
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2018, 9:11:38

Only special morons like myself eh?

My profile has always been open. I have nothing to hide. Do you need a step by step guide or do you know how to use the website?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 3rd 2018, 9:14:31
See Original Post

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:22:51

Nice edit there Derrick

"Only special morons like myself eh?

My profile has always been open. I'm not good at finding profiles on the site because I use 100% mobile etc etc.

In any case I got 2nd place on team 2 sets ago with a country named Tallywhacker. Theres a little box to the right of that. It has my entire open profile.

I don't have anything to hide."

Except your original post where you admit to not being very good at finding profiles and then edit it to try and insult me.

Keep posting. We will keep laughing at you.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:23:16

Originally posted by trumpoz:

#381 controlled the oil market for the first 5 weeks of the reset.

Controlling the oil market at the beginning of a reset is like taking a dump and aiming for the toilet.

If you're the only one doing it, it's not hard.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Namineff Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:30:40

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by trumpoz:

#381 controlled the oil market for the first 5 weeks of the reset.

Controlling the oil market at the beginning of a reset is like taking a dump and aiming for the toilet.

If you're the only one doing it, it's not hard.

It's cute that you think it was only oil
We are will be messy!

Makinso Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:34:46

Originally posted by trumpoz:
There isnt time to respond to every moron.

Time to type that stuff? But No time to respond adequetly to a very normal comment.
Class act :)

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:45:52

Originally posted by Namineff:

It's cute that you think it was only oil

Hey, look! You moved the goal posts!
"Durr, we control the oil market at the beginning of a reset!"
"Yeah, lol, not hard at all."
"It's not just oil lolo0lolol!"

It's even cuter that you think you or your actions matter here. Nothing you do is going to change the way alliances have been playing for the past couple of decades. Alliances have had kill teams before. Alliances have had suiciders in their ranks before. Alliances have won triple crowns despite suiciders targeting them, AND having to pay out reps for having them attack from their tag before. It's nothing new; it's all happened before already. You're not coming up with some new, exciting strategy or some cool way of playing the game. You're not better than all the suiciders that came before you. You're just another flash in the pan that's going to get bored with dying and restarting. I give you 3, maybe 4 resets before barely anyone remembers your name.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Namineff Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 13:07:28

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Namineff:

It's cute that you think it was only oil

Hey, look! You moved the goal posts!
"Durr, we control the oil market at the beginning of a reset!"
"Yeah, lol, not hard at all."
"It's not just oil lolo0lolol!"

It's even cuter that you think you or your actions matter here. Nothing you do is going to change the way alliances have been playing for the past couple of decades. Alliances have had kill teams before. Alliances have had suiciders in their ranks before. Alliances have won triple crowns despite suiciders targeting them, AND having to pay out reps for having them attack from their tag before. It's nothing new; it's all happened before already. You're not coming up with some new, exciting strategy or some cool way of playing the game. You're not better than all the suiciders that came before you. You're just another flash in the pan that's going to get bored with dying and restarting. I give you 3, maybe 4 resets before barely anyone remembers your name.

Somebody sounds butt hurt.

Unless you are really that dense, we aren't requiring alliances to stop being alliances. However, they need to stop being soft targets and thinking that nobody will touch them because, well because they said so! Alliances themselves are not the problem. The problem is the attitudes that have managed to creep into positions of power within the alliances. You will never grow a game that has little to no conflict. Conflict is a good thing to attract people. Would you go see an action movie with no bad guy where all the good guys just sit there and hug each other? No, because it would suck. Bot farming and stupid retal policies are turning the game into that movie. It's a sad state of affairs and it needs to change. Until then, we are here to provide the conflict that is so desperately needed.
We are will be messy!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 3rd 2018, 13:35:16

Nuk doesn't even play. If he is, it is untagged too. The thing about Nuk, he has tried what you have done. Take his advice. It doesn't work.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

AnimalP0P Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 13:49:24

Dont leave your food on my table. Dog will steal it. She is sneaky

Namineff Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 13:54:51

Originally posted by galleri:
Nuk doesn't even play. If he is, it is untagged too. The thing about Nuk, he has tried what you have done. Take his advice. It doesn't work.

No thanks. Like our post before...We feel that we can do better!
We are will be messy!

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 14:10:14

Originally posted by galleri:
Nuk doesn't even play. If he is, it is untagged too. The thing about Nuk, he has tried what you have done. Take his advice. It doesn't work.

Haven't played a country on Alliance in years. Haven't logged into an alliance site in about half a decade or so. When I left my last alliance, I changed my account password to random characters so I wouldn't be able to log into the alliance's site. I doubt my account even exists there anymore.

But yes, I tried the suiciding thing a couple times. Even suicided my own alliance for the lulz once (while still playing with them). It gets boring. While it is fun to see the reactions, it gets boring doing the same thing repeatedly. Start a country, explore land, ignore landgrabs, get stock, buy jets, grab land and stock, buy more jets, grab more land and stock, buy more jets, run out of turns, wait to be killed, restart, get stock, be killed again, rinse and repeat until end of reset. Maybe join an alliance and use their protection while gearing up to change it up every now and then. Boring.

Even landkilling dozens of landthin countries in a reset got boring. That was dozens of resets ago.

And guess what? Alliances are still playing like they did before I went on my runs. Sure, they may have tightened land requirements before jumping out of protection, but I doubt those lasted long after I was gone. What I did had no effect on how alliances treat other countries at all. Do you honestly believe that you having more countries at your disposal is going to end any differently? Not going to happen.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Namineff Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 14:18:33

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by galleri:
Nuk doesn't even play. If he is, it is untagged too. The thing about Nuk, he has tried what you have done. Take his advice. It doesn't work.

Haven't played a country on Alliance in years. Haven't logged into an alliance site in about half a decade or so. When I left my last alliance, I changed my account password to random characters so I wouldn't be able to log into the alliance's site. I doubt my account even exists there anymore.

But yes, I tried the suiciding thing a couple times. Even suicided my own alliance for the lulz once (while still playing with them). It gets boring. While it is fun to see the reactions, it gets boring doing the same thing repeatedly. Start a country, explore land, ignore landgrabs, get stock, buy jets, grab land and stock, buy more jets, grab more land and stock, buy more jets, run out of turns, wait to be killed, restart, get stock, be killed again, rinse and repeat until end of reset. Maybe join an alliance and use their protection while gearing up to change it up every now and then. Boring.

Even landkilling dozens of landthin countries in a reset got boring. That was dozens of resets ago.

And guess what? Alliances are still playing like they did before I went on my runs. Sure, they may have tightened land requirements before jumping out of protection, but I doubt those lasted long after I was gone. What I did had no effect on how alliances treat other countries at all. Do you honestly believe that you having more countries at your disposal is going to end any differently? Not going to happen.

You don't have a good enough imagination. There are many ways to twist the knife in order to modify behavior. Some are obvious while others may not even be noticeable except to those of us that dig into the numbers to be most efficient at what we do.
We are will be messy!

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 14:46:59

Originally posted by Namineff:
You don't have a good enough imagination.

Says the suicider who isn't doing anything new. You do realize the only reason you're getting the reaction you're getting is because just about every other suicide run has received this same reaction, right? When I started killing those landthin countries, it was something that had never been done before on that scale. One single country murdering dozens, singlehandedly, with no support. People worshiped me. It was glorious. It was something to behold. Sure, some alliances were perturbed, but understood the fact that it was ridiculous to have 300-acre countries sitting out of protection that could be killed with less than 15 turns.

But when I did it again for the next couple resets or so, it was mundane. The reaction was much less supportive. The flash in the pan had died.

Your flash in the pan died decades ago. We've all seen it before, and thousands of times at that. It's annoying. It's not going to change anything. Sure, some netters here think it's fun to kill suiciders after they've been netting for the better part of a year. And it's fun to be reminded of the distant possibility of danger from suiciders. But soon, it just becomes business as usual. The trash talk on AT becomes dull. Soon, the damage you bring will be minimized, and the topic of the day will become the topic of last week. You're nothing.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Hokage Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 19:00:54

Just tell me your country next set then i would tell mine then i would slap your face to where you hide!

Rasp Game profile


Oct 4th 2018, 19:03:02

Originally posted by NukEvil:

When I left my last alliance, I changed my account password to random characters so I wouldn't be able to log into the alliance's site. I doubt my account even exists there anymore.

Nukevil: (last login evosite) Apr/29/13 23:21

I'll reset your password for you. :)
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much