
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 28th 2017, 13:27:36

When I was playing before there were more guides and stuff around, maybe not in the forums or connected to swirve or stuff like that but you could always go to KoD's earth library and get a commie indy startup or a very basic tech start. Other sites were also around. Where are they now?

Now that we have a wiki, couldn't we put up some basic non-optimized start-ups, and guides for how to play early game, mid game and late game? It was hugely helpful for me when I was new to see that KoD had a start-up that could let me get like 40k turrets/jets by turn 100 and I could follow that and I could improve upon it which was quite easy.

I know there are old guides and start-up lying around that are not particularily optimal but still works. This I think would be great for newer players who come in here. I have written such guides for alliances back 12+ years ago but they are not on my computer anymore.

Things that would be helpful:

1. A full indy guide, with maybe 2 start-up options. The startups are easy to find or make. The guide for indy would need like 3-4 paragraphs, tbh. All-xp.
2. A turn for turn tech-start guide for cashers and farmers.
3. A basic guide for stockpiling and destocking.
4. An all-xp theo techer guide with a brief description of TMBR switching.
5. A basic guide for landgrabbing, with and without bots. Like calculating possible turrets from NW+acres, returns and explaining why hitting a target too many times may be a bad idea and the other risks involved in grabbing and also that these attacks(SS and PS) are the only ones that normaly benefit you. Again like 3-5 paragraphs would be extremely helpful for anyone who is new here.

Either someone can write them up fast or you can copy(referencing ofc) one posted on this public forum or take an old outdated one from your computer or your clan page. Of course you shouldn't share any of the strategies that give you an edge right now and are the result of hard labor. All can be all-xp, suboptimal(but not crap) and they should be written for an individual game like tourney, primary or perhaps express. I think this could improve the game for newer players as well as for everyone else if more new players feel they can improve themselves and learn the game before growing tired of it.

Edited By: Gerdler on Feb 28th 2017, 17:50:24
See Original Post

tbsun2003 Game profile

New Member

Mar 5th 2017, 15:24:09

As a returning player, this would be awesome for me. The majority of the guides seem to be dead links

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 5th 2017, 16:25:42

There is nothing of the sort and I'm also a returning player. There are some mechanics now that was not in the game before such as ICs, Labs and oil rigs are affected by your population so it is inefficent to go like 40cs, then 450 ICs straight as your explores screw up your production. It is not very difficult to fix from one reset to the nex and sure you can now create like 20 countries in the AI server and test a bunch of start-ups by yourself, but a new player likely wont do that and will not be able to know if he is doing well or not either.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 5th 2017, 20:26:48

explore only when needed and 1st batchexpolore (if does those) at ~1900 acres and after buildup (either labs (for techstart or as techer), indies, farms and rigs if fascist or ents and res). FFA farmer autostart is decent (its flaw is no indies to produce military so 0 def and spal when oop so not suitable for soloservers).

I suggest applying to netting alliance like evolution ( or laf ( or omega ( to get access to strategy center and tutors.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 16:08:12

Yes, I'm in LaF now but you realize that there are a bunch of players who are mostly interested in tournament and other individual games and the strategies and start-ups and that work well in alliance are very bad in some individual games due to the need for defence, the market prices and such. Either way I am not speaking for myself now mostly. I'm speaking for myself as a newbie, I was helped by KoD's earthlibrary. Now there is no such public guides that I can find and we could have them on this forum or on the wiki.

I don't see a reason not to, do you, Marshal?

I would copy and paste one of my old indy starts or the then successful and greatly detailed all-reset guide that I engineered and wrote for a well known alliance liek 10 years ago, but I lost it since that was 3 computers ago. :P

Either way what Im talking about is something like:
Switch rep
build 40cs
build 300 farms, explore when needed sell food every turn
build 40cs, keep selling food every turn.
Explore and build 750 research labs, keep selling food every turn but stop after this
Destroy 25 farms at a time and rebuild them as research labs, do until you can't build a full BPT of labs more.
Tech 100 turns of bus/res tech at equal weight. Buy turrets at log-out.
Destroy all your research labs, rebuild as EntZ/Res. Play casher and win!

This is clearly suboptimal. No threat to any alliance, and these starts in different iterations are so common from like 10 years ago that I'm sure there are a hundred of them lying around that still works and would be very easy to copy paste into this forum.

And then the same for the rest of the reset. With midgame guide, stocking guide and destocking guide. And then the same for indy, techer and farmer. Most can be copy pasted from 10 years ago and are not a secret weapon of anyone anymore.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 21:15:34

my startup on alliance and team is this:

if casher or farmer switch to rep (casher) or demo (farmer), if techer then no switch yet.

sell bushels and turrets and switch to 70% tax and 10% and indy production to 90% turrets
build 1 cs
switch to 50% tax
build 1 cs
switch to 36 tax, build 18 cs, build 9 farms and 1 oil rig
build more farms upto 139 (explore and sell bushels as needed) then start building ics (explore and sell bushels as needed) until turn 79 then switch indyprod to 10% spies, 10% troops and 80% turrets and build 20 cs's
at turn 99 either wait until full turns and then get out of prot or just get oop by building 1 ic then i build rigs upto 25 (24 rigs, 1 farm and 5 ics) and then 20 cs's and ics and 1 turn explores until out of money or turns besides 1 which is spent to put stuffs on market
then log off for 6+ hrs and log back to see if goodies sold
if not then build more cs's until can put bushels on sale and log off again until next day (or 18 hrs since 1st login) and with money gotten get 25 bpt and build 1 ic and then cs's until bpt 30 and then ics until no money then cs's (20) if turns if not enuf then sell stuffs and continue until 500 ics and 80 bpt (explore 2 turns when needed) and buy tanks when see those on public
then start building labs and explore until reached 1915 or so acres (if 1916 or higher then drop land until 1915 or below) and then wait until ~80 turns and do batchexplore and get to ~3700 acres (switch to 100% spies indyprod)
build up as labs and tech (week or 2 before converting) and as casher destroy farms when food prod drops to negative and as farmer build bit more farms (and sell bushels when 1 turn left) and buy more defense (turrets and tanks)
then wait until max turns and do another batchexplore to ~7k or more acres and destroy labs and rebuild as chosen strat.

as techer same start except switch to theo on turn 79 and 100 bpt and ofcourse no destroying labs

stocking and buying military and techs when money (as farmer no need to stock over 36 bucks bushels) and do batchexplores 2-3 times a week (as techer twice a week) and destocking few days (depending size of stock) before end of set (if ~max military tech then min. price 38 as casher and 37 as farmer and as techer 35 or so) and spend that money on military (public or priv depending which is cheaper) and if all goes well then no money left to buy anything on last hr or so.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

tanjun Game profile

New Member

Mar 27th 2017, 23:36:54

Just started playing this again recently and I was surprised how little public content is still around for this game (rip geocities). I'm one of those people Gerdler referred to who doesn't really care to play alliance, more interested in solo play. Thank you Gerdler and Marshal for these, good starting point for me to get back into it :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 0:59:36

I get the feeling you like to run Theo Techer! :)

What has changed in the game for theo is the pop bonus which helps a lot especially for the early game before build full techer. You want to minimize the turns spent inefficiently building ICs or farms to finance your labs. The pop bonus lets you do just that. I often used to build like 300-500 ICs in tournament before finishing my CSites so I could get the income I needed to be full techer at like 2k acres. Now I build way less, which saves turns.

Also reselling is kinda useless nowadays much because of the Commie buff to +35% indy production. This is a bit sad because it was one of those things that could make or break a TTR player because it could go very wrong if the goods got stuck.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 13:08:14

with mil prices being what they are thx to low price sellers (prices can be 50 bucks per troop after 1st 2 days) its tough to get money purely on indy startup and not rly on pure farmer startup either since price can be 30-32 bucks meaning no profit or very little profit vs selling at priv.

I run cashers (reps), farmers (demos) and techers (theos).

reselling ain't worth unless is full tmbr with max mil tech and still its worth it on last week of set.

in past players could run whole set mbrs but not today when prices are 1-2 bucks (tax included) over priv sell price its not possible.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 17:14:53

It has nothing to do with low price sellers. The market works perfectly. If you sell to high your goods get stuck. The problem is that the production boost of +25% for commie has become +35% and that tech has gone from 140% to 160%. If prices for jets/turrets were 160-180 like they used to the C/I would make far more than any non-techer.

Don't get me wrong; these are good changes, it just tips the balance point of military prices so TTR and TMBR don't function unless also the private market prices were changed to balance it.

My suggestion for fixing this:
1. You could generate a demand for troops and tanks by creating incentives for players to send them on SS/PS attacks, such as an attack boost if the jet is matched by a tank and a troop for example. This would increase demand for troops and tanks and raise prices for military units in general which helps the indies.
2. Drop the commie bonus back down to 25%. This reduces the C/I power sligthly. But it would also raise military unit prices.
3. Make IC base troop/jet/turret/tank production 2/1.86/1.86/0.5 instead of todays 1.86/1.86/1.86/0.4. This would be a boost to indy's especially in combination with 1.

The dynamic would be that TTRs would create a soft price ceiling and a price floor for each of the military unit markets and while in normal price ranges C/I still makes more by producing mostly turrets/jets they would at times be producing tanks/troops for more profit and also for their own use.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 19:17:39

before bots and low prices on public prices were 120+ bucks for troops and 10-20 bucks higher for turrets.

also due landtrading mostly jets are bought outside basic defense (and when suiciders strike against fatties results are devastating) and not much even those and bot farming ain't helping either since breaks aren't high.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 19:54:47

Yes, bots buy most of the turrets and humans buy most of the jets. I don't see a problem there, a player who plays CI will most likely produce mostly jets and if the jet prices are above the turret prices the bot C/Is will too. When bots are in the equation there is also the supply-demand glut in the AI-community. Bots produce more food and military units than they buy and waaaay less tech. This can be fixed quite easily I'm sure.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 20:40:37

techmarket ain't as good as it could be (sometimes even early point of set 3k bucks from busi, resi and agri is too high to sell) besides indytech which sells like a icecream in sahara due bots buying it and alot.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 21:54:05

Yes, but farmer and indy bots and especially casher bots dont buy much tech until they are fully built and because of their CS heavy start this happens quite late. So right out of the bat the techer bots are producing but the other bots are not buying, then you get a short equilibrium and then the buying side takes over. So in express this means cheap techs late wednesday and all thursday, slightly higher on friday and then higher still on saturday morning, then starts the decline because every human techer is teching all their turns and flooding the market with more than the casher/farmer/indy bots can buy unless there are very few human techers.