
Trife Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 1:05:48

Originally posted by Boltar:
plz someone explain to me where its the right thing to do, via discipline or otherwise to beat a 4 yr old to where he or she bleeds?

because adrian peterson was likely beaten/whipped as a child until he bled! plus the fact that he still turned out to be a NFL star after likely being abused like that makes it perfectly fine! duh, boltard you hippy liberal bastard!


'it needs to be upon conviction and not upon charging. Unless it is an open and shut case.'

that made me laugh out loud. thanks

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 1:16:30

hope solo...

woman= commits big deal

man = commits crime..oh lawd ah mighty cant save his soul!!

did any order this side of double standards..... anyone?
The Death Knights


bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 1:23:42

The Death Knights


bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 1:25:36

i skimmed the article, but what came to mind was micheal phelps.

he was suspended for what..3 months? for poking the smot. i dont believe he was ever charged with a crime but was only found guiilt by the people who run the us sports crap.

she has actually been charged with a crime. but we all know if your woman you get a pass.
The Death Knights


Twain Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 1:51:33

bstrong: Nothing better than trying to derail a thread by screaming sexism.

The reason everyone cares about Adrian Peterson and other players in the NFL and not about Hope Solo isn't because of their gender. It's because EVERYONE watches the NFL, the sponsorships are MUCH greater, and clearly the NFL is having a bit more of an epidemic of bad press right now, with about a half dozen different players being in the public eye for different legal issues.

But you keep holding onto the fact that it's because the media is conspiring to push some feminist agenda. That's TOTALLY gotta be it.

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 2:37:09

Honestly, i really dont care. Was having a conversation with my wifey about it all. Thats how i got to hope solo. She reads these forums from time to time whenever there is a decent enough thread to read. Its.not about sexicism though. Rather the media being the bain of everyones existence. True dominance on the front of what they want to be a big deal and what they dont.

Everyone has there right to a due process. And the nfl clearly is being derailed from some like dumb dumbs in this thread and the media. It amuses me to no end when fluff hits the fan in the media and trickles to these forums.

But if you cant connect the dots between certain situations, then i am done here.

Phelps, suspended 3 months for a photo.

Solo, nada for being arrested.

Big time nfl players, getting derailed before due process is finished.

Rice, was fluffed all around. Regardless of what he did. Tje facts were out. The video only backed up what we all knew really happened.

Its all a crock of fluff. Fueled by biased media and public opinion.
The Death Knights


mdevol Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 2:56:44

That is the problem with the court of public opinion, that court makes a decision of the case at hand before the court of law does.

Yet when the they are defending has everything to lose they say "wait lets let it play out in court before casting judgement"
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 2:58:32

And as for you not thiking the media has a bias, and an agenda to push on this race, hahaha
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mrford Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 4:02:17

Lol, I just read an ESPN article talking about hardy. He will not be able to play until atleast November when his court date is.

The article then went on to rationalize that if hardy wanted to play sooner, be could plead guilty, take the 6 game suspension, and be back on the field 3 week's sooner.

This is a spectacular precedent to set lol.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mdevol Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 5:37:22

Originally posted by mrford:
Lol, I just read an ESPN article talking about hardy. He will not be able to play until atleast November when his court date is.

The article then went on to rationalize that if hardy wanted to play sooner, be could plead guilty, take the 6 game suspension, and be back on the field 3 week's sooner.

This is a spectacular precedent to set lol.


it is stupid.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 3:30:15

so, the county continued Hardy's case. Hardy has sat out 8 games. He is still on the exempt list.

What is probably going to happen is Hardy is going to mis the entire season. I would like to ask how this is fair? The punishment for a first time offense is 6 games. Granted that is without pay, and Hardy has been paid, but that money could be returned, or he could forfit the next 6 game checks.

Im not really sure how this can be seen as anything other than the NFL caving to public pressure. If the dude was guily, he has already served more than the specified time. the best part of this is that he could still be found innocent, after being forced to sit out 15 games.

what is the point to all of this? it seems a bit fluffed up to me, but then again Charlotte is a small market team. no one gives a fick.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 15:49:13

Originally posted by mrford:
so, the county continued Hardy's case. Hardy has sat out 8 games. He is still on the exempt list.

What is probably going to happen is Hardy is going to mis the entire season. I would like to ask how this is fair? The punishment for a first time offense is 6 games. Granted that is without pay, and Hardy has been paid, but that money could be returned, or he could forfit the next 6 game checks.

Im not really sure how this can be seen as anything other than the NFL caving to public pressure. If the dude was guily, he has already served more than the specified time. the best part of this is that he could still be found innocent, after being forced to sit out 15 games.

what is the point to all of this? it seems a bit fluffed up to me, but then again Charlotte is a small market team. no one gives a fick.

you're right, nobody cares about the panthers.

but on a seriouser note:

What is probably going to happen is Hardy is going to mis the entire season. I would like to ask how this is fair? -- bad things happen when you do bad things. whether it's gambling on baseball, taking PEDS, other banned sustances, and other bad/illegal things can result in a player not being able to play for a period of time.

'Im not really sure how this can be seen as anything other than the NFL caving to public pressure.'

because it partially is. if it hadn't of happened around the same time as the RR/AP dealio i'd wager it would've played out differently. unfair? i wouldn't call it unfair, it's more just crappy timing to break laws and allegedly beat up someone.

i'm sorry but i can't really feel too terrible when a guy who had everything going for him decides to beat up a woman and as a result, can't play football but still gets paid 13.1 million dollars this year.

the only people i feel sorry for are the fans of carolina, as a result of no fault of their own - their football team isn't playing as well as they could be right now.

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:23:14

And if he is found innocent by the jury trial?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:31:28

The max penalty ally is 6 games. He had missed 8. What is the prpblem in letting him play and making him pay if affirmed guilty?

I don't see the rationality in making someone miss 15 games while waiting on a possible 6 game suspension.

This is incredibly stupid and hypocritical of the NFL. This isn't how an organistation should conduct itself. It isn't like hardy is a habitual name across the commissioners desk.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:34:54

Originally posted by mrford:
And if he is found innocent by the jury trial?

then he'll likely be cleared to play football again? what do you want him to do or to have happen if he's found innocent? sue the NFL/Panthers for loss of income? he was paid. he could sue his alleged victim for something i'm sure, but i'll wager she doesn't have much money

if he's found innocent he'll just get to go back to work and get his life going again. will it suck if he's found innocent because of the legal costs/time it took to fight the case? sure, but that's what happens to normal everyday people. even if folks win in court, they often lose.

he's doesn't have any damages from the NFL/team since he was getting paid. his reputation has been tarnished and i guess he could go after the 'victim' in that case.

so his choices are to sue her or get over it and move on with life?

Trife Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:37:27

i agree, the NFL should've had (and needs to have now), clearly definied policies in terms of suspensions when it comes to these types of things.

where in the legal process is it right for the NFL/Team for punish someone? upon charges being filed? upon conviction? upon exhaustion of the appeal process?

i agree with you, the NFL needs to decide where it'll draw the line in the sand and draw it, already.

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:41:59

You missed my innocent point. He is being punished beyond a timeframe established by the NFL where the possibility of innocence still exists. Not only that, but the timeframe for his return was prolomged by the court system being backed up, not any actions of his own. Has nothing to do with legal repercussions hardy might take.

Goodell needs to go. Badly.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 17:58:20

Originally posted by mrford:
You missed my innocent point. He is being punished beyond a timeframe established by the NFL where the possibility of innocence still exists. Not only that, but the timeframe for his return was prolomged by the court system being backed up, not any actions of his own. Has nothing to do with legal repercussions hardy might take.

Goodell needs to go. Badly.

then he can go sue the NFL. i'm not sure what he'd sue for, but this is murica, you can sue whomever you want. i guess he could sue the court system being backed up but 1) it's backed up for everyone 2) good luck with that lawsuit.

i agree, goodell needs to go for being a wimp. he screwed up from the beginning, if you knock your fiance unconcious, you deserve more than a 2 game ban. no way in hell that should be less of a punishment than smoking some dooobsssss groving out to some marley.

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 18:05:05

Well, to be fair the weed dude wad a habitual offender. People commonly pear that down to him getting a year ban on his first offense. It wasnt.

I'm just mad that the Panthers suck again and I'm going to blame Goodell and his ineptitude instead of my general manager or coaching staff.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Penguine Game profile


Nov 7th 2014, 2:56:40

I like the fact that murderers (maybe not convicted) get to play in the NFL while child and woman abusers get lifetime bans. Cool. When I make my own country, people guilty of traffic violations will receive summary death sentences while everyone else will go free.

mrford Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 17:02:46

so, all charges against hardy were dismissed today because if an uncooperative witness. the chick he was accused of assaulting.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 17:06:19

shame because it probably wont change the fact that the panthers dont want him back. he is a pro bowl caliber player with some immaturity problems. that 13.1mill he counted against us last year could have gotten us an offensive line.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 17:56:07

i was hoping you wouldn't remember this!~~~

mrford Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 18:00:28

everyone could see this is what was going to happen. i dont see why at the very worst hardy wasnt just given a 6 game suspension like is required for a guilty verdict and allowed to play the 2nd half of last season. we really could have used him against seattle.

what a fluffed up situation that fluffs the panthers hard.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford