
Furious999 Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 9:55:50


I am glad you enjoyed your stint in leadership. :)

I have always been in favour of the main aim of the EWPP and posted to say so.

I am against the Pact trying to tell others, well OMA really, what it can and can't do. OMA will war whomsoever it wishes and whenever it wishes. As it is doing.

I do not ask for OMA to be protected by the Pact. OMA is not a signatory and is afforded no rights whatsoever by the Pact.

Th people afforded rights and obligations by the Pact are the signatory alliances. And it is only if they live up to their obligations that the Pact can hope to work.

Evo does not live up to its Pact obligations. It has supported its meber, the Tittyman, 100%. That he has committed an act of war and put them in breach of the Pact is of no concern to them.

The other signatories could not give a fig for their obligations. Plainly they will pick and choose what breaches of the Pact they will choose to act on and which they will choose totally to ignore.

This time round it is just a small clan involved and quite a trivial act of war. Next time, though, it will be one or other of the signatories, or more likely an allied group of them, who judge that a breach will not have sufficiently bad consequences to put them off early warring in ernest.

It is not really any particular business of mine but if the signatories want the pact to work they would do well to demonstrate that they intend to honour their own obligations under it and to insist on their right that the other signatories do likewise.