


Jul 20th 2015, 16:41:53

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Atryn:

No, I don't think we should be flying the flag of ISIS on any US Government property. And yes, if I saw some asshat with an ISIS flag flying proudly from the back of his pickup truck I would dislike him as much as the asshats here who do that with the confederate flag.

Interesting when you stop to think about it, don't you think?

No, sounds like your a twisted fluffhole mess. It also proves you havent the slightest idea what the fluff youre talking about.

Wow Heston, I have seen you post plenty of bullfluff but seriously, there are plenty who feel that the confederate flag has no reason to be flying over a government building. You want one? Fly it on your own damn property.

Perhaps its you who haven't the slightest idea what the fluff you're talking about. *smh*

Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady