
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 31st 2010, 16:18:48

mmmm I don't think you meant my country, based on the previous messages you posted & your posts under your other accounts.

I took it to mean me IRL, as did many others I talked to about it. The other mods I've spoken to feel this way as well.

also, I haven't done ANYTHING wrong as an admin/player --- why do you keep saying that? There is no rule that admins can't play. I play by the same set of rules you do, the same set of rules EVERYONE does.

You're just continually making fluff up, and I'm frankly tired of your lying attitude... I'm fine if you want to challenge me on ingame issues, but when you keep trying to attack my credibility when I do nothing but play the same way all of you do it's just bullfluff.

I don't think it's me who needs to change -- it's only you and dagga. I'm doing nothing different than qz or slag or makinso or torment or praetor or TAN or any other player.

Do you think if I was a corrupt admin, LaF would have got caught with their pants down in this war?
Wouldn't the game have magical crashed during SoL's FS?
Wouldn't SoL countries log into 0 cash?

The way you are trying to spin it, deerhunter/pimpthang, is that I am the most corrupt admin possible who will use my position to influence the game. There is absolutely no way I have done or will ever do that, and as I said before -- we have high level of oversight at the admin level.

Makinso sees the fluff that goes on, wouldn't he say something if he thought I was helping LaF our or abusing my power?
No, it's just morons like you who don't have a clue about how things really work around here.

Now, again, if you want to challenge me as a player and a long time LaFfer, that's fine... but the SECOND you bring admin fluff into it, you are stepping across a line which is completely unacceptable.

I implore you to leave the game and find a new online community if you feel I am a corrupt admin and that you need to bash me on a daily basis about things that just aren't real.

I guarantee you if you try this fluff in any other game, you'd be out on your ass so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. Frankly, I'm starting to think we need to adopt similar policies for folks like yourself. You're a distraction which is not needed to help move this game forward.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 31st 2010, 16:42:08
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