
iccyh Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 6:49:50

Spin factory? I'm telling you exactly what I think of Titans given what I've seen of you: Titans are assholes.

I'm actually having a hard time figuring out what it is that you're trying to say, because rather than being clear you appear to be saying different things in different posts, and you're answering questions with questions rather than providing clear answers.

That's why I asked, and that's why I'll ask again:
Do you think a country with $18m NW (again, top in the game at the time) and 25k A was fat and low defense when others were ~$10m and over 30k A on the same date?
Do you think that hit wasn't a clear and deliberate act of topfeeding? Consider that 387 didn't play turns or build the land after they made that grab when answering this.
Do you think that, to a country competing to finish #1 at the end of the reset, your offer of reps is of any value when what really matters is lost production?

Again, you have somehow managed to miss that I previously said I had 3 friends who were hit unprovoked by Titans this reset. I wasn't going to bring up any specifics (I wasn't going to bring up any of this until you came on AT asking for people to say nice things since you're leaving) until you mentioned the hit on 256 and completely mis-stated what actually happened, but please don't think that hit is the only reason I think of little of Titans as I do.

I'm being pretty aggressive and confrontational with these posts so I completely understand the defensive response that I'm getting from you regarding this, but I would actually like clear answers to my questions if possible, please. I'm curious as to how you view Titans' actions this reset, and how willing you are to throw 387 under the bus.

Edited By: iccyh on Oct 2nd 2014, 6:53:04
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