

New Member

May 22nd 2015, 23:05:16

xBaDx decided to finish what we started yesterday and declare war on DNH... Good luck!

(today's kill is dedicated to #23) :)

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 0:54:12

DNH is me and some old vets netting. why kill us?

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 1:01:51

i thought there was a whole thing about randomly jumping netting tags?
i will not accept this war. i'm about to destock and i should have a clean clear win. this is stupid.

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 2:38:33

Originally posted by Vic:
DNH is me and some old vets netting. why kill us?

Can't expect much from a piece of dog fluff who killed your first guy over 2 failed hits after they topfed him for 2k land heh...

Hopefully the rest of your tag can AB BiBiGoN (#24)

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:04:27

I mean this is pathetic, what benefit do you guys get from wrecking a netting tag with only days left in server? Makes no sense.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:18:42

archbduke: they have small penises snd women laugh at them.

i mean, if i had a small penis i might feel inadequate, also

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 3:24:47

I know you're going to hate me for saying this Vic, but I like the idea of five people fighting or working together to secure #1 for one of their members. It's one of my fav things about this server over EXPRESS.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:26:14

and to show how crazy this "war" is, I asked for a CF as I will not war, I do not war, etc etc... and at least two of their own members don't even agree with the kills:

Message from Beagles Experimental War Machine (#33) sent on May 23, 1:40
Report this message
Yeah man I've already asked to leave you alone. It's out of my hands though, since this is only my second set with these guys. I'll do what I can Reply

Message from Seaside Shores (#55) sent on May 23, 3:22
Report this message
Wasn't my call, chief. But I forwarded your plea onward.


so basically, please. stop this madness. i am #29 and i'm not warring anyone. thanks.

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:30:28

oh and the other guy still alive is vincey. one of the most liked players in the game.
end this nonsense

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:32:15

as always, victoria, you are welcomed to ky place in weedylar~

you are, after all, essentially, grandfathered in. although id imagine our ideal landgrabbing conxepts might differ.

never the less, hawt bahst'n

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 3:37:54

Just my opinion:

But, I think this server should be about 5 ppl working together to get one of their players to #1. And if that means warring even weedylar for it, that should happen. :P

All other slots should be irrelevant. I mean, how can you get satisfaction of placing #1 if you carry around 0% SDI or other similar stats? Or didn't have to fight to it. It just seems like it should be an TEAM effort to get #1.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:42:56

so, the entirety of the game should be to best braden?

how am i not vain enough, as it is, but i need others to put me on a pedestal, also?

change the server name from team server to beat braden server? because now black hookers with angry dispositions will be very cross with you.. and son, angry black women are a lot less fun than social media might suggest..

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:45:22

well to be fair i've had to keep crazy expenses all set to avoid war, whereas weedylar has all been super low d low expenses. trust me i'd love to be making a few mill a turn, but i figured going heavy d and staying peaceful would at least keep me safe.

your concept for the server is more suitable for ffa.
make a warmonger server. but you definitely will lose more and more players on this server with more nonsense like that. maybe you didn't know, but many many players left this server because netters can't net.

so as you suggest, is how the server has been functioning the last few sets. and numbers are dropping. means it's a fail concept

Doogs Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:47:07

I agree with Celphi. Nobody in the NHL goes easy on the Leafs because they're old and just want the cup. I just recently found out Vic is Vic from way the frig back, and I'd prefer not to kill him. But I am a team player and will help my team win, if that's the way she goes

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 3:54:22


Sorry Braden, you're no exception. Of course you're going to have the highest net if everyone avoids hitting you. That allows you to do: what appears what you do every set, carry low defense and shoot up in net at the end.

FFA is just stupid. 14 countries per player w/ unlimited clan members.. At least on team you're limited to 1 each w/ a max of 5 team members.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 3:55:33

True doogs... but if your squad comes out brawling after the face off, and you keep brawling when the other team doesn't fight back ... you all get sent to the penalty box and possibly fined and suspended :p
so that's why i'm all for warring teams going nuts and warring teams warring netting teams for good reason. but when a guy like me is raising a white flag, not involved, not wanting to be involved, i just think it makes sense to grant the CF.

and thanks for the support man. i know it isn't your call, but your head knows where i stand. i enjoy this game and i want it to be fun for all. i know it's fun for you guys when you war. personally for me, it's fun when i net.
you guys got the warring in, now let me net please :p

thanks for being cool btw

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 4:03:37

I get your point of view Vic., but it just seems more like an individual effort rather than a team effort. It should be about recruiting the best 5 ppl you know and trying to make #1 with one of your members. One player can still place emphasis on netting while the other 4 protect that player. Idk. But, that's just how I feel about it.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:14:58

Originally posted by Celphi:

Sorry Braden, you're no exception. Of course you're going to have the highest net if everyone avoids hitting you. That allows you to do: what appears what you do every set, carry low defense and shoot up in net at the end.

and yet i do it better than anybody else in the history of the game

( that is untrue, afaik is still the single play `this' game, but when he stepped aside he gave me his crown snd wished my posture the best of luck)

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:15:03

Vic you OG just have one of your connections double tap them. as they have one of those idiotic 1:kill polices which is essentially a war dec which correct me if I'm wrong but that invalidates the 1vs1 deletion rule does it not?

Either way this server blows. I would have loved to play in weedylar or any established team but I just like u guys I always get killed for no reason.

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:18:00

Here are 3 qoutes from the Braden thread to prove a point on how stupid some players are.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I wish that I could finish a set without dying 1 or 2 times heh

Originally posted by Thunder:
play nicer

Originally posted by Marshal:
not that easily done, there are always some morons (untagged and tagged into regocnized tags) who decide to ruin others sets.

From the looks of it DNH was playing nice but who is SuperFly to know what playing nice really means lol

Edited By: SuperFly on May 23rd 2015, 4:21:11
See Original Post

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:19:49

Originally posted by Celphi:
I get your point of view Vic., but it just seems more like an individual effort rather than a team effort. It should be about recruiting the best 5 ppl you know and trying to make #1 with one of your members. One player can still place emphasis on netting while the other 4 protect that player. Idk. But, that's just how I feel about it.

i disagree wgole heartedlt.. the weedylar tag isnt built around the best i can find, else i wouldnt be one of five. instead; the tag is built around quality people with tact, class, character, or a drinking problem

he says while waiting to order his forteenth double canadian club, heh, waiting, the fluff is this, the bsck of a busnin alabama jn the fifties?

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:21:32

lol :p

braden Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:25:01

i am only ever happy to open weedylarii, but the idea is that we dont piss folk off, as in we dont lsnfgrab. i would lovr to have any former rd here, but the mahority of yall dont wsnt to play eith thr intent not to piss people off.

wgen i think of vic or syperfly, i think antagonist.. granted, on my side, but still this is all.for iris snd he had a different idea as to how we should play.

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:29:29

I don't hit established teams bro. I only farm untaggeds when I play.

Although I did involve myself in a lovers quarrel with Donny a few times :P

*smacks Donny in the bum*

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 4:36:31

Originally posted by Celphi:
I get your point of view Vic., but it just seems more like an individual effort rather than a team effort. It should be about recruiting the best 5 ppl you know and trying to make #1 with one of your members. One player can still place emphasis on netting while the other 4 protect that player. Idk. But, that's just how I feel about it.

I'm not sure if you understand how the game is played, but the notion of 4 players somehow being able to 'protect' a team mate is absurd. If you don't want us to net, you just hit us - the notion of protection is irrelevant. That has been the problem with this server all along, war tags can prevent netting tags from netting indefinitely with little effort. Netting tags however, cannot prevent war tags from warring.

Thats called a dichotomy my friend, and its the notion of war tags doing what they want for the lulz that has driven netters to other games. Weedy has existed for a long time due to our diplomacy and our peaceful nature. Sadly, having friends and being nice is of no use when somebody comes along and says "derr, look, a rep/casher. kill it".

You're gonna do what you wanna do, and we'll all live with the consequences I guess. Have fun with that.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 4:58:13

It's not absurd. And I can assure you I know how this game works down to programmer's level.

t is very possible to 'protect.' Obviously if you're carrying 0 defense you can't protect; however, if you have a player primarily netting and doesnt spend any of their turns attacking back, you can help protect that team mate. Netters lose most of their $ by engaging in war / ABs / and by getting their max population below 80%.

You protect by setting up highlights for when your clan mates get attacked, demo the attackers, cd their troops (if they're GS'n), lots of options, blow airbases if they're BR. Most on this server thinks individually. It's the ones who work the together the most whom people *fear*.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

yylim80sss Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 5:03:52

Don't argue over the top feed and 2 denied retal. A poor chap is just trying to get back his land but got killed by a bunch of so called veterans in the game.

DNH is a netting team, any ROR can be deal immediately but they chose to go for the kill. That shows how immature they are.

Oriontakers Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 11:05:50

fluff off with your netting team, they are farmers of untaged and small tas. Thats not netting. After they hit me like 700 times they still have no clue that ppl do stonewall. And also this will be there last " netting " set for a long time. I will make sure of that.

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 11:23:22

Yo Orion, you and I have been cordial all set, so please qualify that you were speaking about my teammates and not me

yylim80sss Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 12:49:00

Originally posted by Oriontakers:
fluff off with your netting team, they are farmers of untaged and small tas. Thats not netting. After they hit me like 700 times they still have no clue that ppl do stonewall. And also this will be there last " netting " set for a long time. I will make sure of that.

I dont know u.....and i dont want to....Just a piece of advise.....dont take a web game so seriously......its just to kill time or make some friends.....not worth arguing for nothing....

Vic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 12:54:23

Also, if I remember correctly, the guys on DNH that made the run on Orion were stopped because they moved out of humanitarian range? o well. lol.
dumb game anyway.
guess it's just funny i've been playing it and so involved since the 90s.

Doogs Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 14:05:26

When it comes down to it, it is just a game. Try to have fun whether you get killed or not. You wouldn't get all butthurt and never play again if somebody whooped you arse at Risk, eh?

Doogs Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 14:09:59

btw, I've had all of my countries killed or cratered at least once per set in every server since I've come back. Probably because I tend to get in to the home brew when I play and enjoy fluffing with people on the internet. It makes me feel better about being a crusty, crippled old army dink

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 14:41:44

Originally posted by Celphi:
It's not absurd. And I can assure you I know how this game works down to programmer's level.

t is very possible to 'protect.' Obviously if you're carrying 0 defense you can't protect; however, if you have a player primarily netting and doesnt spend any of their turns attacking back, you can help protect that team mate. Netters lose most of their $ by engaging in war / ABs / and by getting their max population below 80%.

You protect by setting up highlights for when your clan mates get attacked, demo the attackers, cd their troops (if they're GS'n), lots of options, blow airbases if they're BR. Most on this server thinks individually. It's the ones who work the together the most whom people *fear*.

OK, I get that you're new and that you don't really get how the game works. I get that you weren't here during the TIL war, that you were not in the UCN war room with me trying to stave off being botted from the game by RD, I get that you didn't watch friend after friend quit the game during the never ending SLIT coalition wars. I get that you probably were not even born when Mehul and his brother transitioned this game from Barren Realms to E2025. You probably never spammed votes to get that ungrateful douche not one but two webby awards. I get that.

But nigga please, are you honestly suggesting that a 5 person tag is going to camp IRC all day and 'save' their netter from being leveled by:

"demo the attackers, cd their troops (if they're GS'n), lots of options, blow airbases if they're BR"?

For real? It takes all of 20 seconds to end a netting set for an average player, I can do it in more like 4-6 seconds. 20 chems, 20 ABs - bam, netting set over. No amount of soul stealing 24/7 IRC camping is going to stop that. Bombing airbases, lol.

Now sure, if every netter runs 10M Turrets, 1M tanks, 70% SDI, then yes they could stop it - but then the NW winner every set would have a 22M NW country and what fun is that?

You guys are effectively acting as a bucket full of crabs, you are doomed by your own ineptitude to boil in the stew pot of mediocrity, so you wont allow any other crabs to climb out either. Every time somebody tries to rise up, the claws of the inferior collectively reach up to pull them back down into the bucket. Fine. I'm really looking forward to the open beta of Armored Warfare, I may experiment with some uh - gardening this summer, I just bought my kids a canoe and there are lots of fish to catch. If you guys don't want netting on the server, just say so - we've got other things to do.

TL,DR version - be sure to lick only the flat part of the windows, the edges are sharp.

Edited By: archaic on May 23rd 2015, 14:57:54
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 14:47:17

Originally posted by Oriontakers:
fluff off with your netting team, they are farmers of untaged and small tas. Thats not netting. After they hit me like 700 times they still have no clue that ppl do stonewall. And also this will be there last " netting " set for a long time. I will make sure of that.

Out of all posts on this thread Oreo Taker has the best one. Some guy that probably no one has ever heard of on this server is going to ensure that Vic and his buddies never netgain again as he will crush all of your candy asses with his crappy untagged country lol

Vic you better hide your wife, hide your kids and all of your Oreos cuz the taker is going to take them!

Edited By: SuperFly on May 23rd 2015, 14:53:09
See Original Post

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 15:27:09


That's the beauty of programming. I don't have to be here for years and years to understand how the game works. I read the code, and I know what the computer has to follow. It's really that simple.

A netting country carrying around 10mil turrets / 1 mil tanks / 70% SDI is completely different from a warring country who has similiar stats. You're going to invest in completely different tech. That's $0 spent in medical, military strat, warfare, ect. That's a big deal. I've looked at all the data of all the attacks of clans on this server.

You claim one thing but the data shows another. Most of the attacks on this server occur over *minutes* not seconds. Is it possible to do it in seconds?., sure. But the reality is: that's not what's happening. I don't have to reference to a bunch of ancient political nonsense to prove what I say either.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 16:30:00

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Vamps Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 16:55:13

Originally posted by braden:
i disagree wgole heartedlt.. the weedylar tag isnt built around the best i can find, else i wouldnt be one of five. instead; the tag is built around quality people with tact, class, character, or a drinking problem

Braden seems to be one of the few guys who understands what netting has become on this server. Strange that he makes more sense than a lot of you guys even when he's clearly only half cognizant. There are two types of netting alliances on this server:

1) The ones who do the best they can politically to stay out of harms way, avoid grabbing, and have some success

2) The one who don't, who die a lot because of it, and who don't last more than a few sets

When the mods implemented the new server rules a while back, a majority of the players complained and could see this scenario unfolding. Tella and Red X are idiots and changed the rules regardless. They are (thank god) both gone now, but no one is left to actually improve this server or change the rules back.

Netting barely exists here because war tags and suiciders are protected more than the netters. Is it stupid? Maybe... but that's just how it is at this point. Unless you can convince QZ to change the rules back so that politics and allies matter on this server, you're barking up a dead tree.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 16:56:52


Δεν ξέρω τίποτα , το οποίο με κάνει σοφότερο από εσάς .
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:04:38

I'm glad politics and allies don't matter here. If you want that, there's a server for that: ALLIANCE.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 17:10:00

You insinuating that being a programmer makes you gud at this game is as absurd as me believing that knowing the rules of chess will make me Garry Kasporov.

Tell you what gamemaster, do you want to play a game? I've got a lil challenge for you selfie, are you up to a challenge?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:15:57

This server should be about every TEAM struggling to get the #1 spot. Whomever gets that, should get a ' win ' for their clan. You send messages to other clans, negoiating peace, you kill off suciders, you send FA to the guy who has the best chance to make #1 and all that. Right now I see a bunch of individuals trying to place #1 on their own accord. That's something you should see on EXPRESS.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:19:09


You're placing words in my mouth. I never claimed to be good at the game. I claimed I know how the game works. And yes: using your example, if I know how the rules of chess are, I don't have to study all the games of Tal, Fisher, Anand or Magnus Carlsen to know how it works.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Vamps Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 17:19:36

Originally posted by Celphi:
This server should be about every TEAM struggling to get the #1 spot. Whomever gets that, should get a ' win ' for their clan. You send messages to other clans, negoiating peace, you kill off suciders, you send FA to the guy who has the best chance to make #1 and all that. Right now I see a bunch of individuals trying to place #1 on their own accord. That's something you should see on EXPRESS.

Why does the #1 spot matter more than going for highest total NW, avg NW, etc

This is still an alliance based server. That's why you have 5 people per tag.

Oriontakers Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 17:28:06

Vic, no problem mate. :)

Superfly, im a New player in this game. Never played this before. Its my first set. So You dont know me. I hope it will stay that way. And for the record it wasnt untaged.

But maybe Mr fly, ask arround before posting fluff.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:28:38


Because the #1 spot is the most prized position to have. Highest total networth is still a netting based strategy. Not everyone wants to net. So if you combine the two, it allows players to do both.

When you think Superbowl, World Series, World Championships, ect.. you're not thinking of teams with the best averages.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:32:56

1 Preferred Stock (#41) 32,662 $80,399,205 C xBaDx
2 George Kelly Barnes (#58) 30,038 $59,850,001 HG VILLAINS
3 blink (#50) 16,636 $54,637,612 RG weedylar
4 nina dobrev is an angel (#6) Game profile 16,592 $54,363,445 HG weedylar
5 The Road Leads Where Its Led (#11) 20,373 $50,654,600 DG weedylar
6 Fat Girls and Weed (#46) Game profile 17,772 $33,417,871 FG weedylar

When I look at this: I see xBaDx winning the set.

When you think in terms of highest NW team averages/total, you can be oblivious to everyone and just net; but there can only be one #1. If a TEAM wanted it more, they should have bumped him from the #1 spot.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 17:33:24

Vishy Anand was a poser, all he did was hold down a very weak field between two generations of good players. Tal's games are brilliant, but not that instructional to players actually born on earth. You'll learn a lot more studying Capablanca, Bronstein, or Petrosian.

Anyway, I propose we indulge your little team building fantasy. How about next set, you guys try to propel one player into the top 5 and I will singlehandedly prevent that from happening just to prove how ludicrous (and worn out) of an idea it is?

Are you up for a challenge? Can your Caro-Kann beat my Grand Prix Attack?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


May 23rd 2015, 17:34:53

Oh, and I have not destocked yet celphi, so yeah - I probably wont get 80M, but I'm opposed to FA to the top also.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2015, 17:36:10

That's why I like how xBaDx is considering bumping Vic. If that's what it takes to get their netting player (BiBiGoN) to get #1., so be it.

( Note: I think Vic is cool and I respect him for his knowledge of the game and how we respectively disagree with this method).
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.