
Furious999 Game profile


Oct 25th 2014, 17:40:23

It was a splendid rant, HT.

Look, guys. These policies. All they are is policies.

Now it is a bit irksome to do your hit on some hugely FAT and under-defended country and then have someone try to bully you about it. But when the fat cat clan tells you they are going to crucify your countryv as a result tell them to F off and crucify them right back. We are mostly grown ups here. We dealt with the bully boys in the school yard many many years ago. They hardly worry us now.

And when they say you are an irreverent suicider unfit to be seen in polite society blow the biggest raspberry you can manage.

A policy is just the way that clan hopes to get its own way. They also provide a framework for negotiation. But they are not Holy Writ.

A bad policy, when challenged, will fail. Not without resolution, effort and fun. But fail it will. :)

So challenge them. :)

Have some fun.

And cry with Wallace, FREEDOM!!