Yeah been interesting week between the diminishing but still there side effects and appointments, doing good brother, eating drinking lots of fluids and yesterday went to clinic to do labs in morning, they called me about an hour after I got home to go back and get a white cell booster since I'm neutropenic again and next week I have another RCHOP infusion, so far the only side effects I got from the shot are fatigue and sudden need to sleep, comes in really fast too, a very common one is bone aches but so far I haven't felt any, I never broken a bone nor remember feeling bone ache so I don't know what that feels like.....
So next week, Monday labs again and Tuesday infusion, 8hrs at the clinic, did good last time so hopefully I'll do good again.
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MD Anderson cancer center in Houston states the follwing: Sulforaphane has been shown to reduce the ability of cancerous cells to multiply. That means it may slow tumor growth or reduce its ability to spread to other parts of your body.
PS: Brussel Sprouts are full of Sulforaphane as well.. Glad you are back home!
Interesting, with the amount of broccoli I consumed I don't know what to make of this....but I do love snacking on broccoli with ranch dressing, I love it. I'm eating a lot of grains too like neversilence suggested 👍
Thanks for the info!
Love you all ❤️