
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 19th 2018, 7:26:39

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Something like that, anything.

Tho, we have to remember that griefing tags(yeah I dont call them war tags anymore) are fully capable of ruining people sets with only landgrabs, and that seems to be their goal.

If whole rounds are being ruined for a player by just landgrabs (built-in mechanics and integral parts of the actual game) then there are way bigger issues at hand.

He was done after the landgrabs, dont you agree?

Originally posted by DruncK:
What if netting tags reached out to war tags for non aggression/defensive pacts, and if war tags don't respond you don't build super low spal and SDI countries?

Or we could just OOP FS you, since our netting is ruined anyway if we have to hold 50 spal and 80% SDI post day 14?

Originally posted by Viceroy:
What if we stopped addressing unrelated issues by victim-blaming and started fixing the reasons so many have been run off from this game and the Team server specifically?

This strategy has taken the game from tens of thousands of players to ~300, why would we stop this now?