
iccyh Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 12:17:59

Furious: This is tangential, but I'd bet most of the server would disagree with you. We generally don't come here because we view the game as somehow neutral, but because the opposite is true. We love making moral judgments about what is "right" and "wrong" in the game, and acting accordingly. We don't play this game because we want to enjoy everyone's company but because we want to enjoy the company of our friends while hating our enemies.

That's how people work, it is unrealistic to expect us to do anything else just 'cause we're playing a game.

Also, your statement about anger management is offensive for a whole host of reasons I don't really care to get into since that is a completely different discussion than the one at hand. Briefly: you mistake incivility for anger, and are making a judgment based on your misunderstanding that provokes a prejudicial response. Civility is a courtesy I do not extend to others who've proven to be undeserving of courtesy (see my response to Heston, for example). Your statement about anger management is discourteous, is personally offensive, and invites a similar response. If you disagree with what I'm saying please do so by engaging with the substance of what I've posted rather than trying to induce prejudice. If you wish to seriously continue this thread of discussion, please send me a forum message rather than replying here as this is the limit of my willingness to discuss this on AT.

Edited By: iccyh on Oct 2nd 2014, 12:42:09
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