


Sep 9th 2015, 11:40:23

Originally posted by Alin:
No, i mean the destabilization of Irak, syria,lybia, tunisia, egypt and the long therm implementation of "democracy" in middle east (for 30 years now - in order to suck them dry out of resources). Usa and Israel are indirectly responsable for Isis born and existance... Europe is paying the bills.

This is the true, and Europe can no longer play Usa's games of power. Becouse we are fluffing going to pay the bills, and we are not talking coins here.

That region was destabilized way before the US came into the picture. They have been fighting for 1000's of years.

Do they teach you bullfluff like the US and Isreal are trying to suck the middle east clean of resources? Where would you learn something so dumb.... Gypsy School? Do you plan to throw a jew down the well... so your country can be free?

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Sep 9th 2015, 11:49:36
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