
Thunder Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 7:03:57

a bit player? At least I'm still playing and not sitting on the sidelilnes fluffing.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

gwagers Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 11:30:56

Then let me take up where Archaic left off, since I still AM in this server. If you care to remember, MKR made disorganized hits during the first week of the set, and was tagkilled thereafter. If you want to drag our name in the mud, you should at least get your facts right first. Yes, we sucked at the war, but at least we tried. You can't take that from us.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Thunder Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 15:28:39

Sure I can...your esteemed HFA kyle, dropped to his knees and promised RD that you would be their landfarms forever. It really was the most pathetic thing ever posted in all history of Earth, both new and old.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

gwagers Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 16:45:48

Kyle's post aside, what I am saying is that we put forward effort. Kindly learn the meaning behind the turns of phrase you use before you post them.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

locket Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 19:45:23

well thats news to me deli. Good news though.

archaic Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 3:37:01

Originally posted by Thunder:
Sure I can...your esteemed HFA kyle, dropped to his knees and promised RD that you would be their landfarms forever. It really was the most pathetic thing ever posted in all history of Earth, both new and old.

I don't believe that RD has grabbed MKR a single time since the surrender - so, not so accurate about the landfarms huh? Tell me thunder, where are you playing that is still warring RD every set . . . oh yeah, you quit fighting too didn't you, or did you ever really fight to begin with?


Locket, I am not sure if de1i was accurate in stating that RD had dropped 1:kill. I can find no evidence of it, and plenty of contradicting info. Hope its true though, it would be nice if the server actually started to reflect what it was intended to reflect.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

warlorde Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 4:06:01

they apparently posted it in alliance talk and we are just supposed to find that ourselves. they are very fluffy too when one comments in their threads even when it has nothing derogatory said. well i guess i forget that RD doesnt forget past grievances like the little 13 year old girls they are

Thunder Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 4:07:05

How many sets did you last archaic..oh yeah..half a one..if that...or didn't you bother to restart?? I'm sure RD felt a lot of pity and lots of lulz at that surrender of yours. So much so that they probably decided to leave you be unless you want them to collect on that promise? Fact is your "alliance" has been smacked not once, but twice on this server since it started. Maybe you should take the hint and concentrate on netting in peace instead of always trying to ruffle feathers with your fluffty attitude of fair play you claim to have.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

gwagers Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 12:46:23

Originally posted by warlorde:
they apparently posted it in alliance talk and we are just supposed to find that ourselves. they are very fluffy too when one comments in their threads even when it has nothing derogatory said. well i guess i forget that RD doesnt forget past grievances like the little 13 year old girls they are

I interpreted the Alliance post as their Alliance-only policy; I don't know if it extends over here, but personally I doubt it.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Mr. Lime Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 14:06:39

Originally posted by gwagers:
Originally posted by warlorde:
they apparently posted it in alliance talk and we are just supposed to find that ourselves. they are very fluffy too when one comments in their threads even when it has nothing derogatory said. well i guess i forget that RD doesnt forget past grievances like the little 13 year old girls they are

I interpreted the Alliance post as their Alliance-only policy; I don't know if it extends over here, but personally I doubt it.

you sir are smart

warlorde is not

seriously why would we fluffing post our team policy on the alliance it that hard for some of you to figure this fluff out
ICQ: 20654127

snawdog Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 14:29:11

Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
Originally posted by gwagers:
Originally posted by warlorde:
they apparently posted it in alliance talk and we are just supposed to find that ourselves. they are very fluffy too when one comments in their threads even when it has nothing derogatory said. well i guess i forget that RD doesnt forget past grievances like the little 13 year old girls they are

I interpreted the Alliance post as their Alliance-only policy; I don't know if it extends over here, but personally I doubt it.

you sir are smart

warlorde is not

seriously why would we try this fluff on Alliance,where we would get our asses handed to us by the end of week 1

There,fixed that for ya..
ICQ 364553524

archaic Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 15:10:25

Originally posted by Thunder:
How many sets did you last archaic..oh yeah..half a one..if that...or didn't you bother to restart??

Set #6 - Warring RD set
My Killer of coloRs (#38)
RD is EEVIL (#224) 3209
restarting is for idiots (#243)
Mr Wrecktum (#272) 3115
RD blows my 4th restart (#297)

Set #7 - Suiciding RD set
Dr Redicius I assume (#120)
FBIsPRman (#256)

Then I gave up because it was pointless. Care to post yours?

Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
seriously why would we fluffing post our team policy on the alliance it that hard for some of you to figure this fluff out

The confusion was the result of de1i making the "We denounce our 1:kill policy, have only killed suiciders and 1 overzealous grabber since then, haven't warred since reset before last. But yet we're still the bad guys to people who talk the talk but won't walk the walk, love it." comment. He got everybodies hopes up - oh well.

I am done with this thread, so I'll take thunders response off-air.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Thunder Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 19:25:15

Sure...subtract the last 3 sets starting from the beginning of this last one. When we went to war with them cause I didn't agree with them killing my member in May over him retaling thier cross retal. They warred us over our cross:kill policy. In the end, they won and we didn't want to war against a minimum of 2:1 odds anymore . So that was all of June, July, and August....and I'm still playing as are the rest of our my peeps who haven't had to take time due to school or work or loss of computer. The key part there, I'm still playing.

Maybe you're afraid to play cause of all the fluff you've been talking. I don't blame you. RD has long memories and any tag you play in will probably be targeted as a land source. So maybe not such a bad call on your part.

To the rest of you RD haters. Don't blindly hate someone for what they did in the long past ago. No RD has been found to be cheating so far, so with that said I don't think they will be found to be in the future either. They don't need to. They've only ever asked to be left alone, but they will take actions to defend themselves if they feel they're being treated wrongly. What they define as being treated wrong may not be the same as your or my idea. They have the means to defend what they feel they need to. They carry a different policy then the most of us. There isn't a defined rule set for everyone to play by.

Any of us can play how we want to play, but the trick is, can you play that way and survive? I used to hate RD until I actually got to know who a few of them were and I've liked thier real personas in the past. I just in the past didn't agree with thier style of play and thats okay. When you play with RD you have to treat them like a snake in the wild. If you go to pick up the snake and it bites you, don't be surprised it did cause you knew it was a snake when you picked it up. If you had left it alone, you wouldn't have been bit. Overall, they're not asking a lot from us. They have only said since they dropped thier cross policies, to contact them BEFORE you take a retal. Its not that hard and its not asking a lot to do so. Personally, I'm glad to have that option when facing a 1:kill policy.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Pain Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 1:25:01

the bottom line here is of people who had issues with RD only arcaic wants to be a whine baby about it. you refusing to play because of RD doesnt make them look like asshole it makes you look like a whiner.

what it comes down to arcaic, is you refuse to play team because you dont have the ability to LG RD. thats a piss poor excuse not to play.
Your mother is a nice woman

Mr. Lime Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 2:54:41

ok with whose throat we're balls deep in aside....

everybody seems to have come to the conclusion that crimson stated several sets ago when everybody's issues started with us

1.leave us alone we leave you alone- proof lords and mkr haven't been touched by us since their surrenders

2. we will defend ourselves and kill your country

3. it is entirely possible to net and get top ranked without needing RD's protected land examples OG DBD teamhunters

archaic you will learn that sometimes the smart decision is not always the morally correct one

sometimes you have to swallow your pride and move on...

you can keep posting for the next 4 resets and it won't change the fact we wtf pwn'd you and in the end you chose to tuck tail and run all the way off server.

we didn't make lords or mkr our land farms... that's our way of showing them the respect they earned as honest enemies.

they are playing peacefully and going about their merry ways on this server now with no problem.

and you have what to show for all the hot air your spewing??

you won't play because you know we'll find you, we will kill your country, and then kill whatever tag let you in.

ICQ: 20654127

archaic Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 4:55:39

Which is why I left - threatening me was fine, but threatening killing off any unwitting tag for harboring me whether I was attacking you or not was just the kind of chickenfluff BS I have come to expect from you guys.

I had not even said anything about RD in a long time, hell I was actually drifting towards a reconciliation. Lime just has to keep picking fluff open. You getting tired of my posts Lime? So sowee, too bad.

Pain, I run almost exclusively all-x retaller countries. You should try actually reading my posts. I have no desire to do the work it takes to grab. What I get sick of is a block of 5-10 teams skewing the markets and holding a huge ammount of land out of the game when the dev-team is doing everything in their power to make grabbing beneficial for everybody and improve the game experience. You dipfluffs are still stuck in 2002.

Edited By: archaic on Oct 5th 2010, 5:02:25. Reason: pains post
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Mr Midnight


Oct 5th 2010, 17:40:24

Originally posted by archaic:
What I get sick of is a block of 5-10 teams skewing the markets and holding a huge ammount of land out of the game when the dev-team is doing everything in their power to make grabbing beneficial for everybody and improve the game experience. You dipfluffs are still stuck in 2002.

We prefer to hold onto our land. If you get your panties in a knot because we dont allow you to take it, tough fluff.

archaic Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 21:27:53

So, are you guys actually having any fun? You don't really net all that much. Lately you have not even warred much. Now that you guys are all reformed non-cross-tag players, it must get boring sitting around waiting on someone to grab your team so you can kill them.

Is this really why you all came back?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Oct 5th 2010, 21:38:44

didnt they place some countries pretty high the last couple sets, eventhough they were warring and killing ?

i hardly think they would keep playing if they werent having fun
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Thunder Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 4:58:26

"You dipfluffs are still stuck in 2002." - archaic, aka, whiny fluff

I must take issue with this...wasn't it you guys and now Vengeance who were and are crying about how the Admins changed this server without "consulting us" first ?? How they changed the 1A server to TEAM server without your say so?? Thats exactly what you was crying about when you was getting your asses handed to you by the anti-x-retal coalition. You and Beer. Now Vengeance comes with comments of we were a 1A alliacne before the server was changed...blah blah blah repeat MKR again.

First of all...ITS NOT YOUR don't own don't host the game on it...GET OVER IT..1A IS DONE...stop living in the past and accept the here and now and tomorrow as well.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!



Oct 6th 2010, 16:55:26

Originally posted by Thunder:
"You dipfluffs are still stuck in 2002." - archaic, aka, whiny fluff

I must take issue with this...wasn't it you guys and now Vengeance who were and are crying about how the Admins changed this server without "consulting us" first ?? How they changed the 1A server to TEAM server without your say so?? Thats exactly what you was crying about when you was getting your asses handed to you by the anti-x-retal coalition. You and Beer. Now Vengeance comes with comments of we were a 1A alliacne before the server was changed...blah blah blah repeat MKR again.

First of all...ITS NOT YOUR don't own don't host the game on it...GET OVER IT..1A IS DONE...stop living in the past and accept the here and now and tomorrow as well.

considering the actions of Veng last reset, they have no room to fluff about x-retalling or x-killing by anyone.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

archaic Game profile


Oct 7th 2010, 2:13:52

Damn Thunder that was 5 sets ago . . . let it go much?

I don't see the relevance between my comment about RD and FBI obstructing the changes to EE that encourage and reward landgrabbing and your rant about a war fought back in March - but relevance does not seem to be your strong suit?

What exactly is it about me that pisses you off? The fact that I totally recanted x-retalling and would like to see this server strictly 5 v 5, or is it the joy I get out of trolling de1i and Lime?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pain Game profile


Oct 8th 2010, 2:59:59

archaic since your issue with RD is already clear, i ask, what is your issue with FBI?

far as i can tell they play as a 5 man team. if you are reffering to them going off the edge over single grabs and declaring war on another team for little to no reason, then youre retarded because there are no rules against them playing how they want.
Your mother is a nice woman

de1i Game profile


Oct 8th 2010, 19:56:33

Lol at your definition of trolling and the irony of your talking about relevance.

Again I only made it a week before opening this forum on accident.

archaic Game profile


Oct 9th 2010, 3:12:00

I'll redouble my efforts to get you back then de1i, I must be slipping.

Pain, basically I have come full circle on x-tag and retals in general on this server. I would very much like to see the server played in a manner that takes advantage of the rule changes and 5v5 format. Large 'block' alliances enforcing draconian retal policies are keeping this server from even having a chance to show its stuff. After the DBD debacle from last set, Venge tags definately fall into this group now.

RD 1:kill and FBI's random 1:war retal policies would not be enforceable without the strength of numbers. Yes I realize that RD claims they won't x-tag war, but even if its true - nobody wants to risk it. As for FBI, any hit on an FBI tag is likely to result in a war - whats the point of rule changes encouraging grabbing when nobody is willing to take advantage of ghost acres. Sure you can play however you want, but the game is not a lot of fun with a flat ball.

Am I the only one that has noticed that none of the Dev staff bothers to post on the team boards any more?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pain Game profile


Oct 9th 2010, 7:59:56

they dont really post anywhere. im pretty sure its because they are more involved on getting the game on facebook then trying to fix the politics of any servers at the moment.

as far as FBI goes, just dont hit them. changes to make grabbing benficial or not, they have every right to declare war on you for a LG. i hate to be one of those idiots that says it but this is a war game after all lol. if they play this game to have fun and fight people, its not against the rules. and technically speaking not even against the spirit of the game.
Your mother is a nice woman