
Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 7:10:17

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
oh balls I forgot to login and play lmao. Had 3 billion on hand lol.

Good win LATC!

Xin, you seemed to start slow and do better late, I'm curious if you have any info on what you were doing (focusing on tech more then most c/i players do early?).

#10 was Assassin. His first t10 I think. I think it was Karim's first t10 this set too. Way to go allies:P

Hehe, that 3b would probably have put you at 121+m NW in 5th place instead of 7th then.

As for my country, I concentrated on maximizing production. If it meant not grabbing to increase tech, especially since tech was so cheap, then I did that. I was running on 145-150% indy tech most of the set. 17 days from end of reset was when I figured it was no longer profitable to grab land for me, unless it was grabbing a Commie. I started cashing out on 158% indy tech and 175% res/bus.

I believed food would not go above $50 because of the large amount of techers who would all try to dump their bushels crashing the price, so I did not stock early like Serpentor.

I believed LATC could have jumped to 143m-145m, he might have made a few mistakes:
- Not getting mil tech high enough to sell to PM at $35 (don't know if he actually made this mistake)
- Running out of food once, losing a few mil NW

Also good games with LATC, Karim and Neversilence for their first top 10s. PaceBooM would have made it if he joined GDI and didn't double tap people too.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 7:19:04

A little bit of food for thought:

This reset's top 10 ranged from 89m to 140m with new ruleset.
The previous reset ranged from 95m to 149m with old ruleset.

Does anyone think the construction cost/Dict ghost acres changes vastly impacted the finishing networths? This set's 89m cutoff would have been a lot higher if Herbs/Blid/Grimstad/Viva didn't fall out early.

PaceBooM Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 7:50:18

Lesson learned :)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 13:18:23

Originally posted by LATC:
bobby last set for motivating me to actually try to play for real hehe

March April reset you said to me: "But I think you should try playing a farmer again to understand why the 3 day retal window is very unfair for a commie to impose on a farmer."

So I did this set. I had no problems with a 3 day retal window, even though I was grabbed I think 8 times last set (one was a fat fingered typo that I didn't retal).

oldman Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 13:37:04

Originally posted by LATC:
Thanks guys! Couldn't have done it w/o the tips/advice from all of you guys the last few sets.. namely Rob & herbs for the rep casher advice, xin for some destock tips, blid for his lessons on not to topfeed a few sets ago, bobby last set for motivating me to actually try to play for real hehe, and I'm sure I'm missing others.

Sorry oldman, this should have been your round! =X Good luck on the next round guys!


No worries, I did try but came up short.
- made an attempt at reselling oil and failed. I was the one trying to push it over $200 everyday for a while. So I bought about 45m barrels at an average price of about $170-$180. Had to sell them for $65 in the end. That's a loss of $4.95b.
- made another attempt to resell military tech thinking it will spike at the end. I was the one who had a SO at $1050 for a few days and I bought about 3m or so military tech at or below $1050. Didn't manage to resell a single point of military in the end cuz of lack of time and also the market conditions. That's another $3b spent on 6m nw which could have been about 12m nw if I spent them on military. That's a net loss of about $1.5b.
- I lost $1.1b to bomb banks as well

So that's approximately $7.6b of bad investment and stolen cash which would have put me at about 140m. I also didn't have time to do a proper calculation for end game cuz I was busy with work. I had to spend $3b on military >$350/nw on the public market at the end. I would probably have enough to win if I didn't try to resell anything =P oh well, moving on to next set =)

Edited By: oldman on Jul 4th 2013, 13:45:33
See Original Post


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 13:48:55

The billions of lost money on oil reminds me of my techer that good tech set with the expensive food. I was so sure since food was $70 or whatever that oil would go dry, especially since you and Grimstad were not fascist. Never happened, I think I lost 20m net in oil alone that round.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 14:34:41

Funniest thing is I went corruption bonus and was sitting on about $8 billion when Mojo tried spying me a few times and failed and left me alone. A few days later while sitting on $10 billion, someone stole 14k tech points once from me and moved on.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 14:36:06

So ingle was stealing tech?
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 15:34:58

That's funny that #32 is an unknown player.

Pretty weird that ingle was stealing from the top players. Doesn't look like it worked out for him, but it did make herbs quit.

I wonder if metygl has any comments on why he stopped grabbing so early.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 16:02:56

Hey crest, I'm curious, which country was yours this reset?

Ingle decided to steal tech after he fell behind too far (grabbed by too many top players). h2o was another tech stealer - Q Dance.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 16:09:58

Not surprised h2o was being a fluffhead but I am surprised by ingle. "I fell behind so I'm going to ruin a top player's reset." That seems below him.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 16:12:24

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Originally posted by LATC:
bobby last set for motivating me to actually try to play for real hehe

March April reset you said to me: "But I think you should try playing a farmer again to understand why the 3 day retal window is very unfair for a commie to impose on a farmer."

So I did this set. I had no problems with a 3 day retal window, even though I was grabbed I think 8 times last set (one was a fat fingered typo that I didn't retal).

Touche, well played. I'll have to take a look at what you did early game. That March/April reset I tried to do tech reseller for a month and then convert to farmer to try to catch both peaks, but neither really peaked - hence the "crap country" that set. That along with pinafore saying I was only a "mediocre player" I decided to actually see how well I could do if I tried.

Xinhuan: I had enough mil tech to sell at $35. My mistakes were that I sold all my food once, which was weird because I was trying to figure out how much food I needed for the last two days, but I think I added a digit and forgot to drop a digit somewhere else so it sold it all. That then compounded into having to buy more food on the market, on the last day that happened to be my own $38 bushels, meaning I got double taxed ugh.

Two days before the end I recalled 200m bushels before playing a day's worth of turns so decay ate up a ton of food that day.

Although I managed to squeeze out a lil extra NW by selling tech for $750 on the last day and trading that for turrets on my PM, so trading $354/NW in tech for $293/NW in turrets. I think that's what pushed me over the $140m mark.

Edited By: LATC on Jul 4th 2013, 16:14:39
See Original Post
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

ingle Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 16:17:33

Yes - I was stealing tech because all you ****** grabbed the hell out of me 2-3 weeks into the set.

I had a terrible start and food/oil was just dismal for the first half of the set. I had no chance at top 10 halfway through the set (if you look at news, I got knocked down hard:, so I maxed my warfare tech and I decided to bait another netter to double tapping me. I wasn't targeting anyone in specific, but really only the top 20 cashers/farmers that attacked me first (because they have the most tech with a crap SPAL). Herbs took my bait and you can see how it ended up for him (although he ended up fighting 2 wars).

Also, last set, I remember losing 150k tech each day so I figured I'd pay it back forward this set. Again, congrats to LATC for making 1st despite my tech stealing for over a week! Most players who messaged me and asked me to stop, I eventually stopped.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 16:30:27

This reset: T10 Avg NW: $116,044,401.60
Last reset: T10 Avg NW: $113,997,399.10

So despite the higher construction costs, the average top 10 NW is higher.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 17:23:29

Cheap tech.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 17:27:09

Originally posted by ingle:
Yes - I was stealing tech because all you ****** grabbed the hell out of me 2-3 weeks into the set.

I had a terrible start and food/oil was just dismal for the first half of the set. I had no chance at top 10 halfway through the set (if you look at news, I got knocked down hard:, so I maxed my warfare tech and I decided to bait another netter to double tapping me. I wasn't targeting anyone in specific, but really only the top 20 cashers/farmers that attacked me first (because they have the most tech with a crap SPAL). Herbs took my bait and you can see how it ended up for him (although he ended up fighting 2 wars).

Also, last set, I remember losing 150k tech each day so I figured I'd pay it back forward this set. Again, congrats to LATC for making 1st despite my tech stealing for over a week! Most players who messaged me and asked me to stop, I eventually stopped.

I'd expect it to be some obnoxious troll who can't net that's stealing my tech, not someone who knows what it feels like.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

ingle Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 17:51:25

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by ingle:
Yes - I was stealing tech because all you ****** grabbed the hell out of me 2-3 weeks into the set.

I had a terrible start and food/oil was just dismal for the first half of the set. I had no chance at top 10 halfway through the set (if you look at news, I got knocked down hard:, so I maxed my warfare tech and I decided to bait another netter to double tapping me. I wasn't targeting anyone in specific, but really only the top 20 cashers/farmers that attacked me first (because they have the most tech with a crap SPAL). Herbs took my bait and you can see how it ended up for him (although he ended up fighting 2 wars).

Also, last set, I remember losing 150k tech each day so I figured I'd pay it back forward this set. Again, congrats to LATC for making 1st despite my tech stealing for over a week! Most players who messaged me and asked me to stop, I eventually stopped.

I'd expect it to be some obnoxious troll who can't net that's stealing my tech, not someone who knows what it feels like.

Stealing tech is actually quite advantageous if you're lagging behind. It's how I managed to pull out of rank 70~ and back into top 20. Although you have to be prepared to war for being a troll.

If you're in the top 10 and doing it to other people in top 10, I'm sure they'll just straight out war you. You have a lot more to lose when you're in the race for t10 and stealing tech. Where as at rank 70~ I was about to quit anyways.

When I was getting 8-9k/turn, tech was still 2k, which is equivalent to getting 16-17 mil worth of tech each turn. Doing it like 15 times a day, you can really boost your tech levels (which also helps even more).

As a farmer/oiler with terrible income, I was making less than half of that per turn. Also, when people start hitting you, it doesn't pours.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 17:54:15

But do you really care about being in the top 20? What's the point?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 17:59:41

Viva deleted yet again. Cheat! Cheat! Cheat! Was he the one deleted with his 'room mate'. Looks like I will just go ahead and report him from the start of the next set.

Stealing tech can be advantageous it seems.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

qwertyh Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 18:02:46

Only if you don't mind risking war. :)

ingle Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 18:10:05

Originally posted by blid:
But do you really care about being in the top 20? What's the point?

It wasn't about top 20, it was about baiting a netter into double tapping me so I can ruin him.

I couldn't "retal" with jets so I retalled with spy ops. In the process of stealing tech, I noticed that it help my country a ton and I grew a lot quicker.

Stealing tech will definitely help, but most likely you won't finish top 10 since you'll end up warring.


EE Patron

Jul 4th 2013, 19:41:33

Originally posted by ingle:
Originally posted by blid:
But do you really care about being in the top 20? What's the point?

It wasn't about top 20, it was about baiting a netter into double tapping me so I can ruin him.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

herbs12 Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 19:42:24

It only looks like it ended bad for me because when I decided to war ingle and h20 I quit being concerned about my land. Every day I would drop it and do what I could. I was only concerned about running spy ops back at ingle which I started to do very successfully. Then ran out of time and said fluff it. But ingle was pushing me for a couple weeks of stealing tech before I went at him.

All in all good set everyone and to LATC for the win.

herbs12 Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 19:54:03

Also at 1 point I was far ahead of you Latc in cash per turn. Perhaps would have been a much better finish for myself before I quit trying then I thought. I had myself coming in at 136m at one point with some very crude low balling numbers against myself. Probably would have been more around the mid 140s.

Serp I do think you have a commen mistake that I have seen you make a few sets now. You always seem to stop grabbing 5-7 days earlier then needed and always stunt your final growth by a good chunk.

Your start to mid game is probably one of the better ones in regards to a commie then you finish to early and don't get as high as I always think you will.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 20:53:55

I'm too lazy to find/quote post, but just wanted to say to Xin that I would mainly have had to spend that 3billion on 173 turrets so I don't think I would have been able to jump ahead of metgyl into 5th place.

Also, I'd agree with herbs that Serp always seem to stop a few days before optimal (altho 5-7 days seems too high, maybe more like 3-5?). Speaking of when to stop, Rob went all the way over 80k and I stopped under 60k (he was well ahead of me to be clear). I asked him and both of us were too lazy to actually try to calculate when an optimal stopping time was. But I think both of us would agree I stopped a bit too early and he went just a bit too long haha...

Finally to reiterate what Rob said earlier, Grimstad (casher), herbs(casher), blid(casher) quitting all cost Rob the win I think. Just one more big casher and I think we see that food spike that never really happened this set. Alright GL in July/August everyone!

Serpentor Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 20:58:31

Maybe one of these days I'll learn to get off my lazy ass and push out 5 more days of grabbing. Ha ... not likely though.
The EEVIL Empire

ingle Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 21:07:59

Originally posted by herbs12:
It only looks like it ended bad for me because when I decided to war ingle and h20 I quit being concerned about my land. Every day I would drop it and do what I could. I was only concerned about running spy ops back at ingle which I started to do very successfully. Then ran out of time and said fluff it. But ingle was pushing me for a couple weeks of stealing tech before I went at him.

All in all good set everyone and to LATC for the win.

Yep - Herbs did quite some damage back with spy ops as well (a dict with low land = high success rate). The bomb structures brought me from 115 bpt to 19 bpt. I kept a lot of cash and jets around which were bombed.

Herbs, I'm surprised you never messaged me asking me to stop. :P

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 21:53:17

115 to 19 BPT? Sheeeeeeeesh...

@Bobby I don't think Rob stopped grabbing too late. Seeing as he went -construction costs bonus, his 80k country building costs would be roughly about a 75k old formula country or so, he stopped grabbing once food price started falling, which was what I would have done too.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 21:59:05

Originally posted by herbs12:
Serp I do think you have a commen mistake that I have seen you make a few sets now. You always seem to stop grabbing 5-7 days earlier then needed and always stunt your final growth by a good chunk.

I wouldn't be too quick to say this, because I know Serp had a 1700a earthquake or something about 5-6 days from the end of the reset that easily cost him a few mil NW, and it might have been enough to overtake me.

I had a 1200a earthquake about 12(?) days from end of set, but I rebuilt that and didn't had an earthquake since. I actually even had 3 random indy booms too.

The only other thing was that Serp kept a lot more turrets than I did (about 10m more), though I kept a bit more spies than he did (about 500k more).

Rob Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 2:22:00

Congrats LATC!

Actually Bobby that's not what cost me the win. A couple of things did though:

1) I had 1.1m tech stolen and 700m cash as well. That's around 8m net lost at least since tech was between 1.1 - 1.6m when all that was being stolen.
2) I was really tired on the last day and didnt play out the last 6hours so had to jump early on public market. If I played it out and resold some to squeeze out a little more I might have still made it

Anyway, well played LATC

Rob Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 2:27:37

And yeah I don't think I grabbed too long either. Minus spy ops on my country and less my laziness on the last day it was easily a 148m country already. Plus I made one really stupid mistake (which I shall not embarrass myself my revealing) which cost me another 2m net.

I think LATC stopped grabbing too early in my opinion and would have instead finished higher in net if he continued grabbing

h2orich Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 2:33:49

I've stolen almost equal amounts from Rob and LATC, but I stopped when both sent me a message. Then I continued to steal from random top 30s. Well, even as a techer, between teching 8k tpt and stealing 18k tech points, I'm sure you will go for stealing ops.


EE Patron

Jul 5th 2013, 2:41:38

I'm sure you will, if you feel like fluffing with other people and getting in a war.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 3:18:55

Heh h2orich managed to take 450k points from me on 30 ops in the span of just over 24 hours, luckily tech was pretty cheap at that point.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Rob Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 3:24:50

I think I'm gonna play CI this set to avoid that

herbs12 Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 4:14:36

I thought Ingle that it wouldn't matter and thought it was a player who just wanted war. And ill be honest with you when I made the conversion to Dict it was only to do spy ops back at you.

But I will say you had a country ready to rock in a war and was set up very nicely for that. Regardless of anything even if I tried to keep my country looking good and profitable it would have been hard as you being the top facist on the server during peak bushel time. It was a daunting task but fun and I learnt the power of spies.

They are very powerful and I would have to say perhaps a little overpowered for individual servers.

h2orich Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 4:54:03

The top 5 for this set is comparable to last set but the top 30 from this set is 35m while the last set was 55m, a big difference.

Serpentor Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 5:23:11

good point H2o. That's probably a better gauge. I know Xin and I both benefited from everyone avoiding indy, and it could have been way worse. If there were more regular indies, we would have been way way lower in Networth. Average military prices were stellar all set long. This woulda been the set of all sets for indy with the old rules.
The EEVIL Empire

h2orich Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 7:16:36

Indy prices normally go down till $100 for at least 2-3 weeks each set, but this set, it didnt even go below $120 for even a week. Definately an indy set.

With normal market conditions on Primary server, I dont see anyone making above 130m.

ingle Game profile


Jul 5th 2013, 13:28:42

Originally posted by herbs12:
I thought Ingle that it wouldn't matter and thought it was a player who just wanted war. And ill be honest with you when I made the conversion to Dict it was only to do spy ops back at you.

But I will say you had a country ready to rock in a war and was set up very nicely for that. Regardless of anything even if I tried to keep my country looking good and profitable it would have been hard as you being the top facist on the server during peak bushel time. It was a daunting task but fun and I learnt the power of spies.

They are very powerful and I would have to say perhaps a little overpowered for individual servers.

LATC and Rob both asked me to stop (since they didn't want to war). But yeah, you definitely put up a good fight at least...Took out a ton of my buildings and I mistakenly left too much cash on hand for you to bomb.

Also, spies do a lot more damage than anything else in Primary. I debated trying to AB you, but getting through 1M tanks and doing very little damage (due to attacks requiring ramping up) was kind of pointless and a waste of oil/resources.

Just one point I'd like to make, when you bomb jets, make sure your own jets are at home (do it before PSing). If you have 0 jets at home, you will always destroy 0. The # of jets bombed is somewhat dependent on the number of jets you have at home (same is true with cause dissension). :)