
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 11th 2015, 1:45:00

Originally posted by juice:
exactly what I thought...two people attempted to answer and neither gave an answer. The correct answer is to let the kids get an education.

Says you, but it seems others here disagree.
Forced vaccination, if they want to attend school.

Proving they have the virus before they come to school isn't a reasonable request; A person is contagious for days before symptoms show up.

The rest of the post is alarmist drama.

Clearly they would take the children away from the parents (deeming them unfit) before they would set up forced by gunpoint vaccination centers heh.

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Feb 11th 2015, 1:49:03
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