
breeze Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:13:33

Stones will be policing for Imagnum

Raging Budda Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:20:41

Your base is mine!

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:26:01

Go Rival

Die Imagnum

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 6th 2015, 22:31:52

imag still exists?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:35:14

Ten strong and rising.

Do keep up KoH.

May the best clan win. :)

BladeEWG Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:48:19



Colonel Chaos Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:54:04

No reason? Interesting...
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

timmie Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 23:04:06

Good luck to both sides.

Little Joker Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 23:22:02

Goodluck to both sides

iTarl Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 23:40:35

maybe the peeeeeweeeeeeeee and gang bang last set?

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 0:06:38

Have fun with this, show some skillz

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....



Jan 7th 2015, 5:05:40

99 My lovely flower (#118) 43,000 $9,090,755 D Dead
214 OneNightInHell (#121) 22,879 $5,848,479 R Dead

locket Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 5:30:44

So... you guys never changed? You left the game when it was frowned upon to FS for no reason and now you are back when it is even worse and do the same? Jesus. Do you kids ever grow up?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 7th 2015, 5:49:12

It is because I am gone that they haven't grown up. I don't know.... I am just here for the comments. Be back in a month to read more.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 7th 2015, 5:53:51

Originally posted by galleri:
It is because I am gone that they haven't grown up. I don't know.... I am just here for the comments. Be back in a month to read more.

Lies, you read at least once per day, admit it!!!!!!!👉
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

wanttokill Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 7:20:29

There are very few clans left in this game.. Compared to "back in the days".
If you can't keep track of witch clans still "exist" i doubt your comments are valid at all :)

So whos still netting these days?

PG Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 7:46:34

and now we are back to why i hate imagnum.

i need to start to recrute Again =)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

tellarion Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 7:49:45

PG sighting!

wanttokill Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 8:19:43

Join us.
Join the hate :)

You can be your own division lolz.

Souly Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 9:36:59

More farmland for me.... though you guys suck i was having a great netting set, guess if you want war you get it comming tou you :D

En4cer Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 10:35:53

Booo.... Imag are taking away my trading partners :(

Souly Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 15:18:02

hey i was just about to send you a pm in 4 days :)))) was trying to catch up to you :)))

breeze Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 17:18:08

Its funny how some frown on Imag. We are a warring clan. Always have been. Its a game of war. Even though some think trading is the way to go. If land trading is good for you, then fine. Have fun so be it. We do not net and see the game a little different. So don't let Imag ways spoil your fun. To our allies we will be true and honor our pacts and do what it takes to keep our pacts. For those who didn't want a pact with us, that's fine as well. But don't belly ache about being hit. I asked for pacts this set on this forum. The responses I got were responded to and we made pacts. So however you play the game have fun. Its just a game. Thanks to everyone who have responded in a positive way. :)

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 17:44:08

I reject the notion that a clan has a right to net in peace. As breeze points out, skilful play by way of effective diplomacy may win a clan a set or two of peace. That is a matter of skill not a matter of right.

iMag had a reputation at one time of going in for repetitive warring against particular opponents who became wearied of it. I do not know if that reputation was justified but if so I would commend the idea of sharing the love rather more equally. There are fewer clans than there were but still enough to find different opponents from set to set. Which, for now at least, looks like what iMag are doing.

iNouda Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 17:46:31

Death to netters!

locket Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 18:23:53

Lol you guys are both jokes. War is fine but you need a reason. Hitting people netting for no reason is just a cowards way of war and shows your lack of care for the game as a whole also. Your counties still suck though i see.

Souly Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 21:04:31

Don't worry locket they'll get their ass whooping as they always do :D, also if you want a decent war you can have an arranged 1 where both sides are competitive, hitting a netting clan that is not even expecting it just won't do and in no way helps the game out

Souly Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 21:06:53

Originally posted by breeze:
Its funny how some frown on Imag. We are a warring clan. Always have been. Its a game of war. Even though some think trading is the way to go. If land trading is good for you, then fine. Have fun so be it. We do not net and see the game a little different. So don't let Imag ways spoil your fun. To our allies we will be true and honor our pacts and do what it takes to keep our pacts. For those who didn't want a pact with us, that's fine as well. But don't belly ache about being hit. I asked for pacts this set on this forum. The responses I got were responded to and we made pacts. So however you play the game have fun. Its just a game. Thanks to everyone who have responded in a positive way. :)

Also this kind of thinking is what got Imag to leave the game 1 year ago or so, as they pissed off too many ppl and were getting killed set after set after set by everyone.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Jan 7th 2015, 21:14:44

@locket - agreed. Don't know about rival but I've started stocking bushels now and running turns to dump overpriced bushels on the market. If you get hit then, your completely blindsided.

At the end of the day tho who else should of imag hit? The server is too small now, RAGE even tried to get help and nobody put their hand up?

It totally sucks. There is literally no other tag close in size? Stones maybe but that's 17 v 9...

At thw end of the day there is no even war, most tags are netting to keep members.

Duna Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 21:44:42

Imag live:
1) Piss off all server.
2) Get killed few resets in row.
3) Disappear.


You guys are not warring clan, you are idiots clan.

Imag could made a good combo with rage against SoL.

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 7th 2015, 21:46:37

Originally posted by Duna:
Imag live:
1) Piss off all server.
2) Get killed few resets in row.
3) Disappear.


You guys are not warring clan, you are idiots clan.
wasn't me...

iTarl Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 21:51:58

we have never disappeared. I believe the clan we are at war joined in killing us last set. theres your reason

breeze Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 23:24:10

iTarl is correct. We never disappeared. We are here and playing a war game as we see fit. If some don't like it, then that's their problem. So don't get your panties in a wad.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 7th 2015, 23:31:52

Becoming irrelevant is like disappearing....

Originally posted by Duna:
Imag live:
1) Piss off all server.
2) Get killed few resets in row.
3) Disappear. 👈🇻🇦🇱🇮🇩


You guys are not warring clan, you are idiots clan.

Imag could made a good combo with rage against SoL.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

iTarl Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 23:46:19

koh if we are as you say, then why are you here on this thread?

Trife Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 0:37:28

it appears imag has rustled everyones' jimmies

timmie Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 0:37:41

Guys I dont understand the hostility toward imag. This is a game of war, where clearly key to survival for a small to mid tag is pacting..

Breeze did offer pacts, we pacted them purely so we as a small tag were not in the firing line of a tag that likes to war every set. We all know imag has history and some dont like it. But they war. If you didn't want to be a target then why not pact them?

If imag had fs's a pacted alliance then I see an issue, I know rival were netting and a blindside fs would blow. But put the piece's together and rival should of known this might of happened.. No involvement when asked to join rage, oma dc on tpa, that leaves monsters, rival, omega and pdm minus pacts..

Just saying. Its a game. They've always played like this, dont like it kill them or pact them...

breeze Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 1:08:59

Thanks timmie

locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 2:27:15

Originally posted by iTarl:
we have never disappeared. I believe the clan we are at war joined in killing us last set. theres your reason

Jesus you guys are stupid. Rival netted last set and got 2nd in ANW. We were netting again this set. I'd be surprised if we had even done a landgrab against you in either set. Grow up and act like an adult.

You guys could have joined the Sol war and evened things out. Scared of an actual fight probably. Sad.

@Timmie with EVERY clan but Imag if you dont want to be a target you dont landgrab them and play nice poltically. If you have no history then they don't hit you. Only one "clan" does this crap.

Oh and Timmie.. the last time Imag had to quit the game is because they did this. They sunk so low that even blindsiding couldnt get them a win and they were perpetual farmland.



Jan 8th 2015, 3:10:17

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by iTarl:
we have never disappeared. I believe the clan we are at war joined in killing us last set. theres your reason

Jesus you guys are stupid. Rival netted last set and got 2nd in ANW. We were netting again this set. I'd be surprised if we had even done a landgrab against you in either set. Grow up and act like an adult.

You guys could have joined the Sol war and evened things out. Scared of an actual fight probably. Sad.

@Timmie with EVERY clan but Imag if you dont want to be a target you dont landgrab them and play nice poltically. If you have no history then they don't hit you. Only one "clan" does this crap.

Oh and Timmie.. the last time Imag had to quit the game is because they did this. They sunk so low that even blindsiding couldnt get them a win and they were perpetual farmland.

Cool, all I read was farmland!

Duna Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 7:34:47

Originally posted by iTarl:
we have never disappeared.

Originally posted by breeze:
iTarl is correct. We never disappeared.

Where is imag? Oh wait, you are imaginary....

The problem is not you are warring, they problem is way you are doing it. Lets be fair, every alliance are picking netting alliances to fight sometimes, but only one alliance are doing it every time.

Souly Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 13:29:11

doesn't matter you'll be crushed iScum.

wanttokill Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 15:26:01

Funny Duna.
Any earth player who did their history or played for a while know that iMag fought and killed several war clans.

And a big big bunch of netting clans! Cuz they belong in Utopia and Sim City :P

Just accept the fact! Don't cry so much about it, if we suck, and doesen't exist? Why cry :)

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 15:42:54

If you guys can actually take on a war alliance why don't you.

All you guys can do is hit netting alliances unprepared and then loose the war later that set when the netting alliance recovers from the blindside.



Jan 8th 2015, 15:49:13

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
If you guys can actually take on a war alliance why don't you.

All you guys can do is hit netting alliances unprepared and then loose the war later that set when the netting alliance recovers from the blindside.


Duna Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 16:10:31

Originally posted by wanttokill:
Funny Duna.
Any earth player who did their history or played for a while know that iMag fought and killed several war clans.

Refresh my memory please. When imag last time won in some serious war against prepared alliance?

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 16:14:06

Refresh my memory when was the last time imag won a war period.

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2015, 16:58:35

we might not win many wars but by god we have fun whilst doing it :)

iTarl Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 18:02:30

oh yah its always a good idea to let the bad guys know your coming

Duna Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 18:12:34

Ofc Duff - its very fun to kill unprepared alliances. Wish you all the best in your fun wars...