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"CHANGE #1: All countries start in GDI and all countries can leave GDI at any time but cannot rejoin.
This would probably be good.
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CHANGE #2: A country is kicked out of GDI if it does 5 or more landgrabs on the same target.
Not good. Abuseable. Getting kicked out means you can hide from special attacks/ops/missiles from a non-GDI country and then you can cancel GDI yourself and hit them with full force.
If the penalties incurred by GDI is still applied but the benefits are removed, I'm leaning towards saying it's alright. Not sure its needed tho?
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CHANGE #3: Special attacks do not add to the defender's DR.
We talking only express here? This would probably be good. there used to be atleast a player who liked to abuse DR he got from people he either provoked or were his friends(to this day I dont) to hit players who then couldnt take back any real land on the retals. I guess you could say it encourages cheating that sometimes is quite hard to spot or at least prove.
You would get a similar situation if special attacks from one country breaks down a country for his friend, but I think this will be more obvious and far less abused. It's something to consider at least?
I guess the current form of DR mechanics was 'abused' legitimatly as well, to the detriment of players who had no counterplay. So I'm for the change.
If other servers I'd have to think on it.
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CHANGE #4: If in the past 24 hours a country has successfully landgrabbed you and you have not landgrabbed them since, your first retal will ignore DR rules."
This is great, tho it would negate the main purpose of removing DR from special attacks, no?
Good option combinations:
1, 3 and 4
1 and 3
1 and 4.
Not #2(in present form), I can explain in greater detail how I would abuse this in silly ways that would be bad for the game (and the poor country the game incentivises me to penta-tap).