
Riddler Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 1:13:57

Will be undergoing changes in the very near future. I had arranged a friendly war with elders but asked that we postpone due to inactivity on my part and leadership due to real life. After assuring the alliance we were good until further notice Derrick pulled a fluff move, no honor whatsoever. So congratulations douchebag, you've successfully ran out at least one more player.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 1:22:26

Perhaps I should make a post myself. I stepped down from elders leadership at the beginning of this set and was taking a nap when you guys got hit. Elders HFA is Drunck and while I was sleeping I'm certain he's the one you should contact.

I think it's time for zorp to post that nicholas cage clip again. It was never about having control, but just keeping the train on the rails. My step down from elders leadership and subsequent crazy are sort of what I cautioned about for a long time and now its reached fruition. At least I think I had valid concerns. I'm sorry they ran you off.

Darrian Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 1:25:48

Seems to be the general consensus that Derrick isn't thought very highly of around here. At least that's what I have gathered so far.

~bad as i wanna be~

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 1:28:36

You aren't kidding. Someone can slip on a banana peel in Paris and blame me in Philly. It's pretty annoying and tiring but whatever. It's probably just that I stir the pot enough to make people think I'm the only one who does it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 1:32:05

To be fair tho, there is an endearing quality to be thought of on such a high pedestal of killing fluff that if someone gets hit it automatically has to be me pulling the strings. That's a pretty solid rep honestly.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 1:44:50

If you really want some irony to go with that Darrian, I'm largely a netter who happened to be in elders leadership for about 5 sets. I generally net on team and ffa and just play a war clan here for the social aspect. Next to other war dogs, I'm a snowflake. And am often referred to as such by elders members.

Darrian Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 1:57:21

Well personally if you are in an alliance that doesn't keep it's word, then perhaps it's time to move on. Or at least be proactive in helping change their ways.

I do understand the fact of being blamed for everything, however more times than not the blame is directed for a reason.
~bad as i wanna be~

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 2:07:28

Yeah. And in that way the blame is almost properly placed because 9 times out of 10 I can control or mitigate damage but that's more or less the total impact I've had aside from 1 or 2 sets.

Tell you what tho. If you still don't have a war leader I should maybe tag over and do it if no one is super butthurt. fluff sui would probably prefer that anyways. You guys should fs elders asap regardless because ultimately I don't know why this is a worthwhile move. I am a former warchat leader for rage in the old times. Perhaps that's what makes the most sense. I'm not really sure nor am I all that active atm. I've overflowed turns on every server I've played this set but I'm willing to help out where I can. If only to make this set less stupid.

Good to see you btw Darrian. It's been at least a decade.

sinistril Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 2:22:29

It was Colonel Derrick in the Ballroom with the Revolver

Edited By: sinistril on Sep 17th 2018, 2:27:34
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DruncK Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 2:25:40

fluff off Riddler not my fault you have an inactive bunch. Your promise of an FS didn't happen, and as you said you asked for an extension, it was never given.

Any more of an extension would just cripple your inactive teammates further with or without our help.

Man up and do something about it or just walk away crying either way works for us I suppose.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 2:30:02

I was going to officially change my name to Puff Boy in honor of wicked getting himself killed and doing 0 building abs on me while calling me such a cute name, but maybe Colonel Mustard is more appropriate because the only smashing I've done recently is on some hot dogs and chicken tenders when I'm stoned out of my mind.

Either way it's probably time for a misnomer and a slow fade back into obscurity. I'm clearly more popular than I can even manage. Can't even manage to play turns once every 3 days haha.

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 3:35:17

Rage, as other alliances, once were able to recruit when we were playing a war game. It is hard to recruit in a game that is more equivalent to a game called solitaire.
These same card players fluff and moan when they get bothered, even though all they have to do is flip more cards.
A netter is always crying when they get attacked, even though their land is given to them by bots.
When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.
Even now, during wars, AT lights up.....even the #alliance news channel lit up, until folks got butt hurt and the voices were silenced.
To the quiet netters, that just show up to play turns, or to the folks that just check in every once in awhile, and want to quit if they get hit......then leave, you were never here to begin were never interactive in an interactive game.

You know I am right, cuz Sui is never wrong......Peace be with you.

aliyah Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 4:11:04

Can confirm Derrick had nothing to do with this.

But if whining floats your boat, feel free to go for it and run to mommy when you get a wittle scratch. We were all waiting for an FS that didn't come.

LCN Spellchecker in training

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 17th 2018, 4:13:34

If the quiet netters leave you will be 60 players in this game with a fluffed market without the people who log in once a day, run their turns and post goods on the market. Go to the AI server and play war with 5 friends there and you will see what I'm talking about. Plus it's not about being hit and you know that.
Not all activity is good activity, someone could spread commercials or nazi propaganda on AT or #earthempires and it would be more active, but it won't be good. Some will be offended and will leave, some will just leave because they feel the relevance of their efforts drown in this "activity" and some will just use it as a reason to make similar "activity".
I strongly believe that the vast majority of all players that ever played this game and no longer do left because of unwanted "activity". I guess if such activity was necessary for acheiving something ingame it would make it feel useful. But nowadays the majority of all wars are between an aggressor and one party that does not want or invite war, for the purpose of making them feel bad about the game, their hobby. It's activity, but it's corrosive activity and very purposefully so.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 5:36:52

Originally posted by Riddler:
Will be undergoing changes in the very near future. I had arranged a friendly war with elders but asked that we postpone due to inactivity on my part and leadership due to real life. After assuring the alliance we were good until further notice Derrick pulled a fluff move, no honor whatsoever. So congratulations douchebag, you've successfully ran out at least one more player.

Can I play with Meg in the meantime?

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 6:01:13

Hmmmm. I've left and come back to this game a lot of times and honestly I've never chalked it up to to unwanted "activity." Honestly it was either because I was bored with it or had too much going on in RL to do what I like doing best which is warchats. I'm going to guess that a far greater percentage of people who have quit over the years weren't just chased by war dogs or because they were laf farmland. Yes wardogs have tried to chase me off. Yes laf tried to farm every tag I played in for like 8 years out of the game while I attempted to learn netting (thus forcing me to learn war and crying when it comes back to bite). Neither were ever reasons i went inactive. Tho i do tend to take the set off if i get blindsided while netting.

Truth is if it takes more time than I have or I'm too bored with the game to log in and play turns, then I don't do it. I would wager, in fact, that people who quit for other reasons than getting griefed is greater thab a 10:1 ratio against players who quit for rl or boredom.

That's kind of like saying the leading cause of death in America is gun violence. While it tends to make bigger headlines when someone dies of murder, eating cheetos is still what kills the vast majority of us.

Truth is we did have a wargame on AI and it was a blast like 5 days ago. Cell phone players kinda got whipped but it was still pretty entertaining. Something you still don't understand gerdler is that the social interaction of war is what makes it fun, and not so much the game itself. The market can do whatever it wants. Everything can cost $9999 and wardogs will still find a way to have fun because it's the community and social aspects that drive the fun times. F/O hybrids would replace techers as normal war strats and we'd all still war given no market. It's fun for us.

It's often entertained me thinking while netters just farm bots until the last week as an FFO, bonus building costs and do a 9 turn oil destock seem to think just smashing GS is so stupid and not thought driven or vise versa. It's a pretty simple game we play and while the best netters are real thinkers, they actually are numbered in the very few and about a third of them play war tags on occasion. Players who just want to run the same fluff every set and get 300k acres and not get touched or cry that the game takes too much time is just as stupid to me as the wardog that blindsided a netter.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 17th 2018, 6:06:47
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 6:04:53

I do understand the sentiment of it being toxic taking away netting from the 10 or 15 players that actually place on servers on occasion, but those that are lazily netting are not anymore of a commodity than those that are lazily warring.

I think gerdler, for example, is a commodity because he spends a good amount of time investing into the game and its community. I'd say the same about anyone who spends time teaching, or learning best strats, or bringing people together for war. For better or worse, war brings in as many players as it runs off and the players who invest something into the community are the ones who deserve a pat on the ass. The server had a ton of non regular players during the laf vs elders campaign. Lots of recruiting happened then and that's a VERY good thing.

No one is a commodity just because they are a warm body who runs turns.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 17th 2018, 6:16:12
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 6:20:19

What ran off the remaining MD for example, was the end of that war and the beginning of a period marked by decided boredom amongst wardogs.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 12:27:09

You spam to much
Don of LaF

farmer Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 12:27:44

game needs more people. Waring the same clans set after set gets old everyone knows what is going to happen, no surprise who it is going to be, only surprise is what date will the war start and even that is determined by the DR rule no one wants to war before that falls off.

brujodale Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 14:46:44

myabe a diff concept like a bowling league these clans vs those clans and change each set. that we would also get to know the other players better, well besides kicking their asses lol
/me has Aliyah sit on lap

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 15:00:49

There hasn't been honor in this game in a very long time. Probably going back to when they first introduced clan tags to the game.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 17th 2018, 15:25:09

I can't breathe today and the baby was sick last night.
Derrick's fault :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 19:09:30

We can't decide if it's honor or honour, who think we can actually settle on anything else


Symbolic Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 19:11:20

Its Honour.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2018, 19:17:32

DP actually mentioned for team server kind of throwing everyone who wants to war and essentially drawing names to pick sides. Honestly it isn't a bad idea because most of us dogs have killed our counterparts enough times that killing each other is not so bad.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 17th 2018, 20:01:56

Is it miles or kilometers?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Marshal Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 20:53:31

latter ofc
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Riddler Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 22:43:52

Originally posted by DruncK:
fluff off Riddler not my fault you have an inactive bunch. Your promise of an FS didn't happen, and as you said you asked for an extension, it was never given.

Any more of an extension would just cripple your inactive teammates further with or without our help.

Man up and do something about it or just walk away crying either way works for us I suppose.

Real manly behind a computer over something that was supposed to be a friendly arranged war there fluff. I happened to double Rage's size in one set for the reunion we have players ready to go, our supposed war leader bounces 3 days before the arranged start date and not once posted anything insite about availability for chats or anything. we were stabbed inthe back, I knew at least one of my members was going to be out of town on that date. I also have a very demanding real life that requires more than you could even begin to imagine. You call it whining, I call it pointing out the obvious. I asked at least 3 days before the start to give us a couple days, for a "friendly arranged war" this should have been a non issue. but oh well....

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Rage, as other alliances, once were able to recruit when we were playing a war game. It is hard to recruit in a game that is more equivalent to a game called solitaire.
These same card players fluff and moan when they get bothered, even though all they have to do is flip more cards.
A netter is always crying when they get attacked, even though their land is given to them by bots.
When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.
Even now, during wars, AT lights up.....even the #alliance news channel lit up, until folks got butt hurt and the voices were silenced.
To the quiet netters, that just show up to play turns, or to the folks that just check in every once in awhile, and want to quit if they get hit......then leave, you were never here to begin were never interactive in an interactive game.

You know I am right, cuz Sui is never wrong......Peace be with you.

Suicidal, we were prepping for war and you were to be a big part of that but once again you turned your back on us. and bounced over to the neemy who already had us outnumbered with the help of stones. no honor (honour) on your part either.

And last but not least Symbolic, we were once tight man, as one of the original evil sons of Rage I thought I could trust you and when you tagged with us i immediately offered you the war leader spot which you were so "honoured" to accept, man I can point out the daily activity was there but honestly you didn't even try to help the situation just bounced out on us without a heads up and without so much as a fluff you I'm out...I could have at least understood and respected that. The bad thing is even after you were tagging elders you were logging into Rage, you had to have seen my posts about the postponement. Either way, you guys do what you must. I'm not butthurt over it, just once again pointing out the obvious.

VicVixvi Game profile


Sep 17th 2018, 23:27:34

Riddler. While I don't have a huge role in what happens in Elders other then as a member, what I don't get is all the failed spy ops we were getting from your guys AFTER you asked for an extension. There must have been near a dozen people that joined our channel around 3 days ago that mentioned failed spy ops(myself included). If you were extending the fs for a week and a half, why the spy ops? -v

archaic Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 0:42:31

Originally posted by Suicidal:

When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.

Its never been a war game, 1A has always been a political game. War was just a tool that was used to achieve political ends when it suited the task.

Originally posted by Riddler:

Suicidal, we were prepping for war and you were to be a big part of that but once again you turned your back on us.

Sounds more like they turned their front to you Riddler. You cannot expect to schedule a war with a war tag and then think they will scrap their set because of a failure of your war team. Believe me, I've been there - I've been in tags where the HWar flaked before the war he was supposed to deliver. Dance with who brung you and get revenge next set. Surely there is enough left of the ghost of rage past to summon forth a little vengeance?

(Actually, Vengeance was Radek's gig IIRC)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Red X Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 0:52:23

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Suicidal:

When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.

Its never been a war game, 1A has always been a political game. War was just a tool that was used to achieve political ends when it suited the task.

Originally posted by Riddler:

Suicidal, we were prepping for war and you were to be a big part of that but once again you turned your back on us.

Sounds more like they turned their front to you Riddler. You cannot expect to schedule a war with a war tag and then think they will scrap their set because of a failure of your war team. Believe me, I've been there - I've been in tags where the HWar flaked before the war he was supposed to deliver. Dance with who brung you and get revenge next set. Surely there is enough left of the ghost of rage past to summon forth a little vengeance?

(Actually, Vengeance was Radek's gig IIRC)

Radek still plays?

Also I'll come and help run chats if you like.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Red X Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 0:52:41

Running chests was directed to rage
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 18th 2018, 1:04:11

Red x I'll Facebook you. We ride in RAGE together.

Riddler Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 1:05:01

Originally posted by VicVixvi:
Riddler. While I don't have a huge role in what happens in Elders other then as a member, what I don't get is all the failed spy ops we were getting from your guys AFTER you asked for an extension. There must have been near a dozen people that joined our channel around 3 days ago that mentioned failed spy ops(myself included). If you were extending the fs for a week and a half, why the spy ops? -v

Because of ops on us? Because maybe we have a dedicated spy whose job is to prepare? They were not harmful ops so what's it matter. You guys have been spying us for weeks

Edited By: Riddler on Sep 18th 2018, 1:07:02
See Original Post

VicVixvi Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 1:19:58

Originally posted by Riddler:
Originally posted by VicVixvi:
Riddler. While I don't have a huge role in what happens in Elders other then as a member, what I don't get is all the failed spy ops we were getting from your guys AFTER you asked for an extension. There must have been near a dozen people that joined our channel around 3 days ago that mentioned failed spy ops(myself included). If you were extending the fs for a week and a half, why the spy ops? -v

Because of ops on us? Because maybe we have a dedicated spy whose job is to prepare? They were not harmful ops so what's it matter. You guys have been spying us for weeks

Yeah, I know they weren't harmful. I'd have understood if they'd been happening all along, just wondered why all of the sudden after the extension request. Thanks for the explanation. -v

Riddler Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 1:25:26

And actually I was failing ops for 2 weeks lol

VicVixvi Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 1:48:13

Originally posted by Riddler:
And actually I was failing ops for 2 weeks lol

Ha! Hopefully you are not the 'spy guy'! -v

Merlin Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 18th 2018, 2:28:33


aliyah Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 3:28:17

*dances on Bru's lap*

I figured the failed ops meant an FS was either coming on time... or might happen sooner. For one, I never spied any of you... until tonight. LOL

LCN Spellchecker in training

Hokage Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 4:31:30

No point of riddler what he is saying about friendly arranged war if elders is elders (mistaken) elders is eager to war, i think it is not derrick's fault again.

Hokage Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 4:31:31

No point of riddler what he is saying about friendly arranged war if elders is elders (mistaken) elders is eager to war, i think it is not derrick's fault again.

breeze Game profile


Sep 18th 2018, 4:39:28

*dances on Bru's lap*

Bru will have a sardine pie on his lap. Don't fall for it hahaha


deitylord2 Game profile

New Member

Sep 18th 2018, 5:14:38

This is what the game is now huh?

Edited By: deitylord2 on Sep 18th 2018, 5:17:27
See Original Post

Darrian Game profile


Sep 19th 2018, 2:10:50

Apparently so Deity....
~bad as i wanna be~

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 19th 2018, 2:16:56

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Suicidal:

When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.

Its never been a war game, 1A has always been a political game. War was just a tool that was used to achieve political ends when it suited the task.

Originally posted by Riddler:

Suicidal, we were prepping for war and you were to be a big part of that but once again you turned your back on us.

Sounds more like they turned their front to you Riddler. You cannot expect to schedule a war with a war tag and then think they will scrap their set because of a failure of your war team. Believe me, I've been there - I've been in tags where the HWar flaked before the war he was supposed to deliver. Dance with who brung you and get revenge next set. Surely there is enough left of the ghost of rage past to summon forth a little vengeance?

(Actually, Vengeance was Radek's gig IIRC)

Radek still plays?

Also I'll come and help run chats if you like.

Nope :( No Radek. But I was sure that Vengeance was Rat's thing as he was Pres right. Radek was HFA

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 19th 2018, 2:20:45

Originally posted by deitylord2:
This is what the game is now huh?

Dafuq you talking about?, It's always been this way! LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

iScode Game profile


Sep 19th 2018, 6:32:33

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Suicidal:

When this was a war game, there was more interaction amongst members as was the increased interactions among alliances.

Its never been a war game, 1A has always been a political game. War was just a tool that was used to achieve political ends when it suited the task.

Originally posted by Riddler:

Suicidal, we were prepping for war and you were to be a big part of that but once again you turned your back on us.

Sounds more like they turned their front to you Riddler. You cannot expect to schedule a war with a war tag and then think they will scrap their set because of a failure of your war team. Believe me, I've been there - I've been in tags where the HWar flaked before the war he was supposed to deliver. Dance with who brung you and get revenge next set. Surely there is enough left of the ghost of rage past to summon forth a little vengeance?

(Actually, Vengeance was Radek's gig IIRC)

Radek still plays?

Also I'll come and help run chats if you like.

Nope :( No Radek. But I was sure that Vengeance was Rat's thing as he was Pres right. Radek was HFA

Veng was Fooglmog and Blade's and Radek (I think and Radek, not a hundy on that)

Original Vengeance leadership was

Prez / HWAR - BladeEWG
Prez / HFA - Foog
HIA - Radek

I was also given the title of co-HIA but that was only to placate my massive ego and to bring in imag members for the first set, I was really an asst IA with little say:P
God of War


deitylord2 Game profile

New Member

Sep 19th 2018, 7:27:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by deitylord2:
This is what the game is now huh?

Dafuq you talking about?, It's always been this way! LOL

Right, I must've gotten my online gaming experience confused with AstroEmpires.

I gotta admit, I'm the sucker who got badgered into playing this "reunion" reset thinking I'll play with and against some decent people. Thanks for the friendly FS. You sure showed me!

DruncK Game profile


Sep 19th 2018, 8:57:19

Originally posted by deitylord2:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by deitylord2:
This is what the game is now huh?

Dafuq you talking about?, It's always been this way! LOL

Right, I must've gotten my online gaming experience confused with AstroEmpires.

I gotta admit, I'm the sucker who got badgered into playing this "reunion" reset thinking I'll play with and against some decent people. Thanks for the friendly FS. You sure showed me!

If you were semi active and helped with the war effort you would be eating those words...