and you can say the same for me idc). I've already seen your exchanges with aponic, and I remember some of our previous exchanges. You will stick to your narrative, no budging, and more importantly you see things a bit differently. Moreover, it's a bit difficult to talk to you (see point #5). You jumped on something I said and immediately tied it to your situation with iScode.....leaps of logic, huge assumptions, and tinfoil hats are still your thing I see.

2nd, I don't really care enough about this game's politics to debate with you, Alin, Tella, etc.

mdevol Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 1:42:13

Originally posted by MauricXe:
2 things....

How could I run from "my country theme" if I haven't played in SoF for about half a year? moreover, you mentioned yet another piece of evidence against your character....trying to expose country names on AT. congrats for trying to call me out....but in the process you broke AT rules lol. iirc, you had to edit those posts. very bush league and unfitting for a leader in a major alliance.

I don't know all of what happened between you and iscode... because I wasn't involved and cause I forgot. what i am using as my basis are the things I listed, the stuff aponic mentioned, and you trying to 'expose' my country on AT. Aponic shouldn't trust you because you have a looooong history.

I have no desire to get into a long AT debate with you about politics. 1st, we both know how this will go.....there will be no budging from you (and you can say the same for me idc). I've already seen your exchanges with aponic, and I remember some of our previous exchanges. You will stick to your narrative, no budging, and more importantly you see things a bit differently. Moreover, it's a bit difficult to talk to you (see point #5). You jumped on something I said and immediately tied it to your situation with iScode.....leaps of logic, huge assumptions, and tinfoil hats are still your thing I see.

2nd, I don't really care enough about this game's politics to debate with you, Alin, Tella, etc.

If you dont care enough about this games politics why interject yourself directly into this games politics like you just did?

As Alin noted, you didnt have to post on AT what you did. You did it for a reason.

Edited By: mdevol on Sep 12th 2014, 1:50:07
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 1:53:21

Oh, and so you know, my LONNNGG history extends to about 2 resets before you left SoF. Before I was in leadership (1 year ago) I was mostly unknown in 1a and rarely posted on AT. Good try though.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Sep 12th 2014, 2:01:33

He probably has no desire to log into irc... not everyone here lives their entire life on this game.

You just hate it when people call you out for acting like a complete asshat. End of story.

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 2:03:02

me poking fun at you has nothing to do with politics. not too hard to put 2 and 2 together there is it? i've avoided most of the political debates on this board. i almost got sucked into one on the RD post but i stepped out.

lol @ you attacking "long history". the point is you have a lot of dings on your record and not very many reasons to show you are trustworthy or of high character. it was rather obvious that i was listing your actions....not correlating it to specific dates. you can do wait....nm.

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 2:06:44

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
He probably has no desire to log into irc... not everyone here lives their entire life on this game.

You just hate it when people call you out for acting like a complete asshat. End of story.

ding ding ding lol

mdevol Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 2:21:24

Hahaha. Scott, the model of perfect behavior, calling me an asshat. Haha.

That is funny.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Sep 12th 2014, 2:47:06

You only have 2 hats... tin foil, and anus.

The mere fact you believe you deserve to be addressed in private is amusing.

mdevol Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 2:47:08

A lot of dings? Ha. You know very very little about me.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

FailDiegoFail Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 2:49:57

never cease fireeeee

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 12th 2014, 3:34:23

During the first few resets of the EE server, a few of us tried to create a conversation on restructuring how war was done, and why it was done. That conversation actually had the support of the admins....

It got nowhere, and the current situation was predicted.

The game is on a suicide Spiral. And as it shrinks, the intensity of toxicity increases.

The bullied, becomes the bully, who becomes the bullied, etc
but each round there's fewer people.

My solution,

disband the alliance server, keep the other server open for a short time, and rewrite the game using different graphics, and gaming dynamics that are designed for mobile platforms.

that's the only way this thing survives
Z is #1

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 12th 2014, 3:39:29

PS, and I fully admit that after failing to change the dynamic, that I got upset when SOF dropped LCN for very little reason (just an excuse to war) and beat LCN down to 10 members.

I stepped in and intentionally demonized Sov, so he can eat taste his own medicine. It worked, brilliantly, (with lots of luck and great teamwork), and worked to the point that I feel it may have worked too well.

I became the very thing I originally argued against.

The only way this changes, is if ALL parties come to the table, and figure out a way (which would include 1-2 sets of no wars give time for things to cool off.) figure out a way to change the way war is done and the way it is justified.
Z is #1

Makinso Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 8:19:09

Once again if anyone wants to end hostilities feel free to contact us.

Alin Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 8:34:08

And if not ?

I am looking for a way to not contact you

Alin Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 8:37:21

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
You only have 2 hats... tin foil, and anus.

The mere fact you believe you deserve to be addressed in private is amusing.

Thread intelligence level was cut to half with this guy presence.
As a protest, everyone should just post idiotic comments for 12 hours. Period to be extended to 24 hours if the process repeats.

Alin Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 8:37:59




Sep 12th 2014, 12:36:52

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
You only have 2 hats... tin foil, and anus.

The mere fact you believe you deserve to be addressed in private is amusing.

Thread intelligence level was cut to half with this guy presence.
As a protest, everyone should just post idiotic comments for 12 hours. Period to be extended to 24 hours if the process repeats.

How would anyone know you are protesting? I don't see anything unusually stupid coming from you yet. Just your normal la me comments.

En4cer Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 18:50:56


timmie Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 4:38:14

Originally posted by Servant:
During the first few resets of the EE server, a few of us tried to create a conversation on restructuring how war was done, and why it was done. That conversation actually had the support of the admins....

It got nowhere, and the current situation was predicted.

The game is on a suicide Spiral. And as it shrinks, the intensity of toxicity increases.

The bullied, becomes the bully, who becomes the bullied, etc
but each round there's fewer people.

My solution,

disband the alliance server, keep the other server open for a short time, and rewrite the game using different graphics, and gaming dynamics that are designed for mobile platforms.

that's the only way this thing survives

I think this pretty much nailed the now and the future of this game in the best way i've ever read it.

Academus Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 13:59:51

pwned bonus

tellarion Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 16:34:10

Honestly, I feel I can speak on behalf of pretty much everyone on our 'block' that we don't like how things are. I think there is a LOT of animosity directed towards Sof, and Sov especially. You'll notice that Sof has very few allies at this point. Without being a fluff, there's a fairly clear reason for that.

Also, again speaking on our side's behalf, there has been a constant debate on how to move forward from here. We don't want this cycle to continue, and we're talking almost daily on how to change things. Yes, some people do want to rub it in Sof's collective faces and make them eat fluff, but the majority of us don't want that. We will do it if necessary, but we don't want to keep pushing the same BS over and over.

Personally, I think there needs to be a few changes in ground rules. One: Get rid of the early set wars. That's just long and grueling, even for the warring alliances. This set is a perfect example of that. Sof was so desperate to get the FS that they jumped the gun before they and their allies were ready. This war was decided in less than a week, to be honest :/ That's not fun for ANYONE(although there is a case to be made for being the underdog and managing to bring down a goliath, but that's 1 big kill for every 10-20 deaths...).

A second change would be to change up the targets. Sof vs Sol or Sof vs MD is boring if it's every set. Speaking for Evo, I'd like to war some of our friends, like PDM or LCN, or even Rival again. MD/Sol has had to be pretty much permanently ready to defend against Sof(or attack, as the case may be) for what, 2 years now? Pretty stagnant if you ask me. People have been clamoring for a Sof vs Laf matchup for 2 years; why not give it a try and have fun? Take a break and have Sol vs MD, Sof vs Laf?

My third suggestion would be better communication between alliances, on both sides of the fence. 'Our side' has managed to increase our communication incredibly over the past year, and you can see where that has gotten us. Aside from a few hiccups(for example, lcn smacking rage about suddenly), we have all moved in roughly the same direction, and have tried to look out for each other. Communication works. I mean fluff, we have had Arsenal, Servant, myself, Randy, mdevol, makinso, trife, ivan and tan all in the same chat, and it's been great. This community is too small to support the underhanded bullfluff from years past. Let's just focus on having fun and shoot the fluff on the boards and ingame.

Furious999 Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 16:38:14

Enjoy the game. Other things will look after themselves.

Home Turf Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 17:35:58

blah blah blah blah

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 19:05:22

Originally posted by tellarion:
Honestly, I feel I can speak on behalf of pretty much everyone on our 'block' that we don't like how things are. I think there is a LOT of animosity directed towards Sof, and Sov especially. You'll notice that Sof has very few allies at this point. Without being a fluff, there's a fairly clear reason for that.

Also, again speaking on our side's behalf, there has been a constant debate on how to move forward from here. We don't want this cycle to continue, and we're talking almost daily on how to change things. Yes, some people do want to rub it in Sof's collective faces and make them eat fluff, but the majority of us don't want that. We will do it if necessary, but we don't want to keep pushing the same BS over and over.

Personally, I think there needs to be a few changes in ground rules. One: Get rid of the early set wars. That's just long and grueling, even for the warring alliances. This set is a perfect example of that. Sof was so desperate to get the FS that they jumped the gun before they and their allies were ready. This war was decided in less than a week, to be honest :/ That's not fun for ANYONE(although there is a case to be made for being the underdog and managing to bring down a goliath, but that's 1 big kill for every 10-20 deaths...).

A second change would be to change up the targets. Sof vs Sol or Sof vs MD is boring if it's every set. Speaking for Evo, I'd like to war some of our friends, like PDM or LCN, or even Rival again. MD/Sol has had to be pretty much permanently ready to defend against Sof(or attack, as the case may be) for what, 2 years now? Pretty stagnant if you ask me. People have been clamoring for a Sof vs Laf matchup for 2 years; why not give it a try and have fun? Take a break and have Sol vs MD, Sof vs Laf?

My third suggestion would be better communication between alliances, on both sides of the fence. 'Our side' has managed to increase our communication incredibly over the past year, and you can see where that has gotten us. Aside from a few hiccups(for example, lcn smacking rage about suddenly), we have all moved in roughly the same direction, and have tried to look out for each other. Communication works. I mean fluff, we have had Arsenal, Servant, myself, Randy, mdevol, makinso, trife, ivan and tan all in the same chat, and it's been great. This community is too small to support the underhanded bullfluff from years past. Let's just focus on having fun and shoot the fluff on the boards and ingame.

Come back in 2 resets after Sof regains 30-40 members in allies.

Eat your own words.

Hawkster Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 20:12:19

Originally posted by Servant:
During the first few resets of the EE server, a few of us tried to create a conversation on restructuring how war was done, and why it was done. That conversation actually had the support of the admins....

It got nowhere, and the current situation was predicted.

The game is on a suicide Spiral. And as it shrinks, the intensity of toxicity increases.

The bullied, becomes the bully, who becomes the bullied, etc
but each round there's fewer people.

My solution,

disband the alliance server, keep the other server open for a short time, and rewrite the game using different graphics, and gaming dynamics that are designed for mobile platforms.

that's the only way this thing survives

Why does war have to be restructured? Were there problems with wars in e2025? If so than maybe I can understand need for change, but from what all I have heard that is not the case. So if not, than what has changed on server here where you or anyone else thinks it needs to be restructured?

Solution are the clan policies and the players themselves need to change. Your solution sucks and completely ignores the whole point of this game, which is war game with big social aspect. Just because the social aspect sucks, doesnt make the fundamentals of the game bad. More importantly your solution means I stop playing as alliance is only server I care for.

Originally posted by Servant:
The only way this changes, is if ALL parties come to the table, and figure out a way (which would include 1-2 sets of no wars give time for things to cool off.) figure out a way to change the way war is done and the way it is justified.

No wars in a war game? War has to be justified? WRONG. This is a game after all, if you want game involves only growing a country, go play one of those.
Do clans need to communicate better and get together? YES of course, but an even better suggestion is to get rid of all the negativity in the forums and endless putting others down constantly. Once that is done, than maybe, just maybe you can start addressing and working on fixing some of the other social aspects to the game. That kinda stuff should be done in private one vs one elsewhere.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 3:29:18

Yeah I know Alin. But I want to avoid that. It's not fun and it's not productive. We should be having fun with this game...



Sep 14th 2014, 4:02:40

Originally posted by tellarion:
Yeah I know Alin. But I want to avoid that. It's not fun and it's not productive. We should be having fun with this game...

Ding ding ding!



Sep 14th 2014, 8:57:10

Please grow in NW so I can hit u

aponic Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 15:45:44

Originally posted by tellarion:
Honestly, I feel I can speak on behalf of pretty much everyone on our 'block' that we don't like how things are. I think there is a LOT of animosity directed towards Sof, and Sov especially. You'll notice that Sof has very few allies at this point. Without being a fluff, there's a fairly clear reason for that.

Also, again speaking on our side's behalf, there has been a constant debate on how to move forward from here. We don't want this cycle to continue, and we're talking almost daily on how to change things. Yes, some people do want to rub it in Sof's collective faces and make them eat fluff, but the majority of us don't want that. We will do it if necessary, but we don't want to keep pushing the same BS over and over.

Personally, I think there needs to be a few changes in ground rules. One: Get rid of the early set wars. That's just long and grueling, even for the warring alliances. This set is a perfect example of that. Sof was so desperate to get the FS that they jumped the gun before they and their allies were ready. This war was decided in less than a week, to be honest :/ That's not fun for ANYONE(although there is a case to be made for being the underdog and managing to bring down a goliath, but that's 1 big kill for every 10-20 deaths...).

A second change would be to change up the targets. Sof vs Sol or Sof vs MD is boring if it's every set. Speaking for Evo, I'd like to war some of our friends, like PDM or LCN, or even Rival again. MD/Sol has had to be pretty much permanently ready to defend against Sof(or attack, as the case may be) for what, 2 years now? Pretty stagnant if you ask me. People have been clamoring for a Sof vs Laf matchup for 2 years; why not give it a try and have fun? Take a break and have Sol vs MD, Sof vs Laf?

My third suggestion would be better communication between alliances, on both sides of the fence. 'Our side' has managed to increase our communication incredibly over the past year, and you can see where that has gotten us. Aside from a few hiccups(for example, lcn smacking rage about suddenly), we have all moved in roughly the same direction, and have tried to look out for each other. Communication works. I mean fluff, we have had Arsenal, Servant, myself, Randy, mdevol, makinso, trife, ivan and tan all in the same chat, and it's been great. This community is too small to support the underhanded bullfluff from years past. Let's just focus on having fun and shoot the fluff on the boards and ingame.

You are saying quite a few things in this post and I don't want to marginalize that but I would like to tell you the general vibe I get. You have a block of alliances that actively focus all of their efforts on sof. You have an expectation that sof should remove xyle as leader. You have a bunch of leaders in a chat who might otherwise not get along but have been united by a beat down. What I don't get any feeling of is that you want the server to grow with sof. Its more of a remove sof and everything is great. Remove xyle and everything is great. You want to move forward? Include us in these chats. Stop lamenting that sof took the first strike - we were told by evolution members foe example ad early as last set that there would be vengeance for sof hitting md. It is a fault that we hit first but we were already looking down a gun.

To be clear, I am pointing out that you offer no reasonable path forward. Irs just a you said, xyle sucks, ultimatum that, hooray us dialogue that has been said on both sides for two years

aponic Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 15:50:12

PS - great example of the server problems is colonel chaos and I. We came in as new reasonable leaders on both sides but no one placed faith in our authority. This type of unwillingness to move forward prevents new leaders from making headway both politically and internally.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 16:28:23

Originally posted by aponic:
PS - great example of the server problems is colonel chaos and I. We came in as new reasonable leaders on both sides but no one placed faith in our authority. This type of unwillingness to move forward prevents new leaders from making headway both politically and internally.

I offer no reasonable path forward? Do you think CC is operating in a complete vacuum? Myself and several others are encouraging these talks. I absolutely agree with CC's stance in most things. I think we should all sit down and talk things out, and I know the first steps have already been taken. We're ready to come to the table and discuss things, and we want you to be there.

What Sof does internally is sof's business, not ours. Yes, a LOT of people dislike Sov and his way of doing things. Yes, some people want Sof out of the game. I am not one of those people, and most of us aren't thinking that way. Do I think Sof would be better off if Sov stepped back from directing Sof? Absolutely, and I'm not hiding my opinion on that one.

Sof's past actions have lead to this set, whether you think them justified or not. Evolution doesn't have over half the server against them. MD and Sol don't either. You do realize that almost every single alliance was involved in this war, and only 3 of them were on your side(including Sof). I don't have to spout useless rhetoric; it is what it is. People feel threatened by Sof's approach to war and politics. If you like how things are, then you don't have to change anything, of course. If you guys also want to move forward, then something has to change.

Again, that being said, there are probably many things we could do on our end as well. So why don't we get together and talk about how to move things forward from here? AT is probably not the proper place for this, since everything gets twisted out of control and nothing good ever happens here(party my fault :P).

tellarion Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 16:31:48

Also, I mentioned 2 easy fixes that would solve a lot of the more annoying aspects of war on this server. 1) No more early wars that go for 2 months straight and result in fatigue. 2) Change up the lineup.

Obviously this would require tacit agreement not to hit each other, but I don't think that should be such an issue. As it currently stands, if one side violates an agreement like that, they will pay for it the following set. We'll just have to ease off and trust each other. We're all adults, I don't see why we can't give it a try for one set..

mdevol Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 19:45:13

Originally posted by aponic:
PS - great example of the server problems is colonel chaos and I. We came in as new reasonable leaders on both sides but no one placed faith in our authority. This type of unwillingness to move forward prevents new leaders from making headway both politically and internally.

I take exception to this. I am perfectly reasonable. Would you believe it if I told you that I was one of the people pushing with CC to move talks forward, as a collective, including leaders from every alliance?

I know you don't see me in the best light and we don't have exactly the best recent history, but we do want to come to the table and we have been reaching out for it for the last 4-5 resets. The doublespeak and the sudden 180's trying to exploit the new leadership does more damage long term than being forward and honest all along.

Hopefully, LaF SoF and RAGE accept the invitation to come to the table that has been sent out.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

aponic Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 22:53:17

Tella, half the server did not declare on sof. Most of the server declared on rage. Regardless of how hated sof might be, you ask us to come to a table half filled with people considering forcing sof out of the game. How can we have a conversation under those pretenses? I mean, it's a great move forward but how is this going to go? Am I supposed to trust makinso? Mdevol? Are you going to trust xyle or me?

Mdevol, you are not reasonable and no one cares

Riddler Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 23:07:08

Originally posted by tellarion:
We'll just have to ease off and trust each other. We're all adults, I don't see why we can't give it a try for one set..

Sorry I had to chuckle at the statement, "we're all adults", can't really tell it reading the AT.

ok I'll leave the convo again

mdevol Game profile


Sep 15th 2014, 4:56:03

Originally posted by aponic:
Tella, half the server did not declare on sof. Most of the server declared on rage. Regardless of how hated sof might be, you ask us to come to a table half filled with people considering forcing sof out of the game. How can we have a conversation under those pretenses? I mean, it's a great move forward but how is this going to go? Am I supposed to trust makinso? Mdevol? Are you going to trust xyle or me?

Mdevol, you are not reasonable and no one cares

There are roughly 30 less countries hitting SoF than hitting RAGE, and RAGE was a low-priority target for the SoL/PDM/EVO/MD front of the war. Our focus was clear and it was well executed. Those others hitting rage were not needed to declare on SoF, so they didn't. That is the only difference.

I still don't understand where you get "half filled with people trying to force SoF out of the game" Are you guys that paranoid that you think that is the case? Because it isn't. It hasn't been the entire time you have been back in leadership. I know this because that hasn't been the case since I have been in leadership. Despite some obvious reasons for it to be plausible, it isn't the case.

As for me being reasonable, I am confident that you are in the very small minority of leaders in this game that don't find me reasonable. There is that. Hell, I would be even bet that the RAGE leaders that have actually talked to me find me to be reasonable.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Sep 15th 2014, 6:51:16

Originally posted by aponic:
Tella, half the server did not declare on sof. Most of the server declared on rage. Regardless of how hated sof might be, you ask us to come to a table half filled with people considering forcing sof out of the game. How can we have a conversation under those pretenses? I mean, it's a great move forward but how is this going to go? Am I supposed to trust makinso? Mdevol? Are you going to trust xyle or me?

Mdevol, you are not reasonable and no one cares

If we as a group had wanted sof gone, we wouldn't have let up over the past year. We had the numbers to follow through on it, and we made a conscious, collective decision to back off and try to avoid doing what we feel sof did for two years. The precedent is there to back up my statements.

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2014, 6:52:34


Alin Game profile


Sep 15th 2014, 8:37:35

Aponic is turning into Sov day by day. Altought some hands were reach out it is clear that Sof is not taking them. They pretty much count on the fact that not all of the alliances that rally up to war this reset, will do the same next one, too. Fine, by my book of playing 1A. Nailing Sof is what i do and like.

The only ones, that have the "tools" to switch the way this server wars, are the admins. Some new rules of engagement should be written and applied. Otherwise this circle will never end. The main alliances btw the "big boys" are to tight at this moment to be broken.

I see three possible scenarios for the next 2-3 resets:

1. A "Sofside" ally becomes neutral or switch sides. Sof is forced to war even and/or prearranged.

2. A Md/Sol ally becomes neutral or switch sides. New server war as retribution.

3. No one switch sides. Sof seeks retribution against whomever they could. Laf seeks the same against 1.Evo 2.Sol. Not sure how much more bathing into the "mud of day 10-15 wars" can Laf take for being allied with Sof, and Sof being unable to rally up to war latter than ^.

iNouda Game profile


Sep 15th 2014, 8:56:29

Alin is a dirty netter!
