
clintonista Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 15:14:43

That canned, concrete, cretin response assumes that we who seek to improve the game do not join GDI. The problem is not that we do not want to join GDI, the problem is partly that playing as a GDI member is B O R I N G compared to what it once was and can be again.

Some people have suggested that we go play alliance or go play team, tourney or some other server, when those servers get a turn every four minutes, we will. Express at it's best is a fast paced exciting swirling complicated hot mess not a game you check in once every 24 hours and click cash 200 times at the end for the "win". To those who say they can not play every four hours on Saturday and Sunday, I say a game that rewards people for not playing has an internal flaw.

Edited By: clintonista on Feb 9th 2016, 15:28:45. Reason: Add a thought
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