
humicroav Game profile


Oct 3rd 2019, 2:16:48

I don't understand what I'm missing in my calculations:

I spy:

R: troops
U: turrets
A: tanks
W: weapons percentage
L: 110% for good luck
D: 125%^2 for defense allies

And calculate an SS like this:


But I still lose in Primary about 66% of the time. I have solid success in Express and Tournament using (R+U*2+A*4)LW so I don't know what's wrong with my D. What's wrong with my D?

Edited By: humicroav on Oct 3rd 2019, 2:20:27. Reason: forgot W
See Original Post
ur mom playz erf2025

bug03 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2019, 3:12:02

Defense allies can add up to 50% each.

Also: that’s what she said

bug03 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2019, 3:15:08

I generally use 1.6 for every grab- this assumes that both my targets def allies are equal in defense to the target plus a little extra. Also, there is almost zero reason to ss in primary.

Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 4th 2019, 5:13:06

U can, if ure a commie with so much jets u can SS 20x a day without ops :D

Ponti Game profile


Oct 4th 2019, 14:26:06

Stupid luck part lol. I have failed to many this set very costly. I now have a new opinion that its better to oversend by alot then to fail by a 100 jets.

I went over a hit I failed at this morning still struggling to understand how. Its that luck part if its slightly under and you have bad luck like me u lose.

Has anyone ever done the luck bonus? I mean would that essentially make you lucky and not have to oversend by another 10 percent to account for that?

Marshal Game profile


Oct 4th 2019, 19:33:27

doubt investing on luck helps that much and those points would be away from more useful bonuses (or turns if wants to kill some country).
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

humicroav Game profile


Oct 4th 2019, 21:30:00

Originally posted by bug03:
Defense allies can add up to 50% each.

Also: that’s what she said

D should be 150%^2?
ur mom playz erf2025

humicroav Game profile


Oct 4th 2019, 21:32:42

Originally posted by bug03:
I generally use 1.6 for every grab- this assumes that both my targets def allies are equal in defense to the target plus a little extra. Also, there is almost zero reason to ss in primary.

Not if defense is 50% for each ally.

That would be 2.25 for a ss multiplier
ur mom playz erf2025

bug03 Game profile


Oct 5th 2019, 15:57:41

Originally posted by humicroav:
Originally posted by bug03:
Defense allies can add up to 50% each.

Also: that’s what she said

D should be 150%^2?

Maximum defense ally multiplier is 2x. So D is between 1 and 2. For every grab, (if there is a number that isn’t 0 next to alliance on a spy op) I multiply by 1.6

My grabs are: unit total (1.1) (weapons) (1.6) (govt bonus)

bug03 Game profile


Oct 5th 2019, 15:58:58

Originally posted by humicroav:
Originally posted by bug03:
I generally use 1.6 for every grab- this assumes that both my targets def allies are equal in defense to the target plus a little extra. Also, there is almost zero reason to ss in primary.

Not if defense is 50% for each ally.

That would be 2.25 for a ss multiplier

. However, Your total battle strength cannot be more than doubled through allies, so having allies at your strength is most beneficial in the long run.

Tigress Game profile


Oct 6th 2019, 5:23:48

// trp: troops
// tur: turrets
// tnk: tanks
// rawDef: opponent's raw minimum SS break
// net: opponent's networth
// aGDI: opponent's Alliance.GDI cost
// aChK: check if opponent has defensive allies
// aDef: opponent's defensive allies modifier

// -------------------------------------------------------

trp = 1,000,000
tur = 3,000,000
tnk = 500,000

(trp * .5) + (tur * 1) + (tnk * 2) = rawDef

// (1,000,000 * .5) + (3,000,000 * 1) + (500,000 * 2) = 4,500,000
// Results: rawDef = 4,500,000 (You need a minimum of 4.5 mil jets to break on a SS)
// The above does not account for any modifiers i.e(luck, gov, wep, allies)

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Does opponent have allies?

net = 8,000,000
aGDI = 60,000
aChK = (aGDI / net)

// (60,000 / 8,000,000) = 0.0075

if aChK >=.002 then
aChK = YES
aChK = NO
end if

// Results: aChK = YES

if aChK >= YES then
aDef = 2
aDef = 1
end if

// Results: aDef = 2

// -------------------------------------------------------

// --

lnd: opponent's total land
dWepTech: opponent's weapons tech points amount
dGovType: opponent's government type

// lnd = 15,000
// wepTech = 100,000
// dGovType = default/regular
// eestat results = 131.22%

// dWep = 131.22%
dWep_01 = (1 * dWep)

// dWep_01: (1 * 131.22) = 1.3122

// Results: dWep_01 = 1.3122

// -------------------------------------------------------

// oWep: your own offensive weapons tech percentage as stated on the in game advisor page
// determines how much you can reduce what you need to send

oWep = 121.32%
oWep_01 = (oWep * 100)
oWep_02 = (oWep_01 - 100)
oWep_03 = (0.01 * oWep_02)
oWep_04 = (1 - oWep_03)

// oWep_01: (121.32% * 100) = 1.2132
// oWep_02: (1.2132 - 100) = 21.32
// oWep_03: (0.01 * 21.32) = .2132
// oWep_04: (1 - .2132) = 0.7868

// Results: oWep_04 = 0.7868

// -------------------------------------------------------

// dGov: opponents gov type
dGov = Monarchy

if dGov = Republic then
dGovType = dRepGov
else if
dGov = Dictator
dGovType = dDicGov
dGovType = dRegGov
end if

// dRegGov: opponent's regular defensive modifier (defMod) = 1
// dRepGov: opponent's republic defensive modifier (defMod) = .8
// dDicGov: opponent's dictator defensive modifier (defMod) = 1.2

// defMod: opponent's defensive modifier for their government type

dGovType = dRegGov

if dGovType = dRegGov then
defMod = 1
else if
dGovType = dRepGov
defMod = .8
dGovType = dDicGov
defMod = 1.2
end if

// Results: defMod = 1

// -------------------------------------------------------
// dGov: opponents gov type
oGov = Monarchy

if oGov = Republic then
oGovType = oRepGov
else if
oGov = Dictator
oGovType = oDicGov
oGovType = oRegGov
end if

// oRegGov: your own gov type regular offensive modifier (offMod) = 1
// oRepGov: your own gov type repuplic offensive modifier (offMod) = .8
// oDicGov: your own gov type dictator offensive modifier (offMod) = 1.2
// determines if and how much you need to increase or decrease the amount to send

oGovType = oRegGov

if oGovType = oRegGov then
offMod = 1
else if
oGovType = oRepGov
offMod = 1.2
oGovType = oDicGov
offMod = .8
end if

// Results: offMod = 1

// -------------------------------------------------------

// defTot: your opponent's total defensive strength

defTot = (((rawDef * dWep_01) * defMod) * aDef)
// (((4,500,000 * 1.3122) * 1 ) * 2) = 11,809,800

// Results: defTot = 11,809,800

// -------------------------------------------------------

// rawPS: a straight raw planned strike with no gov or weapons modifier
// the following calculates at 1.2 of the defTotal

rawPS = (defTot * .1) * 8

// (11,809,800 * .1) * 8 = 9,447,840
// Results: rawPS = 9,447,840

// -------------------------------------------------------

// vld: Validation for a 1.2 over send:
// psMod: Planned Strike modifier
// rawOff: your own raw offensive strenght to break

psMod = 1.5

(rawPS * psMod) = rawOff

// 9,447,840 * 1.5 = 14,171,760

(rawOff / defTot) = vld
// (14,171,760 / 11,809,800) = 1.2

// -------------------------------------------------------

// addin gov and weapons modifiers

// brk: The Break with all modifiers included except for offensive alliances, which are no longer a part of Primary

(rawPS * offMod) * oWep_04 = brk

// 9,447,840 * 1) * 0.7868 = 7,433,561
// Results: brk = 7,433,561

feel free to make corrections if needed... based on what I recall ;)

Edited By: Tigress on Oct 6th 2019, 7:10:12
See Original Post
Happy Hunting


TidyTerry Game profile


Oct 6th 2019, 5:49:13

Next question, can you dance?

Tigress Game profile


Oct 6th 2019, 8:37:35

yes I can dance :P


here is a condensed version of the above ready to copy paste into excel

trp -|-|- 1000000 -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
tur -|-|- 3000000 -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
tnk -|-|- 500000 -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
rawDef -|-|- 4500000 -|-|- (trp * .5) + (tur * 1) + (tnk * 2)
net -|-|- 8000000 -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
aGDI -|-|- 60000 -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
aChK -|-|- YES -|-|- IF(aGDI/net>=0.002,"YES","NO")
aDef -|-|- 2 -|-|- IF(aChk="YES",2,1) -|-|- -|-|-
lnd -|-|- 15000 -|-|- Enter values on eestats tech calc page
wepTech -|-|- 100000 -|-|- Enter values on eestats tech calc page
dGovType -|-|- Default -|-|- Enter values on eestats tech calc page
eestat results -|-|- 1.3122 -|-|- Enter values on eestats tech calc page
dWep -|-|- 1.3122 -|-|- Enter values from eestats tech calc page
dWep_01 -|-|- 1.3122 -|-|- (1 * dWep)
oWep -|-|- 1.2132 -|-|- Enter Value as provided on your own Advisor Page
oWep_01 -|-|- 121.32 -|-|- (oWep * 100)
oWep_02 -|-|- 21.32 -|-|- (oWep_01 - 100)
oWep_03 -|-|- 0.2132 -|-|- (0.01 * oWep_02)
oWep_04 -|-|- 0.7868 -|-|- (1 - oWep_03)
dGov -|-|- Monarchy -|-|- Enter Value as Needed from spyOp
dGovType -|-|- dRegGov -|-|- IF(dGov="Republic","dRepGov",IF(dGov="Dictator","dDicGov","dRegGov"))
oGov -|-|- Fascist -|-|- Enter Value as provided on your own Advisor Page
oGovType -|-|- oRegGov -|-|- IF(oGov="Republic","oRepGov",IF(oGov="Dictator","odDicGov","oRegGov"))
defMod -|-|- 1 -|-|- IF(dGovType="dRepGov",.8,IF(dGovType="dDicGov",1.2,1))
offMod -|-|- 1 -|-|- IF(oGovType="oRepGov",.8,IF(oGovType="oDicGov",1.2,1))
defTot -|-|- 11809800 -|-|- (((rawDef * dWep) * defMod) * aDef)
psMod -|-|- 1.5 -|-|- DO NOT MODFY
rawPS -|-|- 9447840 -|-|- (defTot * 0.1) * 8
rawOff -|-|- 14171760 -|-|- (rawPS * psMod)
vld -|-|- 1.2 -|-|- (rawOff / defTot)
brk -|-|- 7433560.512 -|-|- (rawPS * offMod) * oWep_04

of course you will need to separate and manually enter the formulas and create the named ranges
to use the formulas as provided above:
for each of the fields with a value you will need to add the name (formula tab/name manager) then copy paste the formula putting an equal sign at the beginning.

if done right it should look something like this:

then again come to think of it --- y'all are way too lazy --- therefore here is the working copy on google sheets :p

Happy Hunting


Marshal Game profile


Oct 6th 2019, 19:28:22

can you do square dance?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Oct 6th 2019, 23:53:43

import math

ImportError: No module named math

i do not know if you can math right so i'm not sure why i posted here
Marshal Bot v 3.2

import random


except TruthNotKnownError:
return random.lie()


EE Patron

Oct 7th 2019, 4:28:15


Serpentor Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 4:37:27

Problem is that you aren’t spying the allies to see what they truly have. Estimating their defense is fine, but just be prepared to fail a lot of grabs.
The EEVIL Empire

bug03 Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 8:21:13

Originally posted by Serpentor:
Problem is that you aren’t spying the allies to see what they truly have. Estimating their defense is fine, but just be prepared to fail a lot of grabs.

I don’t spy allies for bottom feeds and I never will (this attitude comes from running tyr techer in 1a before bots) for the longest time in 1a I didn’t even spy my grabs. Slag had developed a formula that I followed. Almost every reset I would be topfed and I would cry but slag would have more defense and never get topfed. Always pissed me off and he always beat me to 20k land.

Techers and casher can’t afford to spy allies so don’t bother unless it’s a big grab. If retal or topfed, do the work or round off at 2 and guarantee a win.

If you want to argue that 1 turn cashing won’t make a difference, you’re wrong.

humicroav Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 11:13:34

fluff. I'm trying to play on mobile. Any tips?
ur mom playz erf2025

Ponti Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 14:29:18

I play on mobile only as well. I would say a good tip is to round up more generously if calculating in your head and playing with a phone Humicroav.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Oct 8th 2019, 1:03:00

I keep Over 140% weap tech... assuming others at least 125%+ when I'm attacking.
When going blind, I see if they are grabbing on whether they are 100% def, and send PS near their NW, because failing just not worth doing.
Mathing uses up too much time and if it can't be done rounding in my head... it's always rounded in my head! And go big, as the saying goes.

bug03 Game profile


Oct 8th 2019, 3:39:20

Originally posted by humicroav:
fluff. I'm trying to play on mobile. Any tips?

Spy use screen shots and the calculator. Use the market tools provided to sell at a good price. Use eestats to find grab targets

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 14th 2019, 1:24:51

Originally posted by Tigress:

then again come to think of it --- y'all are way too lazy --- therefore here is the working copy on google sheets :p

I have devoted more time to things in this game than I want to think about, but never for grabbing. Condolences.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 6th 2019, 11:36:24

Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by Serpentor:
Problem is that you aren’t spying the allies to see what they truly have. Estimating their defense is fine, but just be prepared to fail a lot of grabs.

I don’t spy allies for bottom feeds and I never will (this attitude comes from running tyr techer in 1a before bots) for the longest time in 1a I didn’t even spy my grabs. Slag had developed a formula that I followed. Almost every reset I would be topfed and I would cry but slag would have more defense and never get topfed. Always pissed me off and he always beat me to 20k land.

Techers and casher can’t afford to spy allies so don’t bother unless it’s a big grab. If retal or topfed, do the work or round off at 2 and guarantee a win.

If you want to argue that 1 turn cashing won’t make a difference, you’re wrong.

I dont think slag developed that formula, It has had many iterations and the first ones were around before I started playing e2025. And I taught Slagpit a lot of what he knows about netting anyway. :)

The issue with using a formula based on superficial data like land, NW, govt is that if you want some decent success you will have to oversend by a lot if you are hitting players, as players carry different amounts of tech and jets, and some have really good allies and some have bad ones. Bots are more homogeneous in this regard.

That said I mostly just spy the target and then assume the allies contribution when it comes to primary. If the target spal is exceptionally low or if the break is kinda high I will do an ally spy on the target just to see who he is allied to, chances are I have old ops on them or their NW is low enough that I can lower my assumptions. I usually fail 0-1 grabs per reset in primary, and when it happens its because I forgot something like the 10% addition or that tanks are more powerful than turrets or something like that. Grabbing is one of the few things I dont do in a spreadsheet, I either calc it in my head, or wing it, or I use my TI-84 Plus if it is handy. But it depends on server. In 1a I rarely math it well I just oversend, but in solo servers it is kinda important not to oversend so much.

Oversending in Primary means you cant do as many PS a day or that you cant keep as much defence. In alliance it just means you stock a little less each day.