
aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 0:35:21

Pretty sad you hit an 11 member sof alliance when you had an arranged war with rage all set. I won't be tagged next set. I will just be suiciding you. Good luck

Dissident Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:02:35

you know what's really sad? Sof is an 11 member alliance. you're going to whine about the unjustly nature of the FS? well, maybe it's karma baby! how many times has sof been on the other side of this?

Dissident Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:09:52

"A state of war will exist between SoL/ICN and RAGE/SoF as of Midnight EE time day 29 of the December/January reset"

its in the pact

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 5th 2015, 1:10:06

Its ok Dis, aponic's method is the best way to get SoF back on there feet!
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

juice Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:12:32

Dissident, you forgot to post the part where it says each clan had to sign the agreement. So far that I saw, only Sol and Rage signed. i never saw ICN or SoF sign it.



Jan 5th 2015, 1:14:14

signed by Nole, vp for ICN
President of ICN



Jan 5th 2015, 1:15:07

Diss left out a lot of the pact, didn't think it was necessary to show it all.
President of ICN

juice Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:34:14

just because Nole signed it now, doesn't mean Rage agreed to it.

Rage agreed to talk one week prior to the FS and discuss numbers to even up both sides.

Rage and SoL talked and ICn was to be kept out of the war due to the numbers.

ICN never contacted Rage.

Don't worry. Since you clearly cannot win without the overpowering numbers, we'll let you have your win.

NoleICN Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:41:46

I signed it before the set started... so it's been a while


juice Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:46:27

I never got a copy of that Nole. Also, i am sure that Sof never signed it.

More importantly, are you really proud to have such a huge advantage in a "friendly" war?

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 5th 2015, 1:59:15

ignorance is bliss stance?
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 2:13:22

Such an insane amount of miscommunication and misunderstanding. I won't deal with this on AT.

However what I will say here is this: There has been a war pact on an open Google doc and all alliances involved had access to and signed . Miscommunications happened and with it being December and lots of family fluff going on, there was lag in communication. My intention was to make this as even as possible and fun for both sides, not to make use of our huge 9 member advantage. I apparently failed at that attempt. Covering all bases and keeping all alliances informed throughout all the talks could have been done better. A simple Skype group with involved leadership could have solved this before it was an issue. A lesson learned for next time.

For further communication we can chat on Skype or Irc.
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

Riddler Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 2:17:14

Chaos, I really wanted to believe you were taking SOL in a better direction I really did... But it's hard to believe when it's the same M.O. over and over

NoleICN Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 2:29:44

Originally posted by juice:
I never got a copy of that Nole. Also, i am sure that Sof never signed it.

More importantly, are you really proud to have such a huge advantage in a "friendly" war?

If your asking if I'm happy with the situation... no I'm not very happy at the moment... but I'm keeping my true thoughts to myself at this time


aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 3:21:48

Sof is 11 countries because those who wanted to fight tagged rage. Sol knew this. I'll be around next set to suicide.... in the spirit sol has set forth

tellarion Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:27:59

You know that you guys all have the same leaders sitting in a freaking skype group already, right? I knew what was coming more or less, and I'm not even involved in this. Rage, Sol and Sof all have at least one active leader sitting in that chat in the same chatroom....

Raging Budda Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:28:55

Your base is mine!

tellarion Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:39:27

In fact, aponic, you're in the room yourself. I really don't see why you guys didn't, like, hash this out in a pre-existing medium for communication. That was kind of the point of making that chat...

One Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:41:07


WArriOR Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:50:08

SOL knew that Sof only had 8-10 guys who wanted to war. That was the problem this whole set about trying to make numbers even. Sof didn't have enough guys that wanted to fight.

We told Sol the members that wanted to fight from SOF were going to Join rage tag. The 10 members who wanted to fight taged up rage as their tag went up to 38 members and left the Sof tag with 10 netting countries.

This was told to all Sides it would be just the Rage tag that would be fighting. This was just a dirty selfless move on Sol's part to just try and put SOF into the ground again.
Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit

RandyMD Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 4:59:34

This is lol funny. Good day
Skype: randybumd

mdevol Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 5:55:03

Look, if we wanted to put SoF into the ground, we would have done so a few sets ago, and carried it out all the way. We wouldn't have created the joint chat that we did.

I am not going to speculate what would or would not have helped avoid this current state that SoF is in, but what I will do is hereby offer my services to SoF, following the end of this reset. Should they accept my offer, I will leave SoL, my home for 14 years, and join them in a leadership role in an effort to re-establish them into the game. It wont be easy, as the game is slowly fading, but I will try my best.

In the meantiime, enjoy this war for what it is, war.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 6:42:11

Originally posted by Dissident:
"A state of war will exist between SoL/ICN and RAGE/SoF as of Midnight EE time day 29 of the December/January reset"

its in the pact

"Tagged members of each side should remain within 5% of the total tagged members of all 4 tags. About 1 week prior to day 29, FRs will discuss discrepancies in the tag numbers to allow for a fair fight. This can include tagging over or removal of countries who wish to net instead of fight."

This you just so happened to leave out is also in the pact immediately below that quote.

1 week prior (as per the pact) I know RAGE communicated to SoL that the members from SoF that wanted to war had tagged up in RAGE, the remaining SoF tag were netting (as allowed per the pact). I also know that RAGE communicated asking that ICN be kept out to as per the pact "to allow for a fair fight". This would have left 45 SoL vs 33 RAGE, even including SoF since I dont know what they communicated, it would have been 45 SoL vs 45 RAGE/SoF. So why include ICN with SoL as that clearly would break the pact agreements no matter how you look at it, unless 9 ICN joined up with 33 RAGE.

So Dissident why are you bringing up a pact that was clearly broken by your clan? Your prior comment just above this speaks volumes as to why. Because maybe SoL never intended to actually follow this pact agreement at all.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 6:50:34

Originally posted by Colonel Chaos:
Such an insane amount of miscommunication and misunderstanding. I won't deal with this on AT.

This to me sends me hopes that you have great intentions for the leadership and direction of SoL. I can really respect that statement and wished more followed that example.

Then it is backed up by a claimed miscommunication. I honestly actually believe that .. yet at same time even you should be able to see why I and others would have doubts and question ones hopes for the direction that SoL is heading.

This is just only the most recent example. It has happened on several occasions. Good statement or choice followed by something to counter-act that.

d20 Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 7:15:53


timmie Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 7:29:00

Hmm. Invoke a late war prevention pact?

timmie Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 7:29:51

Either way the war is no longer friendly. Rage bring in allies to even things up?

Makinso Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 10:08:30

Yes please do. :)

Alin Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 10:23:13

aponic you have an ugly inheritance to carry on.

Altought i already like Sof better with you at the leading wheel ( and with all the other punks gone). I suggest maybe to let "the suicide" thing go away and actually run a solid 30-35 members alliance.

Happy New Year Everyone!.

RAGE top 20 looks nice - if they have the firepower(finish-power) this will be a good war.

aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 12:00:15

Devil you are a two faced individual who has very little intellect. You are most certainly never welcome to play in any alliance I lead. Rather than post further on this thread, I will simply end by stating that sol hitting a bunch of netting countries and unfairly hitting rage is not the way to run a friendly war. The deception and bad will was not necessary.

MauricXe Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 13:06:19

Originally posted by mdevol:
Look, if we wanted to put SoF into the ground, we would have done so a few sets ago, and carried it out all the way. We wouldn't have created the joint chat that we did.

I am not going to speculate what would or would not have helped avoid this current state that SoF is in, but what I will do is hereby offer my services to SoF, following the end of this reset. Should they accept my offer, I will leave SoL, my home for 14 years, and join them in a leadership role in an effort to re-establish them into the game. It wont be easy, as the game is slowly fading, but I will try my best.

In the meantiime, enjoy this war for what it is, war.

This is funny.

I don't want to run SoF into the ground. My proof is that I didn't do it yesterday, but I did it that validates my position.

I don't think SoF would ever allow you to join their tag. Offering something you know they would never accept....nice try.
I'm sure this is a shot at Sov's past attempts to rebuild alliances.

I thought the alliances were moving forward. I know many of you, as some cited Karma in this thread, think SoF deserved this. That's nice....but I thought we ended the 'grudge' tactics? So if by chance SoF gains the upperhand and strikes SoL will you cry foul? It takes a big leader to move forward once and for all. With all their talk about fairness and moving on, I'm not surprised SoL, and the merciful mdevol, isn't capable of doing that. They were frauds all along.

I stepped away from the game and thought things were headed in a positive direction. I was sadly mistaken.

OrderofBleh Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 13:17:45

I understood from the very beginning anyone that wanted to war from Sof was joining Rage so the rest could net in peace... So from the looks of it Sol is a backstabbing lieing sack of donkey crap. Wouldn't you think if Sof was warring we would have just stayed tagged Sof. Your logic in any of this is flawed and invalid. I my self will be with apoinc and make sure your next set in Earth will be suicide upon

Good Day

Untagged Hunter


Jan 5th 2015, 13:53:04

too much whining...shut up and fight

Colo Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 14:59:14

lulz this thread is classic sof.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 15:22:44

SoF whining they can't net?

fluff you, SoF. You destroyed the last netting tag I played in - as in, literally caused the disbanding of the biggest tag in the game - by repeated gangbangs with MD, when MD first came back, when we just wanted to net. Stop whining. As you reap, so shall you sow, etc etc etc.

Colo Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 15:31:59

sof may have a new haircut but it's the same face. The only difference now is their numbers reflect just how pathetic they are.

juice Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 15:38:22

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
SoF whining they can't net?

fluff you, SoF. You destroyed the last netting tag I played in - as in, literally caused the disbanding of the biggest tag in the game - by repeated gangbangs with MD, when MD first came back, when we just wanted to net. Stop whining. As you reap, so shall you sow, etc etc etc.

yes. +10000000000000 because we need to find more ways to run people out of the game. We're not losing them fast enough.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 16:03:33

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
SoF whining they can't net?

fluff you, SoF. You destroyed the last netting tag I played in - as in, literally caused the disbanding of the biggest tag in the game - by repeated gangbangs with MD, when MD first came back, when we just wanted to net. Stop whining. As you reap, so shall you sow, etc etc etc.

Pretty sure MD only hit NA once. If that's what you're talking about.

Trife Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 17:40:20

speaking from past experience and this

seems like rage has a difficult time setting up arranged wars

Riddler Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 17:56:07

Maki, i wouldnt aak to bring allies into this, that would juat give u reason to bring md in and continue the whole block wars we are working against

prankster Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 18:24:31

Omg please don't suicide!

mdevol Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 19:52:21

you can call me whatever you want to call me, but it was a genuine offer. If you don't want it, fine, don't take it. but don't spin this as anything but what it was. an offer to help a clan that appears to need the help.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 19:53:41

Originally posted by prankster:
Omg please don't suicide!


<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Souly Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 20:50:03


crest23 Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 22:15:48

In July last year, some clown in SoF created a thread name SoF Judges MD. In that thread I posted this.

"My prediction is that in a set not too distant future, SoF will get pummeled, AGAIN, like in the recent past. And all their members will surely be on this forum whining about it. And if I play that set,oh my, I will run a farmer strat on them, except I will hardly produce any bushels."

I didn't expect them to totally fall off the grid to 5 member just 2 sets removed from an ass whipping at the hands of MD.

Edited By: crest23 on Jan 5th 2015, 22:31:04
The Nigerian Nightmare.

aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 22:33:14

We tagged rage crest. Read a little before you proclaim fulfillment of your dipfluff prophecy.

mdevol Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 23:18:16

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

crest23 Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 23:29:34

Originally posted by aponic:
We tagged rage crest. Read a little before you proclaim fulfillment of your dipfluff prophecy.

Hahaha, Rage was a 30 member alliance during that war and is now 34 with SoF members. Impressive!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 6th 2015, 0:00:10

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
too much whining...shut up and fight




Jan 6th 2015, 2:09:59

MD never hit NA.

Set ending Aug. 2011 there was a war involving LaF\SoF\MD\LCN vs SoL\RD\NA, but MD focused solely on SOL/RD while I only see hits from LaF/SoF on NA. Unfortunately Earthgraphs doesn't go back that far, but EEStats does.

Am I missing something else, Vic?