
de1i Game profile


Sep 20th 2010, 2:49:17

Do you/have you even played on this server? RD in it's first reset on this server voiced an opion that they were against cross tag play, only in return to be attacked by numerous tags who were for it./against whatever RD thought was best As a result 10-15 RDers returned to play on this server, and this is the result.
Honeslty I think you're just some fluff forum troll that has absolutely nothing to do with the current Team "drama" outside of liking to run your mouth on our Forums. On top of that yo'ure about as hypocritical as they come, despite your own personal landgrabbing habits you're in fluffing LaF, there's not a single person who reads these fluffing forums who doesn't know what LaF has been doing to the alliance server lately with their own landgrabbing policies.

You almost make Archaic, aloud mouthed douche bag who spends the better part of the day bashing RD on these forums but is too much of a fluffing fluff to CONTINUE (keyword here) playing on the server, tolerable.

Edited By: de1i on Sep 20th 2010, 10:42:43. Reason: too much booze
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