
Mr. Lime Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 5:58:09

yessa massa rights away massa
ICQ: 20654127

locket Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 18:17:28

Well since you are such a colourful name lime then perhaps you could inform me of how many are in your tag. And ruth, you are under their power if you are not allowed to landgrab them at all for fear of death.

locket Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 18:18:31

And Silver, the same could be said to you. I could at least acknowledge that your 1:kill on the x-retallers had a good intention if you got rid of it after it succeeded or you actually had that intention.



Sep 21st 2010, 19:09:59

why do we have to get rid of our 1:kill? Have you got rid of your 1:1? or Land:Land? They're retal policies. You can use whatever policy you feel like you could enforce. Just be sure you can back it up.

kwmi Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 19:44:04

what good guys and stewards of the Team Server:

<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 15A/17A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 18A/20A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 18A/20A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 13A/13A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 13A/13A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 13A/13A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- DEF HELD
<@ee> SS Mr Firebrick (#30) [ResDogs] --> Dolphin Reef (#130) [] -- 12A/12A



Sep 21st 2010, 21:11:21

Originally posted by locket:
Well since you are such a colourful name lime then perhaps you could inform me of how many are in your tag. And ruth, you are under their power if you are not allowed to landgrab them at all for fear of death.

I rarely grab on any of the servers where I play. And once again, in case you didnt quite get it the first time, I am under NO ONES power.

Not allowed to grab them? lol hardly

More like I choose not to, just like I choose not to grab other tags as well.

and kwmi acts as if RD is the only one who farms untagged countries, lol

I am starting to think that its stupidity killing this server more than anything else.

Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

de1i Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 21:48:13

Unfortunately most of these posters don't even play here!

kwmi Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 22:01:06

Ruthie, I do not act as if RD is the only clan that farms untaggeds. I am, however, saying RD is the only clan that takes it upon its self to "protect" the server and its players and then farms untaggeds, anyway.

kwmi Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 22:01:14

it is what it is.



Sep 21st 2010, 23:03:36

Its a team server, countries are protected by team tags.

Same way in alliance, untagged countries get farmed. Its been that way for years and will probably remain that way for as long as the game remains.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

MrCrimson Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 0:49:58

kwmi, you're free to do something about it if you'd like...

Pain Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 3:17:26

i mean really, if you play on a clan/team based server untagged, you shouldnt be suprised if youre everyones target for free land. theres only one reason to play untagged and thats to suicide someone.
Your mother is a nice woman

locket Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 7:06:03

Yah untagged is just foolish :P But ruth you have no power in the arrangement when they have 35ish or more countries on their side ;) that would be the equivalent to laf being 250+ countries in alliance :P Its just stupid

de1i Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 7:08:20

35? LOL

Spend less time trolling these forums, more time maybe actually even playing on the server or even looking at the clan list ffs.



Sep 22nd 2010, 17:11:11

Originally posted by locket:
Yah untagged is just foolish :P But ruth you have no power in the arrangement when they have 35ish or more countries on their side ;) that would be the equivalent to laf being 250+ countries in alliance :P Its just stupid

Kindof like smaller tags in alliance having no power over the farming by LaF ?
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 19:21:48

Originally posted by kwmi:
what good guys and stewards of the Team Server:

Sep 21/10 1:00:59 AM PS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 52 A (+17 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:57 AM PS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 53 A (+17 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:56 AM PS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 71 A (+36 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:54 AM PS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 73 A (+36 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:45 AM SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 66 A (+63 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:44 AM SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 68 A (+63 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:42 AM SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 76 A (+102 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:41 AM SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 78 A (+104 A)
Sep 21/10 1:00:39 AM SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#134) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 80 A (+106 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:41 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 44 A (+12 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:36 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 59 A (+29 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:31 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 60 A (+29 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:26 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 80 A (+72 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:19 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 82 A (+72 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:14 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 90 A (+117 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:09 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 92 A (+119 A)
Sep 19/10 2:55:01 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 94 A (+122 A)
Sep 18/10 2:45:21 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 24 A (+2 A)
Sep 18/10 2:45:15 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 24 A (+2 A)
Sep 18/10 12:56:27 AM PS hbomb (#137) (NSA) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 40 A (+4 A)
Sep 18/10 12:54:42 AM PS hbomb (#137) (NSA) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 80 A (+22 A)
Sep 18/10 12:54:13 AM PS hbomb (#137) (NSA) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 82 A (+22 A)
Sep 18/10 12:54:02 AM PS hbomb (#137) (NSA) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 112 A (+45 A)
Sep 17/10 10:07:24 PM PS Whotfru (#67) (ETFT) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 121 A (+59 A)
Sep 17/10 10:06:23 PM SS Whotfru (#67) (ETFT) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 109 A (+101 A)
Sep 17/10 10:05:48 PM SS Whotfru (#67) (ETFT) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 111 A (+103 A)
Sep 17/10 2:56:36 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 14 A (+1 A)
Sep 17/10 2:56:32 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 30 A (+9 A)
Sep 17/10 2:56:25 AM SS The Last Outpost (#14) (MKR2) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 30 A (+9 A)
Sep 16/10 8:10:25 PM PS Caledonian Peloponnese (#102) (MKR) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 77 A (+32 A)
Sep 16/10 8:10:09 PM PS Caledonian Peloponnese (#102) (MKR) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 78 A (+34 A)
Sep 16/10 8:09:49 PM PS Caledonian Peloponnese (#102) (MKR) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 110 A (+87 A)
Sep 16/10 7:57:55 PM PS NHL 11 is here (#76) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 87 A (+75 A)
Sep 16/10 7:57:53 PM PS NHL 11 is here (#76) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 97 A (+120 A)
Sep 16/10 7:57:51 PM PS NHL 11 is here (#76) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 100 A (+123 A)
Sep 16/10 7:57:35 PM SS NHL 11 is here (#76) (Ragnarok) Dolphin Reef (#130) () 68 A (+83 A)

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.



Sep 23rd 2010, 2:33:28

I volunteer Lockets country as a new land source to ease the burden on untags. Since you seem so addamit about making the game "easy" for them. You can allow everyone to hit you rather than hitting the untags, so they can grow.

This is a war game. But you seem of the mindset "everyone's a winner"

archaic Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 11:11:59

Originally posted by de1i:
35? LOL

Spend less time trolling these forums, more time maybe actually even playing on the server or even looking at the clan list ffs.

Sooo . . . even RD is leaving the server now huh?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

snawdog Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 11:19:27

I know there WAS 30-35 last set...
ICQ 364553524

Devestation Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 11:35:14

I can only find 4-5 of their tags this set snawdog, and I only cared to look because Xanadu grabbed me.

snawdog Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 11:38:35

Yea, he is the one that said they were gunna play by the rules last set...and lied.
ICQ 364553524

de1i Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 14:07:46

Why not tell the whole story snawdog?

Literally at the first chance you got tried to get away with grabbing RD. There was a miscommunication between teammates and you were overretaled. Rather than try and be diplomatic about it, you suicided. So you were killed and all bets were off as promised.

You only helped reinforce the point that whenever RD tries to play nice, there is someone out to take advantage of them/ruin that opportunity for other people.

snawdog Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 18:58:56

Take advantage? How? I grabbed them and they done as expected..'Accidentally' over retalled..right..
ICQ 364553524

de1i Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 20:39:50

Believe whatever you like but I'll lay it out plan and simple for you...

It is people like you that ruin it for others when RD tries to conform to everyone's liking. If you want things to be good on this server for yourself and anyone else playing it, then do the following:

Shut the fluff up and just leave RD alone.

snawdog Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 21:09:02

Well, i for one refuse to play by RD rules.
I would rather use the Dev Team rules.
ICQ 364553524

The One Game profile

New Member

Sep 24th 2010, 4:41:36

Originally posted by snawdog:
Take advantage? How? I grabbed them and they done as expected..'Accidentally' over retalled..right..

So, Snawdog, you plan to play stupid now? Gonna pretend that you didnt send me a message after that ordeal stating that you planned to "hit a few RD countries and AB a few"?

Yea, we talked about that exact scenario and we knew it wasnt going to work because of idiots like you who wanted to hit RD just to test them. The over retal WAS a mixup. nobody posted they took it so i did, just so happens you went overboard. That ones on you.

snawdog Game profile


Sep 24th 2010, 13:04:52

No..I guess i won't play stupid,altho i have no idea who you are hiding behind a new name,but you're right i probably did say that AFTER THAT ORDEAL.Who wouldn't.
ICQ 364553524

Thunder Game profile


Sep 24th 2010, 15:25:17

*waves to snawdog*
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

The One Game profile

New Member

Sep 24th 2010, 16:16:05

Originally posted by snawdog:
No..I guess i won't play stupid,altho i have no idea who you are hiding behind a new name,but you're right i probably did say that AFTER THAT ORDEAL.Who wouldn't.

I am the guy who's country you decided to suicide for an over retal.

Luckily for you the boards were cleaned so i dont have all the messages i recieved from you BEFORE we killed your country, but AFTER you did a bunch of AB's.

locket Game profile


Sep 24th 2010, 22:09:55

RD had 30-35 in the past. I dont pay enough attention to know your current numbers. And silver I never said you should protect the untagged's so perhaps you should read again.

And Ruth using the 35 number as my reference is a 35-5 advantage really comparable to lafs 55-60 to a small clans 15-20? Not overly. And they do have power to stop farming. At least they are left alive to do it there. And yes I am ignoring the 5 member clans. They barely count as a clan imo.



Sep 25th 2010, 12:54:36

Ely didnt have 15-20 members and LaF farmed the fluff out of them and they couldnt do anything about it.

Left alive to do what .... be your landfarms?

Please dont think your actions on other servers are honorable and come here spouting off about the injustices of alliances on this one just because you arent the biggest bullies on the block here.

RD has a leave them alone or die policy here and tags are clearly warned about it. Does LaF warn that they will farm the fluff out of you if you cant managed a few dozen retals a day ? Hardly.

Edited By: Ruthie on Sep 25th 2010, 12:58:39
See Original Post
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady



Sep 25th 2010, 13:01:36

oops .... I forgot I am under RD's power and they clearly do all of my thinking for me, so ignore what I just posted.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Thunder Game profile


Sep 26th 2010, 15:54:43

/me sends RD thoughs of Ruth undressing for the masses...
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2010, 5:00:29

Question for RD, are you guys going to take out Av3ngers and reVENGe for violating your policy?



Sep 27th 2010, 10:28:19

you, like most flys, always have been a nuisance.

gwagers Game profile


Sep 27th 2010, 13:07:47

Thanks, Thunder!
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

locket Game profile


Sep 28th 2010, 18:03:30

Read what I said better Ruth. Is 5 members suddenly a big clan or even a medium to small one? Its tiny. Basically the equivalent of being untagged. Laf were not the only ones hitting them, but we were the only ones hitting them who also offered them a pact before the set started. And I am pretty sure it is a widely known fact that if you cant retal someone will grab you. Should it be in every clans policy? You are ridiculous.

What RD does here is completely different.

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 3:22:34

Originally posted by locket:
Basically the itting them, but we were the only ones hitting them who also offered them a pact before the set started.

I knew you where a LaFer, why did you deny it on AT?

locket Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 4:15:40

I dont think i denied it. I seem to remember saying I wasnt there when you were there. And that the person you thought was me was someone with a similar name who was also in laf. I just didnt say also.



Sep 29th 2010, 16:48:21

Originally posted by locket:
You are ridiculous.

What RD does here is completely different.

no more ridiculous than you
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady



Sep 30th 2010, 4:12:52

but it is completley different. Its kind of a mind freak type hold they have on the server. But if it works dont fix it.

gwagers Game profile


Sep 30th 2010, 19:10:07

It's only different in that, in this server, RD's hold is a little more airtight than LaF's seems to be in Alliance.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

archaic Game profile


Oct 1st 2010, 16:18:26

Essentially two blocks of teams - FBI and RD, make up about 1/3 of the server that is off limits to grabbing. They get to run low defense, all-X countries and everybody else has to slug it out for the scraps.

Sadly, the rest of the server sucks ass at doing anything about it. I would love to return to the server and try to organize some resistance, but it failed so miserably the last time that it looks like everybody has decided that boot licking is better than dying in battle.

Both sides deserve what you have. Enjoy it.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

de1i Game profile


Oct 1st 2010, 17:41:05

We denounce our 1:kill policy, have only killed suiciders and 1 overzealous grabber since then, haven't warred since reset before last. But yet we're still the bad guys to people who talk the talk but won't walk the walk, love it. Remembering why I haven't read these forums in around a week. This time around I'll aim for 2 weeks.

gwagers Game profile


Oct 1st 2010, 17:49:05

We aim to please.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Thunder Game profile


Oct 2nd 2010, 16:51:28

Originally posted by archaic:
Essentially two blocks of teams - FBI and RD, make up about 1/3 of the server that is off limits to grabbing. They get to run low defense, all-X countries and everybody else has to slug it out for the scraps.

<b>Sadly, the rest of the server sucks ass at doing anything about it. I would love to return to the server and try to organize some resistance, but it failed so miserably the last time that it looks like everybody has decided that boot licking is better than dying in battle.</b>

Both sides deserve what you have. Enjoy it.

You tucked tail and ran. We tried to get with you guys when we were fighting them. You chose not to help us. Don't sit there and act like you tried to organize anything. Your guys said "yeah we'll help you" only not to show up and say you were netting. You're not even playing the server yet want to complain like you are.

Now, we have made peace with RD and after we do, everyone wants to organize something all of a sudden after we fought them for 3 sets. Wars are fought and a winner and a loser emerges. At least we had the nuts to fight for ourselves and not just quit the server to become a whiny fluff. We are at peace with RD and shall remain so. They've been fair with us ever since we surrendered knowing that we lost our war we fought. Losing a war never feels good, but having the nuts to actually fight one and having the intelligence to know when we've lost is a lot better then sitting on the sidelines complaining and never lifting a finger in the first place.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Mr. Lime Game profile


Oct 2nd 2010, 17:09:47

well said thunder
ICQ: 20654127

archaic Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 2:18:44

Except the part that was bullfluff thunder, aka all of it. I was in MKR at the time and we died along side of eveybody else trying to war RD. They were organized and played like a team, we played like a herd of cats.

Deli, when and where did RD renounce the 1:kill policy? If that is in fact true, then I will publically retract everything I have said about RD.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Thunder Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 5:49:57

Ha...was this before Kyle dropped to his knees and declared that you guys would suck balls forever ?? What a piece of work that was. I'd quit playing Earth entirely before ever going that far.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

archaic Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 5:56:35

Yes, it was before that. Pretty much every tag remaining on the server has kissed RDs ring, thats why I left. The very fact that you cannot even remember who was in the war is proof enough that you were a bit player.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov