
Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2015, 18:19:48

win or loose its always fun at the end of the day it is only a game and since its a war game you never give the enemy the chance to prepare :)

Duna Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 18:48:36

Ofc, because you always pick enemies, who are not prepared:)

Souly Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 18:51:13

Yes Imag will declare moral victory soon enough :D

danzigrules Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 20:09:33


DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 20:27:16

Damn Imag.... FS us for no reason next time. If i dont die first day I could use some farmland.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 20:31:55

And its not really a war game is it? Call of duty is a war game. This is more of a strategy game or mathematical efficiency game. When you click on the top players link for a given set on the portal page it is unlikely that you'll see many, if any, people that are warring there, at least not towards the end of a set, which is what ultimately gets recorded in ee archives.

iTarl Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 4:03:29

Rank Name Score Civs Killed
1 Scorba 23,007,448
2 bart 16,240,796
3 iTarl 14,497,159
4 TY 13,705,603
5 Soviet 11,381,948
6 TeckMing 11,325,207
7 vern 11,150,233
8 Makinso 10,381,234
9 Duff 10,300,699
10 LittleItaly 10,254,003

theres at least 3 Imaggers in the Top 10 these are from the ee archives

breeze Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 4:58:13

Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 9th 2015, 7:42:01

lol i could not care less what other people think they are entitled to there opinion. let the fun begin :)

wanttokill Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 12:19:37

I don't know what this "blindside" or "unprepared" is? Please specify your point.

All i know is that iMag is always prepared to be attacked, as you should be in a war game.
And that we always attack clans whom we are not allied to, whom we have no official or non-official peace agreement with.
With other words, we normally don't blindside clans.
If you still don't understand what blindsiding is, then imagine you have some sort of "trust" to another clan, and you destroy that trust with a war, that is a blindside.
We don't do that :)
I believe it have happened, probably. But considering we played for what? 15 years now you can honestly say that we are proudly not blindsiding anyone.

We simply don't believe Japan would be very succesfull in Pearl Harbour if they sent a chocolade box with a card saying "C ya in 6 month's, please prepare your defenses"

Right? Am i right or what?
Im fluffing awesome :D


Duna Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 22:09:00

By unprepared i mean alliances/countries, who are not buying war teches or dont buy alot of def. Well, looking on your countries i think you so sucks, what you cant prepare to war anyways.

Dont come with "its war game" excuse. Its not only "Attack" button, this game is turn based STRATEGY, not turn based WAR.

I dont think someone will understand USA, if they will drop nuclear missiles at something like Italy tomorrow, saying they have it, so they need to use it.
There is big difference between preemptive counter strike and hitting someone, who are not danger for you. And also, its a big difference between doing it once and doing it every reset.

iTarl Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 1:36:38

huh? you need to re look your STRATEGY, no defense very tempting target

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 2:44:11

Originally posted by breeze:
Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

I suppose being considerate of others and at least trying to find a war with a willing opponent has nothing to do with acting like children

breeze Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:04:27

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by breeze:
Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

I suppose being considerate of others and at least trying to find a war with a willing opponent has nothing to do with acting like children

hahahaha Not one of us from Imag are acting like children. I see others acting like children, because, we Imag warred someone. Big deal get over it.

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:36:59

Children are unable to see it from someone else's point of view.

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:43:12

Oh and you lost another. Warclans are better at not having that happen ;)

iTarl Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 15:18:50

so we cant expect you children to ever understand us then? That really is a shame.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 17:37:22

This server has become way too complacent and most of the clan policies have become way too protective. Well guess what, not everyone is going to listen to those clan policies or respect your clans wanting to net in peace. If you really wanted to net in peace, you shouldnt have been such an easy target. You cant just say I want to net in peace so go away and leave me alone, especially in a game advertised as a war game. So I do not understand what all the whinging is about. Sure when I have been attempting to net a set only for our clan to be warred upon, I am initially upset over having my planned netting set ruined, but at the end of the day I have to realize it is all part of the game and just to deal with it. If I dont like it I need to find another game, ya know like Simcity or some other grow your country large type game w/out war involved.

Whats next? Should I be whinging that my country shouldnt have been killed. I mean I wanted to not die and you ruined it, I was planning to kill everyone first .. whine whine. Yea it sucks when your country dies but is part of the game, so grow up and either play or find another game more suitable.

This never happens in real either, do you think when France told Germany they wanted to live happily in peace so leave them alone that Germany stopped. Or Kuwait when Iraq attacked. Hell no they didnt stop, so why would you expect that to be the case in a war game?

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 17:49:10

Originally posted by locket:

I suppose being considerate of others and at least trying to find a war with a willing opponent has nothing to do with acting like children

Actually no it doesnt have anything to do with acting like children. Yes that is the nice and pleasant way of doing things, but does not make it childish. Now if you had described them acting like they deserved something, now that sounds like acting like children. Or running around throwing temper tantrums or not watching where they are going and completely oblivious to the world around them. But being nice and considerate, sorry no.

I have seen tons of children being thoughtful, considerate and asking nicely. Just as much as I have seen tons of adults acting the complete opposite. The one has nothing to do with the other.

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 17:51:20

France and Germany then enterred the Coal and Steel Agreement followed by the other treaties establishing the European Union with the express purpose of avoiding war with each other in the future.

So far successfully.

Duna Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 17:55:00

Hawkster, noone blame imag for attacking netting alliance. We blame imag for doing it every reset, even if they have other good options.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 18:03:38

Ahhh ... now see that is called negotiation skills. Not just expecting to be left alone while not actually signing negotiated treaties.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 18:19:30

Originally posted by Duna:
Hawkster, noone blame imag for attacking netting alliance. We blame imag for doing it every reset, even if they have other good options.

Well I can understand that too a point. I definitely agreed with locket when they stated it seemed cowardly. But who is to say, maybe they just find netting completely repulsive and this is why they always attack clans that are netting. I kinda doubt this is the case, but it is a valid argument and they should have right to decide to war what ever clan they want ....... So long as it is NOT one that they have signed pact with.

Is it annoying if they do indeed do this time after time? I would say yes, but I still think everyone seems to be whinging instead of accepting its just part of the game.

Duna Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:06:29

Thats true also. But if you are hitting netting alliances, you cant call yourself warriors, you only can call youself "alliance who like to spoil others netting" or "suiciders".

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:13:24

Originally posted by Hawkster:
Originally posted by Duna:
Hawkster, noone blame imag for attacking netting alliance. We blame imag for doing it every reset, even if they have other good options.

Well I can understand that too a point. I definitely agreed with locket when they stated it seemed cowardly. But who is to say, maybe they just find netting completely repulsive and this is why they always attack clans that are netting. I kinda doubt this is the case, but it is a valid argument and they should have right to decide to war what ever clan they want ....... So long as it is NOT one that they have signed pact with.

Is it annoying if they do indeed do this time after time? I would say yes, but I still think everyone seems to be whinging instead of accepting its just part of the game.

Everyone would whine if Sol killed a 5 member clan too. Is that fine and part of the game? Was it fine when Laf and Sof bullied the server? Part of the game? Some things cause players to quit when you do things for no reason. At least contrive an argument before doing something. Hitting a netting alliance when there were options to join other wars is just pathetic and could cause people to quit when they do it repeatedly. When a game is this low on population you need to think of others too. Imag is not doing that in the slightest.

Oh and if you are going to hate netters then you should at least be able to war as good as them. They got stomped in this fight and it isnt even close. It is kind of sad. They just enjoy being farm land for others? Also I have seen individual suiciders do as much damage as Imag has total here.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 21:33:22

Some very good points both Duna and locket. (and quite the burn if I may add)

But meh I am not buying about doing what is best for the game crud. I tried to raise some issues for that only month or so ago and no one wanted to even hear it, let alone discuss it. So might as well enjoy the game for what ever it is worth before it totally dies. I would even argue that some of Imag ideals are actually what is best for this game, so disagree with you there .. although now is not best time to do that considering everything. So will save it for more appropriate time when I wont look so foolish bringing it up.

Academus Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 21:36:10

Damn - my lt

locket Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 7:12:33

Meh im always up for what's best for the game if i think it is in fact best. What was your idea? . Not everything should be that way but if you can get the same resultsyou want and not fluff people over i think that's a better solution

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 15:29:27

I see several things that should be done. Ofc no matter what you do I think the high plateau of members is long gone, but should be able to increase actual player base to some degree.

I would really have to start new thread for that instead of hi-jacking this one, but imho one biggest issues is lack of LG's being done. I think you can figure out where I am heading with that. Having unpredictable clans doesnt hurt and/or having clans that one loves to hate. Just few things.

danzigrules Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 0:13:29


breeze Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 1:57:42

It would be nice to get the game going in a different direction. Add a little excitement to the game. I enjoyed the game more when there were more people playing. The game is on a down hill slide. Why not try and get it going again?

Duna Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 6:39:02

admins dont want.

locket Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 6:54:03

You dont really specify what that different direction is Breeze. It also involves people wanting to do the work themselves because the admins have limited time and desire to put that time here.



Jan 13th 2015, 10:09:23

i blame locket
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 15th 2015, 23:52:51

I see imag still can't win a war despite blindsiding, First Striking a netting clan LMFAO

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2015, 0:07:18

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
I see imag still can't win a war despite blindsiding, First Striking a netting clan LMFAO

Imaginary alliance
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

danzigrules Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 1:20:10

and its a tag kill. unless 218 ever plays its country....

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2015, 1:25:10

Just another moral victory for imag....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 2:22:25

To be honest I could really care less of what some think. We play how we want. Its a game of war, and that's how we look at it. No its not a moral victory. Did we know Rival was netting NO. Do we care if they were netting NO. Some can say what they want and quite frankly we don't care. Most of the people here now are the cause of the down fall of this game. We at Imag want the game to continue. Tell me what is wrong with mixing it up and going back to the game as it once was with more than 400 players playing. I know some will have a childish answer here. How has netting made this game grow. It hasn't, it has been downsized, by the netting community. Now we have the all mighty powers to be dictating when you can war. I say BS. How about we work for more wars and gaining new people. Instead of the same BS every set. I do know some don't like the way things are here. As for me the President of Imagnum, I take responsibility for the Rival war. We were not set to FS Rival. They were not our first target. Our first target was not available at the time. Rival was a last minute target. But that is not an excuse. That mistake I will grow from. As for Rival, all I can say is a job well done.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2015, 4:55:33

Originally posted by breeze:
To be honest I could really care less of what some think. We play how we want. Its a game of war, and that's how we look at it. No its not a moral victory. Did we know Rival was netting NO. Do we care if they were netting NO. Some can say what they want and quite frankly we don't care. Most of the people here now are the cause of the down fall of this game. We at Imag want the game to continue. Tell me what is wrong with mixing it up and going back to the game as it once was with more than 400 players playing. I know some will have a childish answer here. How has netting made this game grow. It hasn't, it has been downsized, by the netting community. Now we have the all mighty powers to be dictating when you can war. I say BS. How about we work for more wars and gaining new people. Instead of the same BS every set. I do know some don't like the way things are here. As for me the President of Imagnum, I take responsibility for the Rival war. We were not set to FS Rival. They were not our first target. Our first target was not available at the time. Rival was a last minute target. But that is not an excuse. That mistake I will grow from. As for Rival, all I can say is a job well done.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Just another moral victory for imag....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 5:16:41

Look breeze, I applaud Imag, I really do. While I do NOT agree with everything it has done, I applaud it so much I gave it some serious thought into applying. If it had not been for supporting friends in my current clan and recent developments.... I would have.

However, while I understand and even agree with you about mixing it up and warring, etc. There is a big difference between warring just for hell of it and warring for some reason. Warring just for hell of it, isnt a bad thing and in fact I think sometimes it can be better than nothing. But warring for a reason can get the motivation going and get that rallying cry to actually want to fight or fight back, because after all you are supporting your clan and clan mates for something other than just for fun.

Plus netting COULD make the game grow if it COULD lead to altercations, conflict and/or wars. However the way clan pacts and retal policies are currently, this intuitively deters such things happening.

Edited By: Hawkster on Jan 16th 2015, 5:23:35
See Original Post

Duna Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 7:49:39

Yeah, i see progress Imag did with all their wars. Your numbers is imaginary, your power is imaginary and your results are also imaginary.

Good imaginary job.

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 22:33:00

Originally posted by Hawkster:
Look breeze, I applaud Imag, I really do. While I do NOT agree with everything it has done, I applaud it so much I gave it some serious thought into applying. If it had not been for supporting friends in my current clan and recent developments.... I would have.

However, while I understand and even agree with you about mixing it up and warring, etc. There is a big difference between warring just for hell of it and warring for some reason. Warring just for hell of it, isnt a bad thing and in fact I think sometimes it can be better than nothing. But warring for a reason can get the motivation going and get that rallying cry to actually want to fight or fight back, because after all you are supporting your clan and clan mates for something other than just for fun.

Plus netting COULD make the game grow if it COULD lead to altercations, conflict and/or wars. However the way clan pacts and retal policies are currently, this intuitively deters such things happening.

Yes I do agree Hawkster. Thank you for your responses which are positive.

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 22:33:25

Originally posted by Duna:
Yeah, i see progress Imag did with all their wars. Your numbers is imaginary, your power is imaginary and your results are also imaginary.

Good imaginary job.

Childish response as usual

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2015, 22:48:07

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Duna:
Yeah, i see progress Imag did with all their wars. Your numbers is imaginary, your power is imaginary and your results are also imaginary.

Good imaginary job.

Childish response as usual

But it was funny 😂
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

breeze Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 1:13:38

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Duna:
Yeah, i see progress Imag did with all their wars. Your numbers is imaginary, your power is imaginary and your results are also imaginary.

Good imaginary job.

Childish response as usual

But it was funny 😂

Glad it humored you lol

locket Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 2:24:56

Originally posted by breeze:
To be honest I could really care less of what some think. We play how we want. Its a game of war, and that's how we look at it. No its not a moral victory. Did we know Rival was netting NO. Do we care if they were netting NO. Some can say what they want and quite frankly we don't care. Most of the people here now are the cause of the down fall of this game. We at Imag want the game to continue. Tell me what is wrong with mixing it up and going back to the game as it once was with more than 400 players playing. I know some will have a childish answer here. How has netting made this game grow. It hasn't, it has been downsized, by the netting community. Now we have the all mighty powers to be dictating when you can war. I say BS. How about we work for more wars and gaining new people. Instead of the same BS every set. I do know some don't like the way things are here. As for me the President of Imagnum, I take responsibility for the Rival war. We were not set to FS Rival. They were not our first target. Our first target was not available at the time. Rival was a last minute target. But that is not an excuse. That mistake I will grow from. As for Rival, all I can say is a job well done.

Funny because more players quit due to wars than to any netting issues. The war clans were the biggest during the Laf/Sof/MD/Sol/Evo grudge wars and plenty of people quit because of it. They didnt quit because Monsters was netting. People also quit because Imag attacked repeatedly for no reason. People also quit because of suiciders. I wonder what all that has in common...

You should take responsibility for the fact that you built bad countries and then had a bad war plan to go with it.

breeze Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 4:21:56

Sorry locket I don't agree with you. I played the game back in those days and always looked forward to playing the game. That was not the demise of the game.

locket Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 4:53:45

LOL so it is only your thoughts on it that matter there eh?

Evo lost many members due to the Laf conflict.

Laf and RD both lost many members due to that same conflict and KJ suiciding/cheating

Sof lost many members starting once RD was deleted by Pang and the power vacuum changed.

Netting caused who to leave? Both netting clans and war clans formed the policies. Both player politics.

Want to know what netting can't do? It cant force someone to do something they dont want. I cant net and make you net. You still have a choice to war (with a bad result or good it doesnt matter). Netters can not force a war clan to net. That very specific problem caused numerous people to quit.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 8:59:52

Originally posted by locket:

Funny because more players quit due to wars than to any netting issues. The war clans were the biggest during the Laf/Sof/MD/Sol/Evo grudge wars and plenty of people quit because of it. They didnt quit because Monsters was netting. People also quit because Imag attacked repeatedly for no reason. People also quit because of suiciders. I wonder what all that has in common...

Well when you put it that way, yes that does seem to point to a trend. One that I can not dispute out right. However, while it might show a pattern, that still does not make it proof. Maybe people quit not because of the war, but due to the grudges and hostility. Negativity more so than actual act of warring. All examples you stated do have that in common as well.

That is a much more believable reason than warring in a war game. If they really did leave cause of simple act of warring, then they probably wouldnt have lasted long anyway, since it is a war game.

Originally posted by locket:
Netting caused who to leave? Both netting clans and war clans formed the policies. Both player politics.

Want to know what netting can't do? It cant force someone to do something they dont want. I cant net and make you net. You still have a choice to war (with a bad result or good it doesnt matter). Netters can not force a war clan to net. That very specific problem caused numerous people to quit.

Netting caused several RAGE players to quit as recently as last set out of boredom. I have seen it happen before too. Seen many players become inactive during non-war times just like I have seen vice-versa too. Netters become inactive during times of war, and or choosing not to do many hits. So you cant really force a netter to war either, if they really dont want to.

Netting can force someone to do what they dont want as well. If they dont like netting it either forces them to become inactive or play turns in a boredom state just hoping and waiting for war or quit. Do agree with Netters can not force war clan to net though.