
mrford Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 23:14:19

Now, I don't know how far this story reaches but here's a little background

Zarah Baker was a young girl, maybe 10 years old, who was a native Australian. Her dad and stepmother live in Hickory, NC. About 1 hour from where I grew up.

Zarah was a bone cancer survivor, but not before she had to have a limb amputation. Apparently, her deranged stepmother was extremely abusive and she was taken out of school to hide her bruises.

Well about a month ago, she went missing. Her biological mother was flown in from Australia, her stepmother jailed for lying (she wrote a fake ransom note for zarah), and father jailed on unrelated charges.

A month long manhunt ensued, and a few days ago a bone was found. Today the DNA from that bone was linked to zarah baker. This little girl is dead, murdered. The bone that was found had cut marks on it indicating that she was dismembered.

For all of you out there who do not believe in the death penalty, I want you to look at this picture

the evil in this world is at times overwhelming, and I hope whoever had any part in this tragedy is brough to a harsh, and swift, justice.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 12th 2010, 23:51:43
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford