
BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 11:52:10

Important for our netting on our server:

1b) Military Damage
Military damage will have a multiplier added which will adjust damage based on square root of networthA/networthB; the larger opponent will have the multiplier applied to their losses; this means for a target half your size, you will lose 40% more; for 10x, about 3x more

2b) Spy DR will kick in a bit sooner, but will build more slowly. One of these sets we'll find a good balance =/

2c) Minimum chance of success for spying will be *slightly* raised

3) Building costs are being tweaked back somewhat, as they were perhaps over-nerfed

Building costs will change from:

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:23:56

Someone with the time and a calculator, brake it down in simpler terms. How much does this really effect our bldg costs and losses on LGing?
The EEVIL Empire

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:34:58

Acres Old BC New Bc
5000 17290.38435 17881.8088
10000 41587.69881 37996.16568
20000 92209.24862 79139.88985
30000 144293.4734 120962.3081
40000 197319.0867 163224.6074
50000 251045.6939 205814.7293
60000 305332.9806 248666.8712
70000 360088.4977 291737.5677

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:35:24

Sure Serp.

Land Old New Newest
500 3,000 1,503 1,503
750 3,750 1,503 1,503
1,000 4,500 1,503 2,385
1,500 6,000 1,503 4,244
2,000 7,500 3,547 6,144
2,500 9,000 5,738 8,068
3,000 10,500 7,987 10,009
3,500 12,000 10,274 11,962
4,000 13,500 12,591 13,927
4,500 15,000 14,931 15,900
5,000 16,500 17,290 17,882
6,000 19,500 22,059 21,865
7,000 22,500 26,881 25,871
8,000 25,500 31,747 29,897
9,000 28,500 36,651 33,939
10,000 31,500 41,588 37,996
11,000 34,500 46,554 42,066
12,000 37,500 51,546 46,149
13,000 40,500 56,562 50,242
14,000 43,500 61,600 54,345
16,000 49,500 71,736 62,579
18,000 55,500 81,941 70,845
20,000 61,500 92,209 79,140
22,000 67,500 102,533 87,461
24,000 73,500 112,907 95,805
26,000 79,500 123,328 104,172
28,000 85,500 133,791 112,558
30,000 91,500 144,293 120,962
35,000 106,500 170,707 142,047
40,000 121,500 197,319 163,225
45,000 136,500 224,105 184,483
50,000 151,500 251,046 205,815
55,000 166,500 278,126 227,211
60,000 181,500 305,333 248,667
65,000 196,500 332,657 270,177
70,000 211,500 360,088 291,738
75,000 226,500 387,621 313,345
80,000 241,500 415,247 334,996
85,000 256,500 442,961 356,688
90,000 271,500 470,758 378,419
95,000 286,500 498,634 400,186
100,000 301,500 526,585 421,988

OLD = (3 * land) +1500
NEW = 3*(max(1,land-1500)^1.05)+1500
NEWEST = 3*(max(1,land-750)^1.03)+1500

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:41:46

Attacking someone

1x or larger than your size: You lose 8.00% attacking force
1/2 your size: You lose 10.08% attacking force
1/3 your size: You lose 11.54
1/4 your size: You lose 12.70
1/5 your size: You lose 13.68
1/6 your size: You lose 14.54
1/7 your size: You lose 15.30
1/8 your size: You lose 16.00
1/9 your size: You lose 16.64
1/10 your size: You lose 17.24
1/11 your size: You lose 17.79
1/12 your size: You lose 18.32

Though, 1/4 to 4x is the Humanitarians limit on Primary. Basically, if you're bottomfeeding on Primary (attacking 1/4 your size), expect to lose about double your jets in the attack.

This increased attacking expenses is somewhat counterbalanced by the decrease in construction cost though, so it's not that big a deal.

Also, attacking someone larger in NW doesn't cause you to lose less units than before.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 9th 2013, 17:08:33
See Original Post

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:42:13

you had to be all fancy and round numbers and do way more data points, but I posted first. Winner=ATA

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 13:49:18

I actually just copy pasted what h2orich posted somewhere else.

st0ny Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 14:44:37

wait... does this mean its better to attack someone with more land and same nett xin? :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 14:50:17

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Attacking someone

12x your size: You lose 2.31% attacking force
4x your size: You lose 4%
3x your size: You lose 4.62%
2x your size: You lose 5.66%

1x your size: You lose 8.00% attacking force

1/2 your size: You lose 11.31% attacking force
1/3 your size: You lose 13.86
1/4 your size: You lose 16
1/5 your size: You lose 17.89
1/6 your size: You lose 19.6
1/7 your size: You lose 21.17
1/8 your size: You lose 22.63
1/9 your size: You lose 24
1/10 your size: You lose 25.3
1/11 your size: You lose 26.53
1/12 your size: You lose 27.71

Though, 1/4 to 4x is the Humanitarians limit on Primary. Basically, if you're bottomfeeding on Primary (attacking 1/4 your size), expect to lose about double your jets in the attack.

This increased attacking expenses is somewhat counterbalanced by the decrease in construction cost though, so it's not that big a deal.
I thought this was only for special attacks.

The reason I say that is because this was announced in item 1(b), and item 1 was about special attack reversion and 1(a) was about destruction in special attacks. So, since the other elements of item 1 all deal with special attacks, 1(b) would presumably be referring to special attacks as well.

Someone else asked qzjul if it applied to all attacks and I followed it up, but he never responded.

Edited By: blid on Aug 8th 2013, 15:18:15
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 14:54:30

Also, once again the admins are giving a giant fluff YOU to solo server players. These changes, unlike the last batch, I don't think screw over the solo servers, so that's okay, but on the other hand YET ANOTHER big slate of changes designed specifically for Alliance, released the day before an Alliance reset, while our changes that we've requested languish for literally years.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 15:20:25

Well, we'll find out soon enough if it applies to all attacks, or just special attacks.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 15:23:22

Originally posted by st0ny:
wait... does this mean its better to attack someone with more land and same nett xin? :D

It means it is better than it was before, but it is still best to bottomfeed.

blid, fairly certain it applies to all attacks

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 15:31:13


My test on alphaffa show that it applies to SS/PS as well. However, I noted that the NW Ratio penalty only applies when attacking SMALLER countries, you still lose a flat 8% when attacking larger countries.

In light of this, I've edited my earlier post above.

oldman Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 15:31:14

it applies to all attacks.

LATC Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 15:56:05

Medical tech just became relevant.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 16:13:07

Nah, it only works on defense
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 16:13:43

Originally posted by Xinhuan:

My test on alphaffa show that it applies to SS/PS as well. However, I noted that the NW Ratio penalty only applies when attacking SMALLER countries, you still lose a flat 8% when attacking larger countries.

In light of this, I've edited my earlier post above.
What are losses generally at currently?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:25:25


LATC Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:28:00

Originally posted by blid:
Nah, it only works on defense

Wow it's a good thing you told me that, never actually read the description until now!

I guess weapons tech is even more important now then.. and O leeching! =P

Edited By: LATC on Aug 8th 2013, 16:30:27
See Original Post
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:29:12

Originally posted by LATC:
Medical tech just became relevant.

Medical tech only works on defending. It was never relevant outside of a war to begin with. Having say 80% of it just makes the enemy lose maybe 20% more units to kill you, so it isn't all that useful to begin with even then.

Originally posted by blid:
What are losses generally at currently?

Flat 8% of what you send.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:33:30

Originally posted by Xinhuan:

Originally posted by blid:
What are losses generally at currently?

Flat 8% of what you send.

I'm beating you up and down the blcok today:P

LATC Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:34:53

Xin is about 5 mins behind today
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 16:36:14

And I beat him on the medical tech answer. :P

Hm, so even if you hit dangerous targets 50% of your size you're still taking 50% higher losses than currently. Attacking just got more expensive no matter how you slice it. What is the purpose of this change? To weaken bigger players in Alliance wars?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:53:02

Yes, qz's clan has been somewhat on the losing end of wars. :)

More specifically, he said he wanted to clan wars to last longer so that clans with larger TNW doesn't have a "runaway victory" too quickly.

I didn't really agree with this change, because I think the increased number of hits to kill a country with the Special Attacks 1 minute DR already slows down wars quite a bit. Also it makes killing a low NW suicider cost you 6 jets for every 1 turret you have to kill at the extreme 12x NW attack range.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:54:02

what is 1 min DR and does it apply to SS/PS? Just curious in case I doubletap someone

LATC Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 16:56:11

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
what is 1 min DR and does it apply to SS/PS? Just curious in case I doubletap someone

That's what she said.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?


EE Patron

Aug 8th 2013, 16:56:16

Could be a good change (for Alliance...), though he has to be careful not to turn wars into long eventless slogs.

Edited By: blid on Aug 8th 2013, 17:23:18
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 17:05:57

1 minute DR only applies to special attacks, Bobby. Basically, -0.7% compounded damage DR per special (non SS/PS), lasts for 60 seconds. The Overall damage factor is calculated by 0.993^N where N is the number of specials in the last 60 seconds.

The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 17:09:09

yah. qz's alliance gotten beaten and farmed for a full two months this set. But the war was only competitive for the first 3-4 days despite them having higher numbers and comparable activity.

the idea behind this and the change for restarts to keep tech is to give an alliance with inferior strategies the ability to remain competitive longer.

edit: holybatman. I had a screen up for a half hour and a half a dozen responses were up in between what I was responding to and when I responded. this post was re: a question xin answered 30 minutes ago.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Aug 8th 2013, 17:11:22
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 23:59:27

Will these changes benefit Indies significantly?

Considering that more jets will be wasted I reckon that's going to have an upward pressure on jet prices. Even if indies build more jets to compensate for higher losses, they will still have to keep on their turret count to not get grabbed/retald too easily.

Just a thought, what do you guys think these changes will do to the composition of farmer/indy/casher/oiler/techer in Primary?

eManny Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 0:00:42

Just to add:

If these changes result in more people playing indy, it will no longer favour them.

My comment is really about what changes will do to what strategy people will opt to play next round :)


EE Patron

Aug 9th 2013, 0:03:24

Good insight eManny. I don't think it will increase demand significantly but there will be a bump there I suppose. Or else people just won't be able to grab as much because they'll be losing more offense all the time and unable to keep as many jets as they would have previously.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 16:58:08

"I softened the military damage multiplier to cube root and reduced the fast-DR time-length to 45 seconds after more extended testing in alphaffa. " qzjul

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 17:08:48

Edited chart above.


EE Patron

Aug 9th 2013, 18:28:35

So we'll lose ~12% instead of 8% now. So like if you did a 3m jet hit you'd lose 120,000 additional jets. I guess that adds up over a set and will cost a few million networth.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 18:50:45

No, we lose 16% if we hit someone around 1/4 our size.

Since its SQRT(4/1) = 2x the normal losses
2 x 8% = 16%

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 18:52:09

Building costs are lowered though, and more than covers the extra jets cost.

Let's say you are 40k acres, the new building cost is 45k cheaper per acre. If you grab 1400a that day, you save 47.6m dollars building it. That 47.6m dollars can buy 396k jets if jets cost $120 - You would only lose this amount of jets if you sent out 8.42m jets that day, which is fairly typical for a 40k country.

I don't really see it as an issue. The buff more or less cancels out the nerf.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 18:52:46

Hey h2o, its been nerfed to cuberoot instead of squareroot. See updated chart.

h2orich Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 18:54:50

oh. havent been paying much attention to forums lately. thanks xin

h2orich Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 18:55:24

and I cant use cuberoot on windows calculator!


EE Patron

Aug 9th 2013, 19:20:15

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Building costs are lowered though, and more than covers the extra jets cost.

Let's say you are 40k acres, the new building cost is 45k cheaper per acre. If you grab 1400a that day, you save 47.6m dollars building it. That 47.6m dollars can buy 396k jets if jets cost $120 - You would only lose this amount of jets if you sent out 8.42m jets that day, which is fairly typical for a 40k country.

I don't really see it as an issue. The buff more or less cancels out the nerf.
But building costs are also raised for the opening stages, first 5000+ acres or so. Still, of course they're lowered on the whole.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 19:47:15

Originally posted by h2orich:
and I cant use cuberoot on windows calculator!

You can. Use x^y button, where y = 0.33333333333 (or 1/3).

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 19:49:06

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by h2orich:
and I cant use cuberoot on windows calculator!

You can. Use x^y button, where y = 0.33333333333 (or 1/3).

Stop giving away all of the secrets!

h2orich Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 2:46:25

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by h2orich:
and I cant use cuberoot on windows calculator!

You can. Use x^y button, where y = 0.33333333333 (or 1/3).

Yea. U'll have to use the scientific calculator on windows calculator. I like the standard one. Small :P

qwertyh Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 13:45:24

The military damage and the reduced Construction costs helps Dict and Tyranny be more competitive relatively.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 15:25:12

Is the reduction in bldg cost about what it used to be, or is it higher still?
The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Aug 10th 2013, 15:36:24

Xinhuan posted numbers for all 3, it's quite a bit higher than it used to be but lower than before. It's about halfway in between, maybe a little more
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 3:24:01

Yeah that's what I thought. Dang. At least its something though.
The EEVIL Empire

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 4:56:16

Originally posted by st0ny:
wait... does this mean its better to attack someone with more land and same nett xin? :D

It's always been better to attack someone close to you own net, Stony.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!


EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 4:56:54

...if you don't mind the risk of being hit back.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.