
Mad Morticia Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 5:01:27

Reading all of this has reminded me of one thing. The U.S., the mightiest military power on Earth, had a strong hunch that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was going to use them to harm not only our allies but the U.S. itself and so we went to war on this "hunch", completely disregarding the advice of nations all over the globe because we were the biggest baddest gun in town.

End result: There were no WMD, Saddam was just bragging about them to scare off Iran, his deadliest enemy.

Saddam is hanged.

Cost to the U.S. thousands of Americans soldiers killed, tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of the 1 million Americans who served in Iraq living with physical or mental handicaps for the rest of their lives.

We have pulled our combat troops out now but the government is a joke, the country in shambles. All this to kill one man???

BTW, who is the power over there now since Iraq is out of the picture? Iran is the big winner. And the US taxpayer is out $1 trillion to date and a great deal more with the medical care, etc. that will be necessary for years to come for our disabled.

And now we have LaE doing something similar. They had a hunch. They listened to a few people who whispered in their ears anti-Zues remarks saying the Greek/Sicilian was out to destroy them.

As a leader in PANLV, I don't mind wiping out a small clan IF and WHEN they begin to farm us on a regular basis. That's how my mind operates which seems to be at variance with other big clan leaders.

Quote from thunder, I think--
"it's a simple sad truth. Join a clan or build not threatening countries and probably get farmed tothe ground."

This is a sad conclusion for the biggest and most powerful clan in the game to make. In other words, there is no place at all for any 1 man or possibly even two man clans in FFA. If they build a strong defense, they will be killed. If they do not have a strong defense, they will be farmed to death.

This game right now is down to a half dozen viable clans. A pitiful situation. An unhealthy situation for the game and for all clans big and small that would like the see the game survive.

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 5:59:03

That's a really bad analogy

saddam needed to be removed from power, because he was the master of the greatest genocide since Stalin.

Who cares what reasons the leadership needed to use to remove from power, bottom Lise is they removed a leader that killed tens of thousands of ppl with chemical gas and vowed to continue doing it.

So really, ur analogy supports what lae is doing. Thanks
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

kemo Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:04:31

first you cant compare those 2

second what would you rather do? wait till saddam did have wmd??? the dude killed his own people pretty sadisticly so what makes you think he wouldnt do that the moment he got the real wmd's to everyone else?

third (for those of you still countin) theres a difference between a strong defense and offense. any pro knows dicts are not nettin countries and sure as hell not 16 of them. he clearly just didnt want to net

quatro (no idea how to spell that one) put your self in lae shoes. if that string was contemplatin hittin pan would you just sit by and wait for it to take a good 200k land before you act? if my leader did that id farm his ass myself
all praised to ra

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:06:37

fluff you kemo! U said the same thing I did!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:06:43

Oh, I get it. So we're gonna compare clan politics to violent dictators, and then give it a bleeding heart liberal spin to make the big guys look bad, eh?

Well, the average person will see right off the bat what an idiotic comparison this is, but just for giggles let's see if you caught any of these much older headlines during Saddam's trial for war crimes......

1958 - The Iraqi monarchy is overthrown in a coup on 14 July and a republic is declared. The country remains unstable, however, as the Iraqi Communist Party struggles with the Baath Party and other nationalist groups for dominance.

Saddam is recruited by his uncle to assassinate a prominent communist in Tikrit. He kills his victim, a distant cousin, with a single shot to the head. Saddam, who is still a secondary student, is arrested and imprisoned for six months before being released for lack of evidence.

***personal note - if you do a little more research, you will find that several people SAW him kill the man, but were threatened by Saddam's party members to the point that they refused to testify. Guess by your logic this means he's not guilty***


1959 - Saddam is recruited for another assassination plot, this time by his cousin and a Baath Party leader, General Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr. The target is Brigadier Abdul Karim Qasim, the communist-sympathising head of the Iraqi Government. A team of gunmen make the attempt on 7 October but fail, reputedly because Saddam opens fire too soon. Qasim survives with injuries.

Saddam, who has been wounded in the leg during the assassination bid, flees to Syria then Egypt, where he completes his secondary school studies. Others in the Baath Party are arrested and tried for treason.


1971 - Saddam obtains a degree in law from the University of Baghdad.

Iraq begins a program to develop chemical weapons, setting up a small research facility at Rashad, to the northeast of Baghdad.


1974 - Iraq's chemical weapons program is formalised with the establishment of a dedicated organisation called al-Hasan Ibn al-Haitham. During the 1970s Iraq also begins to research the production of biological weapons.

Late in 1974 Iraq begins to negotiate with France over the purchase of a nuclear reactor. The reactor deal goes through but the facility is destroyed by Israel before it is fully operational.


1975 - In the wake of the Algiers Agreement Kurds are forcibly relocated from their heartland in the north. All Kurdish villages along a 1,300 kilometre stretch of the border with Iran are razed.

Assyrians living in northern Iraq are also targeted. In 1976-77 over 200 Assyrian villages in the region are razed and their occupants relocated to urban areas, primarily in and around Baghdad. During the operation many churches are destroyed, including some that are over 1,000 years old.


1979 - On 22 July Saddam summons all the members of the Revolutionary Command Council and hundreds of other Baath Party leaders to a conference hall in Baghdad and announces that a coup plot had been uncovered involving members of the audience. Sixty-six "traitors" are identified on the spot, arrested and removed.

Among those arrested are five members of the Revolutionary Command Council. They and 17 others are publicly executed.

The purge of the party, government and military continues for the next few weeks. Hundreds are killed.


1987 - Saddam launches the so-called Anfal (spoils of war) campaign against Kurdish dissidents who have aided the Iranians during the war. It is reported that thousands of Kurds are indiscriminately killed when villages are attacked with poisonous gas. The international humanitarian organisation Human Rights Watch estimates that at least 40 such chemical attacks take place.

The most notorious attack occurs at the village of Halabjah on 16 March 1988 when mustard gas and nerve agents are used to kill up to 5,000 and injure up to 10,000 more.

Overall an estimated Kurdish 4,000 villages and towns are razed and hundreds of thousands of Kurds are "cleansed" from the region by forced deportation. Many Kurds flee across the borders with Turkey and Iran. More than 100,000 Kurdish civilians are reported as killed or "disappeared". By the end of 1989 the Kurdish resistance has been crushed.


Meanwhile, Iraq begins to produce biological agents. Large-scale production commences in 1989 at four facilities near Baghdad. Iraq's conventional military forces are also rebuilt and by 1990 will be the world's fourth largest.


In the south Saddam launches a campaign against the Shias, including Shia Marsh Arabs. Much of the marshland is drained. Villages are razed and their occupants deported. Up to 200,000 Marsh Arabs flee. As many as 150,000 are killed. The Shia holy cities of Najaf and Karbala are attacked and over 100 Shia clerics disappear. Beginning in March chemical weapons filled with sarin gas and CS (tear) gas are dropped from helicopters onto targets in and around Najaf and Karbala. A no fly zone is subsequently also imposed on Iraq's southern regions.


1995 - On 9 August Lieutenant-general Hussein Kamel al-Majid, the head of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program and a close confidant of Saddam, defects to neighbouring Jordan along with his brother Saddam Kamel. Al-Majid's subsequent confirmation of the existence of a biological weapons program forces Iraq to admit that it had imported at least 39 tonnes of growth media for biological agents.


The weapons inspections carried out since the end of the Gulf War have discovered and destroyed 40,000 munitions for chemical weapons, 2,610 tonnes of chemical precursors and 411 tonnes of chemical agents. All infrastructure and facilities capable of being used for the production of biological and nuclear weapons, and most of the missile delivery systems, have also been identified and destroyed.




Kill tally: Approaching two million, including between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqi and between 450,000 and 730,000 Iranian combatants killed during the Iran-Iraq War. An estimated 1,000 Kuwaiti nationals killed following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. No conclusive figures for the number of Iraqis killed during the Gulf War, with estimates varying from as few as 1,500 to as many as 200,000. Over 100,000 Kurds killed or "disappeared". No reliable figures for the number of Iraqi dissidents and Shia Muslims killed during Saddam's reign, though estimates put the figure between 60,000 and 150,000. (Mass graves discovered following the US occupation of Iraq in 2003 suggest that the total combined figure for Kurds, Shias and dissidents killed could be as high as 300,000). Approximately 500,000 Iraqi children dead because of international trade sanctions introduced following the Gulf War.

I'm not even going to go into the gender oppression, supporting of extremist leadership, and brutal enforcement of misinterpreted islamic law to support his own dictatorship, because if you haven't gotten the point by now, you likely never will.

Gosh....that poor ol' Saddam really did get the short end of the stick. I mean, other than 2 verified assassination attempts, the death of nearly 2,000,000 ethnic Kurds and displacement of more than 4,000,000 others, having more than 400 tons of biological weapons located and destroyed in production facilities throughout Iraq, and razing 100's of villages, what did he ever do to anyone???

Don't get me wrong here folks, I'm all for fair trials and justice prevailing....but in this case, just because he didn't receive a fair trial for his most recent actions doesn't mean he wasn't a terrible and cruel human being who used his power to hurt those around him.

And this is the character you want to bring into the picture to demonstrate why LaE SHOULDN'T pre-emptively kill people who we have a history of acting recklessly, and show similar signs of doing it again in the near future????


This comparison is petty, uninformed, and leftist....and that's the nicest I can come up to say about it.

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 2nd 2010, 6:12:55
See Original Post

kemo Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:13:11

ya but i put more effort into it so i win
all praised to ra

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:13:56

MM just got owned by 3 massive posts that didn't read eachothers before posting.

Citizens ban for MM for 24 hours for making such an idiotic and irresponsible post IMO
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:16:30

If you give a MM a muffin

she will make a horrible misinformed analogy

Edited By: mrford on Sep 2nd 2010, 13:06:49
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:25:19

No need for that now, was stupid comparison, but no need to take this to a personal level. MM is a very nice person IRL, and I'm sure she's just trying to stick up for the little guy.

I actually took the Saddam reference as an unintentional compliment. Crushing rebel alliances, gassing dissidents, murdering adversaries, secret weapons an online text based game, all these things sound like great fun to me!

With that said, such a comparison should probably be made in private conversations, if at all, and could very well lead to in game political ramifications were it to continue. I guess PAN can consider this fair warning.

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 2nd 2010, 6:28:13
See Original Post

Mad Morticia Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:40:50

I'm outta here with one final remark. You people sure do not know your history since you choose to look at one tree alone rather than at the whole forest.

And now you're gonna take out my clan because I made an analogy???? Please, I ask only one favour. Kill my countries alone. Leave the rest of the members' alone. Let me know when you want my country numbers and they will be supplied.

Play the game on your "hunches." That little guy over there just might be your enemy one day. Take him out now for the good of your own clan.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:48:20

This from the person who made a comparison based on 5 or 10 years of *incorrect, or at best misunderstood* information from the history of a man who was in power for 50.

You're talking with a guy that spent 6 years helping a post-conflict country build a court system capable of investigating, identifying, and prosecuting war criminals - a portion of which is actually in use in Iraq today. It's not that I don't get what you're saying.....I'm just saying your analogy/conclusion overlooks a whole lotta facts, and is essentially incorrect.

We don't need your country numbers. If this keeps going we're going to find them sooner or later anyways.

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 2nd 2010, 7:00:42
See Original Post

Ozzite Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:50:59

Originally posted by Mr Lemon Chiffon:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
I dont now what is worst playing FFA with LaE around or smoking crack

How much crack do you actually smoke? This kinda explains why you can't comprehend what people are telling you.

LC posting on FFAT...weird
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 6:55:06

But oddly erotic :-)

Murf Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 11:47:36

any particular reason you added 2 of my countries to your kill list?

In an allied alliance and had only started up

Thunder Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 13:57:53

Oh and just to add...we didn't hang Saddam Hussein....his own people did.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

NukEvil Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 14:17:44

Originally posted by Zues The Greek:
If you don't give me one and then kill me because I pose a threat to your so called netters, I guess we will cross that bridge again and again I will show everyone, LaE / NBK kill for no reason!...

Doesn't matter, because you won't be able to do anything about it anyways.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 17:31:43

Bravo Thunder - you get a gold star for the day :-)

He was sentenced to death by hanging, after being found guilty and convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal (this is their war crimes tribunal) for the murder of 140 Iraqi Shi'ite in the town of Dujail in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt against him.

Thunder Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 17:37:07

Quote from thunder, I think--
"it's a simple sad truth. Join a clan or build not threatening countries and probably get farmed tothe ground."

Wasn't me
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 17:41:13

Originally posted by Murf:
any particular reason you added 2 of my countries to your kill list?

In an allied alliance and had only started up

Seems to have been a mistake in adding numbers. If they're the numbers, I think it's been taken care of. If not, hit me up.

Zues The Greek Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 18:04:15

So the Saddam issue is a bit large. Thanks MM for trying ;)

That being said, let the bigger alliance keep doing what they've been doing as your popularity has already began a further decline concerning your dictorial acts...

There is no need to drive MM into the ground mr ford as she is only trying to protect someone who has been there for her, both in the game and out. She doesn't deserve being called idiotic and irresponsible. You could have been more professional with your words...

Didn't you accuse me recently in this thread for not learning my lesson and running suicide country names again only to find out through my rebutal, that in FACT, you had it 100% wrong and that they were not even my countries!...

Did I call you idiotic and irresponsible, NO, but I did set the record straight since you were quick with the trigger once again, just like you are here. I was at the very least, professional about it...

I refuse to be like your paranoid group of thugs. I refuse to join any one party or consortium to engage in a suicide campaign against LaE, NBK or for that matter, anyone. I just don't appove of that sort of conduct. I react when there is need to react and that is where I believe we should all be!...

Thunder Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 18:56:58

"paranoid group of thugs" ....

interesting choice of words. I'm sure we'll bear that in mind in any dealings we have with you.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 20:41:37

Im not paranoid... Twiz is out to get me.... He IS GONNA GET ME....
*warms up chems*
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 21:44:50

Originally posted by Zues The Greek:
So the Saddam issue is a bit large. Thanks MM for trying ;)

That being said, let the bigger alliance keep doing what they've been doing as your popularity has already began a further decline concerning your dictorial acts...

There is no need to drive MM into the ground mr ford as she is only trying to protect someone who has been there for her, both in the game and out. She doesn't deserve being called idiotic and irresponsible. You could have been more professional with your words...

Didn't you accuse me recently in this thread for not learning my lesson and running suicide country names again only to find out through my rebutal, that in FACT, you had it 100% wrong and that they were not even my countries!...

Did I call you idiotic and irresponsible, NO, but I did set the record straight since you were quick with the trigger once again, just like you are here. I was at the very least, professional about it...

I refuse to be like your paranoid group of thugs. I refuse to join any one party or consortium to engage in a suicide campaign against LaE, NBK or for that matter, anyone. I just don't appove of that sort of conduct. I react when there is need to react and that is where I believe we should all be!...

where did I say that the suicider named countries wernt your countries? I did get mixed up on the NWs because there were 3 same named countries right above yours on our kill oils, but that was because I just glanced at the list for the nws

I knew which countries were yours hours before you posted them and some of them still have names that can be considered risky.

As to MM. I'm sure she's cool and all, but recently she has been rolling onto the forums making really long and drawn out posts and when you read them, you ask yourself WTF? Does she even have any clue what's going on? She paraphrases and generalizes so much that her points no longer hold any weight. She misquoted thunder, it was my quote, and she entirely misinterperted the quote and went on a tyrade on how lae is killing every 1 man tag.

There are 841 untags, and many more 16 country tags on this server. We are most definately killing all of them, and anyone with Hals a brain and a little deductive logic should be able to see that.

She also said somethin about how pnalv won. Kill a small tag till they have farmed pnalv too much. This statment right tells me that MM has no idea why we killed you, or even what the definition of a suicider is.

Like I said, I'm sure she's really cool, but educate yourself on the situation before you attempt to put your fluff on the table.

p.s. I'm sure there are a fluff ton to typos and incorrect auto corrections in this post, but it's too long for me to go back on an iPod and proof read. Deal with it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 22:45:00

I think my country names next set will all include "Gonna kill PAN".....should be fun to see what happens.

mrford Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 23:25:09

I'm guanna start a country on team server right now


and see what happens
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

gambit Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 0:29:32

i think these forums should have a set character limit per person... per day...

all the text makes my eyes hurt and my brain cry :(
Natural Born Killer

Thunder Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 1:38:59

simple solution to that gambit...drink the kool aid ;)
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

mrford Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 4:09:04

Gambit is nub face
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dark TwizTid


Sep 3rd 2010, 4:23:48

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Im not paranoid... Twiz is out to get me.... He IS GONNA GET ME....
*warms up chems*

/me laughs evily

mrford Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 5:07:46

Twiz couldn't survive a PTA meating, much less a chem rush
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 5:33:16

I kinda figured that he's the REASON for the PTA meetings...

Dark TwizTid


Sep 3rd 2010, 5:45:14

I am not a hellraiser! I am not a hellraiser!

But I am TwizTid 2 2. But I am TwizTid 2 2.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 6:23:16

Next item on the agenda...

That damn kid that keeps whackin it in my toolshed

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 6:44:16

Double deuce! I might have to call you that from now on, Twiz.

Dark TwizTid


Sep 3rd 2010, 6:54:59

why not deuce deuce.... makes me sound gangsta!

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 7:57:00

naaa...double deuce sounds better ;-)

Ozzite Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 7:57:35

this fluff is too long to read...I demand a reposted abridged version!
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 12:59:02

Zeus = Victim, MM = out of the loop, mrford = chupacabra, now3p = penis

Good enough?

mrford Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 13:39:32

There was this chick that me and my friends knew in UNI. Wher we mat her she had 22 peircings and bragged about it alot, so we called her deuce deuce

long story shore she apparently ended up being a freak and there is a amature porn out there with her playing with so
e really weird fluff, like a air pump and golf club and what not.

Deuce Deuce!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 14:10:51

ok, that's a MUCH better summary than what I came up with.

Thunder Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 16:49:48

Dark Twizted = Deuce in the Caboose
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Ozzite Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 16:52:26

I demand deuce deuce be posted on LaEs site! hehe
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Zues The Greek Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 18:45:19

I suggest we call Thunder, ThunderThug ;)

And Tinysub should be TinyStub :P

Desperado Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 18:47:16

we already have nicknames for those two

Thunder Thighs, and we use tsubs USN Handle; Sugarbritches

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 21:40:15

Originally posted by Thunder:
Dark Twizted = Deuce in the Caboose

^^made me snicker :-P

Makinso Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 22:03:39

Some distastefull posting happening here.

Mind your tone in your posts people. Quite a few of you walking a thin line here. Some posts are far out disrespectfull.

kemo Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 22:33:02

you serious? your pet donny posted far worse things then these guys did
all praised to ra

Makinso Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 22:39:39

Uhhmmm Kemo.

Set your memories straight. I've banned Donny for out of line posts multiple times. I'm not petting anyone.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 23:10:08

*pets maki*

Makinso Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 23:58:43
