
Hawkster Game profile


Feb 5th 2015, 3:54:35

Try using CDC just for quick and reputable source. Once again though you do not read everything I say so I do not know why I keep bothering.

There you can see just basic facts and percentages, but what I actually said is per each case by case scenario, depending on what conditions a person may have. I am no expert nor never claimed to be, but there you can plainly see that high fever is common side effect, sometimes 1 in 5 cases. IF you have done any research you will find a common theme, quite often Dr's will not recommend that babies have that particular vaccine if one of the symptoms is high fever. They are the ones likely to have 20% fatality rate.

Now look under DTaP vaccine side-effects "High fever, 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (about 1 child out of 16,000) " that high fever risk is not that high. But continue reading it and you will see this "Controlling fever is especially important for children who have had seizures, for any reason. It is also important if another family member has had seizures." Once again I am no expert and do not know what the actual risk is, but clearly the risk just went up for those children.

You can do the same thing for example of seizures listed as side effect. Most of them are higher than 1 in 1000, but guess what, if they have had seizure OR another family member has history of seizures, their risk will be much higher. I highly doubt most Dr's will strongly suggest and tell the parents there kid must get vaccinated or they are idiots. Nope sorry but I am sure most Dr's even if they still do recommend it, will give strong warnings along with it, IF they actually do recommend it.

Now look under Adenovirus vaccine side-effects where all severe problems are only 1%:
"blood in the urine or stool
inflammation of the stomach or intestines"

Once again low for MOST people, but lets say someone has lung or upper respiratory problems. I am betting their risk went over 20% with pneumonia listed as a side effect.

So go on and keep spouting how much a dumbass I am. I have actually done quite bit of reading about this. No I dont understand it all and am far from an expert, but I am trying to tell everyone what to do or what not to do with NO facts to back it up with.

Just like Measles for example, their are two types you know. One the fatality rate is extremely rare. But just following your blindly blanket statement, you seem to think by not having vaccinations for both types that it will put your kid at risk. WRONG. Your kid has higher chance of dieing from a fire than from the other type of measles. Do you even know if the UK cases involve just one type or both types? I will be honest I dont know. I havent been curious enough to find out as most will either have vaccinations done or not. Yet only one type is it really necessary.