
Hawkster Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 7:22:30

I just placed some bets at 5:1 odds that EWPP will work (odds dropping every day that peace goes by)
However worse are the odds at 22:1 that EWPP will do any good o.O

That is much too high, I want to see those odds go down before I place any bets on it doing any good. 7:1 or 6:1 would be nice.

I played here for couple sets several years ago, and one of the reasons I did not stick around was due to the animosity on this server and here in AT, what with all the really old long term grudges and what not that I did not even try to understand. So I come back couple sets ago and things at first looked slightly different. Some clans gone, some other new ones around. Some major big clans now small and some smaller clans now being major one. Different alliances joined together and etc. However there is still all this animosity and hate lingering around. Whether it is new hate or old grudges hate, do not really care, it is still there.

The EWPP is a great step in the right direction, but why stop there? Can we keep the momentum going and try to see if we cant establish something really great and even better. Lets take last set for example.

Huge server war and from what I heard one that the losing side deserved for w/e I dont really care reasons. The point is that this winning side should have felt elated to stomp down the losing side. Instead mostly what I have heard is how boring the war was, this is the exact opposite of what I would have expected for them beating down the so called the enemy. The results speak for themselves as a lot of clans last set seen 10 - 15 member drops from BOTH sides. This was during the war. Now I did hear some members from the winning side not wanting to be involved in war at all, which might partly explain drop from winning side. But I dont think it explains all of them, No I think what I said earlier about the war being boring had more a part in this. I understand the results from the losing side, but from the winning side as well too? A lot of those countries did not come back this set either.

SO I think EWPP is a great start, but after such a huge long drawn out BORING lopsided war, I really think we need to continue the momentum and maybe see about giving the server a break from any major wars for at least one set and hopefully two. Can the leaders of these clans accomplish a pact for the greater good of the entire server and the game itself? Wipe the slate clean, it is supposed to be a new reset every set after all, so can we bury all the animosity and hate and move on to a new chapter? I do not know, but I do think a couple sets of pre-arranged peace will go a long way in accomplishing this. Give everyone a breather and more importantly lower those odds of the EWPP actually accomplishing some good so I can place some bets on that as well ;)