
Red X Game profile


Jun 17th 2020, 20:06:19

I wonder how many cops will step down because of the spotlight being on them. I do believe and feel that if you are a cop you should live in the area you serve, or at least have a high % from that area.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2020, 20:16:46

Originally posted by Red X:
I wonder how many cops will step down because of the spotlight being on them. I do believe and feel that if you are a cop you should live in the area you serve, or at least have a high % from that area.

The only issue I see with that work in one of those really bad areas of the country. See the same people at the bodega off work and they now have access to you and your family. You shouldn't need to live in the same area to gain perspective. Just be a decent human being.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2020, 21:19:34

Zen is right about that. One cannot live in the same district as they serve, we all know why too. The problem is NOT the police, they are not all evil assholes, just some of them are and they can be weeded out pretty easily given the political will to do so. It will involve the people actually starting to pay attention to it rather than focusing on getting the latest damned iPhone and cruising the suburban malls. If the politicians knew that the people were going to hold them accountable for police actions under their watch. fluff would change quickly. Vote out ALL the leftist politicians this cycle and most of them can be swept out of office this round since ALL the congressmen and like 43% of the senate are open for a new candiudate. Imagine getting rid of those pricks that have had decades and done NOTHING for us. Replace Every single one of them.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Suicidal Game profile


Jun 17th 2020, 21:34:21

Buch for Senate 2020

braden Game profile


Jun 17th 2020, 22:12:53

For thirty grand?
Have you husband beat you to death. I'm out.



Jun 18th 2020, 0:55:11

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Vote out ALL politicians

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

archaic Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 1:34:49

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Vote out ALL the leftist politicians

Imagine if every politician was required to be as conservative or to the right of Cerberus. That would put US political ideology somewhere between a Handmaids Tale and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. fun
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 1:43:56

Gotta get rid of the bad cops. It’s prob no surprise to the good cops who the bad ones are. Let’s start w the cops w double digit complaints.
- Premium Patron Member

braden Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 1:47:39

Or it could be the bastion of not bolshevism.
I don't pay my maid to read.



Jun 18th 2020, 2:12:09

Originally posted by Requiem:
Gotta get rid of the bad cops. It’s prob no surprise to the good cops who the bad ones are. Let’s start w the cops w double digit complaints.

Don't forget to expand the definition of bad cops to those who stay silent about bad cops as well.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 2:13:28

Originally posted by Requiem:
Gotta get rid of the bad cops. It’s prob no surprise to the good cops who the bad ones are. Let’s start w the cops w double digit complaints.

We start with applying something called "accountability" very simple way to straighten up shady characters.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 18th 2020, 12:45:16

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Vote out ALL politicians


Red X lost this vote

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 13:12:43

Term limits on all politicians is the place to start.

Red X Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 13:35:17

Originally posted by smegma:
Term limits on all politicians is the place to start.

I agree 100 percent
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Verenimija Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 14:37:15

But you'd have to do away with the salary for life garbage. Serve 2 terms and then hit the cap? Retire and still get paid the same salary forever. Congress is one of the biggest drains on the US economy.

bigdogcwg Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 15:51:46

We've already lost police officers due to this. Some have had enough and have retired if they can or quit.

Some are calling in sick with "blue flu".

When you pin a badge on, your a target. They take the aggressive stance because the "bad guys" who are willing to pull a weapon on them will. Ever see one that hasn't? Even seen a news article that says when approached by police who don't have guns drawn the suspect just laid down their weapon without hesitation? Of course not!

Each and every person they stop could be the last person they see. Everyone of them that leaves for work does so without knowing if they will come back. It's so easy to criticize. But doubt anyone here has walked in their shoes. I got family and friends that are/were police. Scary situation they find themselves into. Daily.

Are there police officers who go overboard? Yes. And they should be removed. I don't disagree with that. But this whole defund/disarm/disbanding thing is stupid. Period. Some cities have already done that. Baltimore just recently proposed "cutting" the budget to their police big time. Part of their way of "defunding". They cut the mounted and marine units. This is a city the prides itself on having a huge waterfront (Inner Harbor, Fells Point, etc. ). They cut overtime. They made cuts to the group that does the investigation of the police (internal affairs). 20 years ago I loved going into Baltimore and the Inner Harbor area. Felt perfectly safe. Go see the Orioles play, etc. evening games never a problem. 5 years ago I was last time I was there. It's gone downhill bigtime since then.

But hey, who needs police right? I'm sure if you ask the guy with the machete who is about ready to hack you or a loved one to death that if you ask politely they'll just lay the thing down and walk away...right?

Clowns with Guns
Supporter of Police in the USA



Jun 18th 2020, 16:25:00

If you have an anxiety attack because your McMuffin takes an extra minute you aren't stable enough for that badge
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 17:36:20

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Vote out ALL the leftist politicians

Imagine if every politician was required to be as conservative or to the right of Cerberus. That would put US political ideology somewhere between a Handmaids Tale and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. fun

I don't agree to that extent, but it wouldn't be healthy, we need checks and balances, right now the two extremes have the loudest turds, both the alt right and extreme left are a bunch of fascists that think they're the majority.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 17:38:41

Originally posted by smegma:
Term limits on all politicians is the place to start.

That and accountability for ALL government employees, there's no such thing as accountability in any government job, they slap you in the hand and tell you to do better, that's unacceptable, doesn't work that way in private companies, shouldn't in government either
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 17:40:10

Originally posted by Verenimija:
But you'd have to do away with the salary for life garbage. Serve 2 terms and then hit the cap? Retire and still get paid the same salary forever. Congress is one of the biggest drains on the US economy.

What are you smoking? The total costs for all pension and health coverage for about 600+ living current and former congress members is about $37M dollars per year. Thats 0.000973684% of the annual US budget.

I'm not saying they are worth it, but its a pittance financially. Its 1/220th the cost of a Zumwalt class destroyer which the Navy cancelled after building only 3 because of underperformance, seaworthiness issues, and lack of value.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 17:52:48

I truly hope Baltimore de-funds their police department. Out of the 200+ cities I have been to in the US, that place could use a good cleansing.

I have two opinions on it.

You sign up to be a police officer, you know the risks of the job, you're trained for the risks of the job. Don't use that knowledge to abuse any citizen. You can't afford to let out your aggression on anyone (I repeat ANYONE) without justification. Never assume based on race or demographic.

To the criminals. Your rights end when you abuse or take away another persons' right. Don't complain when you get the fluff kicked out of you by the cops because you resisted arrest, were aggressive towards an officer, or you just finished being aggressive to a victim of your crime. If you're a known repeat criminal, expect to get viewed differently.

I think people are idiots and should be treated like idiots when they're being idiots.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 18:13:41

Originally posted by ZEN:
I truly hope Baltimore de-funds their police department. Out of the 200+ cities I have been to in the US, that place could use a good cleansing.

I have two opinions on it.

You sign up to be a police officer, you know the risks of the job, you're trained for the risks of the job. Don't use that knowledge to abuse any citizen. You can't afford to let out your aggression on anyone (I repeat ANYONE) without justification. Never assume based on race or demographic.

To the criminals. Your rights end when you abuse or take away another persons' right. Don't complain when you get the fluff kicked out of you by the cops because you resisted arrest, were aggressive towards an officer, or you just finished being aggressive to a victim of your crime. If you're a known repeat criminal, expect to get viewed differently.

I think people are idiots and should be treated like idiots when they're being idiots.

Ok, let's play, who's going to respond to the 2,000+ 911 calls per day?

Did you know?
We are only 39 years old! It seems like 911 has always been around, but The Baltimore County 911 Center has only been in operation since January 15, 1980. In fact, the very first 911 call was made a mere 12 years before -- in Alabama on February 16, 1968.

We’re the 3rd largest 911 center in Maryland! As such, we handle over 800,000 calls for service each year – that’s an average of about 2,200 calls per day.


Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 18:54:26

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by ZEN:
I truly hope Baltimore de-funds their police department. Out of the 200+ cities I have been to in the US, that place could use a good cleansing.

I have two opinions on it.

You sign up to be a police officer, you know the risks of the job, you're trained for the risks of the job. Don't use that knowledge to abuse any citizen. You can't afford to let out your aggression on anyone (I repeat ANYONE) without justification. Never assume based on race or demographic.

To the criminals. Your rights end when you abuse or take away another persons' right. Don't complain when you get the fluff kicked out of you by the cops because you resisted arrest, were aggressive towards an officer, or you just finished being aggressive to a victim of your crime. If you're a known repeat criminal, expect to get viewed differently.

I think people are idiots and should be treated like idiots when they're being idiots.

Ok, let's play, who's going to respond to the 2,000+ 911 calls per day?

Did you know?
We are only 39 years old! It seems like 911 has always been around, but The Baltimore County 911 Center has only been in operation since January 15, 1980. In fact, the very first 911 call was made a mere 12 years before -- in Alabama on February 16, 1968.

We’re the 3rd largest 911 center in Maryland! As such, we handle over 800,000 calls for service each year – that’s an average of about 2,200 calls per day.



I don't think you read past the first few words in realizing, Baltimore is filled with idiots. Thus by defunding the police, said idiots will kill each other. Thus making Baltimore a better place overall. Regardless, I will not go back.

Edit - Wait I get it now. You think I believe Baltimore's police should be cleansed. No, the people who live there.

bigdogcwg Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 18:59:45

Originally posted by elvesrus:
If you have an anxiety attack because your McMuffin takes an extra minute you aren't stable enough for that badge

Pin a badge on and uniform...take a walk in some of the neighborhoods in Baltimore, NYC, etc. Just try it couple days.

You'll be worried that someone will walk up to you, pull a gun, blow your brains out.

Guess you forgot about the series of ambushes being done on law enforcement? Some responding to a call and being met by a hail of bullets. Some sitting in their cars when someone walks up and empties their gun into it and you?

Come on elvesrus, take a walk on the wild side. See how you do?

Cause I got family and friends and when they go out in public they scope the rooms each and everytime. And when they eat they ask for a table by the wall where they can sit with their backs to it. Not a great way to live but there you go.

Clowns with Guns
Support the Blue

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 19:07:21

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by ZEN:
I truly hope Baltimore de-funds their police department. Out of the 200+ cities I have been to in the US, that place could use a good cleansing.

I have two opinions on it.

You sign up to be a police officer, you know the risks of the job, you're trained for the risks of the job. Don't use that knowledge to abuse any citizen. You can't afford to let out your aggression on anyone (I repeat ANYONE) without justification. Never assume based on race or demographic.

To the criminals. Your rights end when you abuse or take away another persons' right. Don't complain when you get the fluff kicked out of you by the cops because you resisted arrest, were aggressive towards an officer, or you just finished being aggressive to a victim of your crime. If you're a known repeat criminal, expect to get viewed differently.

I think people are idiots and should be treated like idiots when they're being idiots.

Ok, let's play, who's going to respond to the 2,000+ 911 calls per day?

Did you know?
We are only 39 years old! It seems like 911 has always been around, but The Baltimore County 911 Center has only been in operation since January 15, 1980. In fact, the very first 911 call was made a mere 12 years before -- in Alabama on February 16, 1968.

We’re the 3rd largest 911 center in Maryland! As such, we handle over 800,000 calls for service each year – that’s an average of about 2,200 calls per day.



I don't think you read past the first few words in realizing, Baltimore is filled with idiots. Thus by defunding the police, said idiots will kill each other. Thus making Baltimore a better place overall. Regardless, I will not go back.

Edit - Wait I get it now. You think I believe Baltimore's police should be cleansed. No, the people who live there.

Yeah, my bad LOL hahahahaha stupid KoH.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Verenimija Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 19:10:42

Originally posted by archaic:
What are you smoking? The total costs for all pension and health coverage for about 600+ living current and former congress members is about $37M dollars per year. Thats 0.000973684% of the annual US budget.

I'm not saying they are worth it, but its a pittance financially. Its 1/220th the cost of a Zumwalt class destroyer which the Navy cancelled after building only 3 because of underperformance, seaworthiness issues, and lack of value.

Congressional retirements, as they stand aren't the worst. Congress is, but I digress. Imagine term limits though. you set a 2 term limit on all Congress, that's 100 new retirees every 6-12 years and 435 new retirees every 2-4 years. Assume every Congress member wins their reelection, in 12 years you have 1400 new retirees drawing pension. That's best case. If none of them get reelected, nearly 5500 retirees drawing their salary for life within 12 years.



Jun 18th 2020, 19:30:45

Originally posted by bigdogcwg:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
If you have an anxiety attack because your McMuffin takes an extra minute you aren't stable enough for that badge

Pin a badge on and uniform...take a walk in some of the neighborhoods in Baltimore, NYC, etc. Just try it couple days.

You'll be worried that someone will walk up to you, pull a gun, blow your brains out.

Guess you forgot about the series of ambushes being done on law enforcement? Some responding to a call and being met by a hail of bullets. Some sitting in their cars when someone walks up and empties their gun into it and you?

Come on elvesrus, take a walk on the wild side. See how you do?

Cause I got family and friends and when they go out in public they scope the rooms each and everytime. And when they eat they ask for a table by the wall where they can sit with their backs to it. Not a great way to live but there you go.

Clowns with Guns
Support the Blue

Sure, I'll take that challenge. Wont even need a weapon. The trick is earning respect through kindness. Something that today's police forgot long ago.

It also doesn't exactly help your argument that there is real world evidence from 2014/5 that when the police stopped responding crime went down. Almost as if the reason we are where we are is the boys in blue.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Red X Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 19:40:01

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by Red X:
I wonder how many cops will step down because of the spotlight being on them. I do believe and feel that if you are a cop you should live in the area you serve, or at least have a high % from that area.

The only issue I see with that work in one of those really bad areas of the country. See the same people at the bodega off work and they now have access to you and your family. You shouldn't need to live in the same area to gain perspective. Just be a decent human being.

Its not about gaining perspective its about knowing the community. If they did more walks and bicycle routes they could get to know the people better, but in them bad areas as you described they will be afraid to do that.

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 19:41:14

I'm somewhere in the middle of BWD and Elves. We need the cops and we want the cops (even if you dont think you do). They protect us from the thugs and people who would rape and pillage you if not.

BUT we can't have unstable or bad cops on the job. If you have PTSD, or an attitude problem, or whatever the reason is that makes you unfit to be a cop, you have to go immediately.

We need to pay cops more and have better training and hold them accountable to the same law that they enforce on everyone.

We need to quit making excuses for the poor decisions of some cops.

We need cops we just need reform to fix some of the issues with the police we have. They serve us not the other way around.
- Premium Patron Member



Jun 18th 2020, 19:59:20

Originally posted by Requiem:
We need to pay cops more and have better training and hold them accountable to the same law that they enforce on everyone.

Higher accountability for being a person in position of trust, and they already get that higher pay through overtime shenanigans which tells me they should be strict salary. Otherwise I agree, even though it may seem impossible to not be on one extreme or the other these days.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 20:45:30

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by Red X:
I wonder how many cops will step down because of the spotlight being on them. I do believe and feel that if you are a cop you should live in the area you serve, or at least have a high % from that area.

The only issue I see with that work in one of those really bad areas of the country. See the same people at the bodega off work and they now have access to you and your family. You shouldn't need to live in the same area to gain perspective. Just be a decent human being.

Its not about gaining perspective its about knowing the community. If they did more walks and bicycle routes they could get to know the people better, but in them bad areas as you described they will be afraid to do that.

I understand your point, but I just don't agree. First, knowing the community or gaining perspective to me is the same thing. I.E. Basically you can't make decisions in a community unless you know that community.

Second, there are just as many risks with or without them living in a certain community. I think it can be argued both sides and we can go back and forth with the outliers or what ifs. Which would prove both points in a given situation.

I just don't think it would change the outcome.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 21:23:45

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by bigdogcwg:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
If you have an anxiety attack because your McMuffin takes an extra minute you aren't stable enough for that badge

Pin a badge on and uniform...take a walk in some of the neighborhoods in Baltimore, NYC, etc. Just try it couple days.

You'll be worried that someone will walk up to you, pull a gun, blow your brains out.

Guess you forgot about the series of ambushes being done on law enforcement? Some responding to a call and being met by a hail of bullets. Some sitting in their cars when someone walks up and empties their gun into it and you?

Come on elvesrus, take a walk on the wild side. See how you do?

Cause I got family and friends and when they go out in public they scope the rooms each and everytime. And when they eat they ask for a table by the wall where they can sit with their backs to it. Not a great way to live but there you go.

Clowns with Guns
Support the Blue

Sure, I'll take that challenge. Wont even need a weapon. The trick is earning respect through kindness. Something that today's police forgot long ago.

It also doesn't exactly help your argument that there is real world evidence from 2014/5 that when the police stopped responding crime went down. Almost as if the reason we are where we are is the boys in blue.

I do love you Nate, but that is relative garbage. This makes me laugh the most "but a new analysis of official statistics". Oh because the original analysis didn't create the agenda you wanted?

Actual statistics remained the same for major crimes, misdemeanors, etc.


I don't know where the article you posted got the statistics, because it doesn't reference it. Was it incoming calls? Was it reported cases? Was it actual police reports?

If it was anything but statistics on incoming calls (which I would still like to see).....then its BS. That's like saying the NFL ratings dropped during the 8 weeks of holdouts in 1982.



Jun 18th 2020, 21:34:11

At the end, right above the button to hit for reader comments Nature Human Behaviour, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0211-5 (About DOIs). And here's the first paragraph of the abstract

Governments employ police to prevent criminal acts. But it remains in dispute whether high rates of police stops, criminal summonses and aggressive low-level arrests reduce serious crime1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Police officers target their efforts at areas where crime is anticipated and/or where they expect enforcement will be most effective. Simultaneously, citizens decide to comply with the law or commit crime partly on the basis of police deployment and enforcement strategies. In other words, policing and crime are endogenous to unobservable strategic interaction, which frustrates causal analysis. Here, we resolve these challenges and present evidence that proactive policing—which involves systematic and aggressive enforcement of low-level violations—is positively related to reports of major crime. We examine a political shock that caused the New York Police Department (NYPD) to effectively halt proactive policing in late 2014 and early 2015. Analysing several years of unique data obtained from the NYPD, we find that civilian complaints of major crimes (such as burglary, felony assault and grand larceny) decreased during and shortly after sharp reductions in proactive policing. The results challenge prevailing scholarship as well as conventional wisdom on authority and legal compliance, as they imply that aggressively enforcing minor legal statutes incites more severe criminal acts.

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 21:56:38

Originally posted by elvesrus:
At the end, right above the button to hit for reader comments Nature Human Behaviour, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0211-5 (About DOIs). And here's the first paragraph of the abstract

Governments employ police to prevent criminal acts. But it remains in dispute whether high rates of police stops, criminal summonses and aggressive low-level arrests reduce serious crime1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Police officers target their efforts at areas where crime is anticipated and/or where they expect enforcement will be most effective. Simultaneously, citizens decide to comply with the law or commit crime partly on the basis of police deployment and enforcement strategies. In other words, policing and crime are endogenous to unobservable strategic interaction, which frustrates causal analysis. Here, we resolve these challenges and present evidence that proactive policing—which involves systematic and aggressive enforcement of low-level violations—is positively related to reports of major crime. We examine a political shock that caused the New York Police Department (NYPD) to effectively halt proactive policing in late 2014 and early 2015. Analysing several years of unique data obtained from the NYPD, we find that civilian complaints of major crimes (such as burglary, felony assault and grand larceny) decreased during and shortly after sharp reductions in proactive policing. The results challenge prevailing scholarship as well as conventional wisdom on authority and legal compliance, as they imply that aggressively enforcing minor legal statutes incites more severe criminal acts.

Nate - you need to interpret to me because I don't get it. Not being sarcastic either.

Most of that link is too smart for me to understand. But, this seems to claim that the method of stop and frisk isn't an effective method but increases the crime reporting?

But doesn't that make sense? The less pro-active police work that goes on, the less crime reported in their data set?

Like certain sales people I've dealt with over the years. If you sit and wait for sales to come in, your income will be x. If you pro-actively go after sales your income will be x + n? Does that prove less crime is happening or less crime is being reported? I am sure there is something in the link that addresses it, but I couldn't find it.

Regardless. It doesn't necessarily mean that police stopped responding. It means they stopped preventing crime using the stop and frisk method. They still responded, they just weren't pro-active.

archaic Game profile


Jun 18th 2020, 22:24:38

Originally posted by bigdogcwg:

Guess you forgot about the series of ambushes being done on law enforcement? Some responding to a call and being met by a hail of bullets. Some sitting in their cars when someone walks up and empties their gun into it and you?

Complete utter fiction created by a bunch of mall ninjas that want more funding so they can pretend to be gestapo storm troopers. Last year there were 89 LEO killed on the job, half of which were non-felony traffic accidents. Less than one felony LEO death per state per year out of 800k police. I am a miner, one of about 335k and we had 27 fatalities last year - does that mean I get a pass for killing people? What about loggers and fishermen and farmers and linemen and other dangerous jobs - do they get to ride around wearing body armor in an air conditioned Tahoe with a get-out-of-jail-free card just to fluff over brown people all day?

Edited By: archaic on Jun 19th 2020, 2:16:35
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Jun 18th 2020, 22:34:06

Originally posted by ZEN:

Nate - you need to interpret to me because I don't get it. Not being sarcastic either.

Most of that link is too smart for me to understand. But, this seems to claim that the method of stop and frisk isn't an effective method but increases the crime reporting?

But doesn't that make sense? The less pro-active police work that goes on, the less crime reported in their data set?

Like certain sales people I've dealt with over the years. If you sit and wait for sales to come in, your income will be x. If you pro-actively go after sales your income will be x + n? Does that prove less crime is happening or less crime is being reported? I am sure there is something in the link that addresses it, but I couldn't find it.

Regardless. It doesn't necessarily mean that police stopped responding. It means they stopped preventing crime using the stop and frisk method. They still responded, they just weren't pro-active.

Basically they stopped all active policing for roughly 2 months with non major crime and narcotics arrests dropping significantly. The blue line is from 2013/4 with the yellow line 2014/5 (mid-may to mid-may) with the colored area being standard deviation. Note how close they are outside the slowdown and after the ruling in 2013. Would be nice to have the year after on there, but that's too much effort to try to win an online argument :)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 23:42:10

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by ZEN:

Nate - you need to interpret to me because I don't get it. Not being sarcastic either.

Most of that link is too smart for me to understand. But, this seems to claim that the method of stop and frisk isn't an effective method but increases the crime reporting?

But doesn't that make sense? The less pro-active police work that goes on, the less crime reported in their data set?

Like certain sales people I've dealt with over the years. If you sit and wait for sales to come in, your income will be x. If you pro-actively go after sales your income will be x + n? Does that prove less crime is happening or less crime is being reported? I am sure there is something in the link that addresses it, but I couldn't find it.

Regardless. It doesn't necessarily mean that police stopped responding. It means they stopped preventing crime using the stop and frisk method. They still responded, they just weren't pro-active.

Basically they stopped all active policing for roughly 2 months with non major crime and narcotics arrests dropping significantly. The blue line is from 2013/4 with the yellow line 2014/5 (mid-may to mid-may) with the colored area being standard deviation. Note how close they are outside the slowdown and after the ruling in 2013. Would be nice to have the year after on there, but that's too much effort to try to win an online argument :)

Call me ignorant...but, how are they measuring crime rate all while policing has halted for 2 months, what are their metrics, I always was under the impression that part of the metrics to measuring crime rates is arrests....I'm confused with this one :-/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2020, 23:51:29

Hi Dibs :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jun 18th 2020, 23:57:14


During the slowdown, police continued to respond to calls, and the arrest rate for major crimes (murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand theft auto) remained constant. But the arrest rate for non-major crime and narcotic offenses dropped, as did the number of stop-and-frisk events. It took until mid-January for things to begin to return to normal.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2020, 0:04:05

That's very interesting, I'm still puzzled by the stats, maybe it's because I come from a country where if police take their foot off the gas, criminals would have a free for all :-/

I actually witnessed it in early 90s when police went on strike for a week or so
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jun 19th 2020, 0:19:59

I honestly wonder how much of that is due to our failed war on drugs.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2020, 0:23:20

Originally posted by elvesrus:
I honestly wonder how much of that is due to our failed war on drugs.

Maybe because there never was a war on drugs, maybe it's because our government is the biggest drug Lord in the world....just one man's opinion!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tinamou Game profile


Jun 19th 2020, 1:45:10

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 19th 2020, 2:04:24

Originally posted by ZEN:
I truly hope Baltimore de-funds their police department. Out of the 200+ cities I have been to in the US, that place could use a good cleansing.

I have two opinions on it.

You sign up to be a police officer, you know the risks of the job, you're trained for the risks of the job. Don't use that knowledge to abuse any citizen. You can't afford to let out your aggression on anyone (I repeat ANYONE) without justification. Never assume based on race or demographic.

To the criminals. Your rights end when you abuse or take away another persons' right. Don't complain when you get the fluff kicked out of you by the cops because you resisted arrest, were aggressive towards an officer, or you just finished being aggressive to a victim of your crime. If you're a known repeat criminal, expect to get viewed differently.

I think people are idiots and should be treated like idiots when they're being idiots.

I have heard you bring up Baltimore a few times in the last few months.
Show me on the doll where it touched you wrong lmao

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Red X Game profile


Jun 19th 2020, 11:08:51

Hey dibs!

IF you look back at history cops typically did represent the community they served for the longest time. We have since gotten away from that.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2020, 12:34:42

Oh, sure, get rid of the cops, that'll solve the problem . BULLfluff, it will bring on the PURGE! Which is something the leftists want. The more chaos they can cause the more effective their pitch to "fix it" by slamming down a tyranny on the US. Remember this, you can vote socialism in, but you WILL have to shoot it out. Oh, oh, that's right, I forgot that the leftists and liberals are all forcibly going to take the populations weapons away since self-defense is "racist, islamophobic, or white supremacist" isn't it?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jun 19th 2020, 13:27:03

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Oh, sure, get rid of the cops, that'll solve the problem . BULLfluff, it will bring on the PURGE! Which is something the leftists want. The more chaos they can cause the more effective their pitch to "fix it" by slamming down a tyranny on the US. Remember this, you can vote socialism in, but you WILL have to shoot it out. Oh, oh, that's right, I forgot that the leftists and liberals are all forcibly going to take the populations weapons away since self-defense is "racist, islamophobic, or white supremacist" isn't it?

Can you do us all a favor and put down the Fox kool aid and don't replace it with OAN, breitbart, or any other nazi fluff?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 19th 2020, 14:02:08

Why even look at any news, or any bullfluff?
Everything here is bullfluff.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

archaic Game profile


Jun 19th 2020, 14:21:06

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Oh, sure, get rid of the cops, that'll solve the problem . BULLfluff, it will bring on the PURGE! Which is something the leftists want.

I thought you retired, you're acting like some kooky old man that gets all of his news from OANN. Its not the progressives running around with Hawaiian shirts and ARs at all of the protests bro. Go outside and get some sun Cerb, you've overdosed on brainwashing today
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

HEMPMAN1 Game profile


Jun 19th 2020, 17:12:27

I had a joke about the Baltimore Riots
But someones already stolen it :(