
Cathankins Game profile


Nov 1st 2024, 19:12:40

If he farms your any harder you will fall out of range. It would appear without a group clan to back him up that super is in fact not so fly after all. Superfarm would be a more appropriate name. He’s like that guy that used to run “landfarm” except he larps as the winner while doing it for comedic effect.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 1st 2024, 21:42:38

Idiot keep my name out of your mouth. Is that not what you asked earlier of me?

Anyways if you want to engage let’s goooo!

Originally posted by Tertius:
I know your profile pretty well Cath, have you forgotten that we used to be teammates until you started suiciding me everywhere because... SuperFly somehow?

Your only win in team is because we wanted to challenge ourselves with a team push, and we got you to 200M+ (you're welcome!).

Your highest NW in alliance was when you were in Evo when tmac and I taught you the ropes.

You got a single win in Express by playing every week and finding a set where Nite and Skol weren't trying. Kudos for your tenacity.

You have a single win in Primary where you've made a slightly def-heavy casher a legitimate, smart play to stay out of wars.

Your best 3 in tourny is rank 20, putting you at the bottom of the top 10 of currently active players.

You're the one who loves the stats, and like to wield it against people on the forums that you deem beneath you, but it's a joke - like your skills at forum debates or your performance in evenly matched wars.

You are a joke bro. Go back to your squabble with Tertius who cooked you bad. You and me we are done and our beef is over.

Good luck in your tournament wars now….

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 0:25:41

I’ve won express like 7 or 8 times and I get bored and try weird strategies because it was too easy. I have no idea what dimension Tertius lives in. I can obviously pull first in primary very easily. Or sit up top all set if I choose to. I feel that’s pretty obvious this set especially with the low tech prices.

I think I actually ignored that post because it was this long seething energy but that’s hilarious now that I realize he was making up random lies I’m glad you posted that that’s a funny one

Tertius is mad he got molly whopped or as the other users over there said he got “smoked” this set kind of like how you did over here.
After ducking our war last set this is a funny development. Good times man Mr big bad war machine

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 1:27:23

Did you blindside tertius with a new name usual?

This is what sets me apart from you seethers. You always know who I am and you noobs come out of the shadows to stab a guy in the back cuz that’s the only way you have chance.

Change my mind and identify yourself from day 1 of the round and have a fair fight… 😘

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 2nd 2024, 5:13:17

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 1:30:37

Ps those comments about me needing a group that you seem to mention often; come across with a huge tone of jealously. I know you guys wish you had ride or die friends on servers like I do.

I saw you first hand talking about your friends and your crew and they all turned on you even Josey eventually left you all by your lonesome.

Not my fault I am like able and can make friends easily while you alienate and make enemies everywhere you go!


Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2024, 14:47:06

Thanks for the details, Cath - seriously, facts are important to me. I should've had an asterisk - I only skimmed through 100 express sets so like 2 years. But you don't recall any of those other points? Like the one where four guys in team FA'd you daily and then walked you through how to jump to the all-time top NW since you admitted you weren't so good with math? I mean, that might actually explain a lot if you have some sort of brain damage that causes you to conveniently forget things and then make up fluff on the forums instead.

And then you keep moving the goalposts. The whole point of my post is that you like to dismiss arguments against you because you say you only respect people who can net and that you have bestest IQ, and then when I showcase that you're not actually top tier, now you 'were only saying that because everyone else did that against you and now they get what they deserve'? Who else was doing that? TC? Because BlackHole hounds him mercilessly for his silly comments about IQ and elitism. Even if a few players did, you use it casually against anyone who disagrees with your brand of crazy, which is most players on the forum.

As I mentioned in the other threads, engaging with you is neither fun or productive. Sure, you can get 1st place any time you want. Oh, except in Tourney where you were trying for the win, realized I had you beat, and then suicided me out of the blue. And that's a weird definition of smoked - I dislike rehashing cross-server threads, but I already posted all the receipts in the other one: I personally knocked you out of Game A three times (where you started the fight each time) while I kept the same name for a year. Even in this last one where you "molly whopped" me, at the end, you were a parking lot, I was mostly built, and I had 400m cash that I chose not to use so Ping could go through if he wanted.

Keep spitting your half-truths and macho bullfluff. If you say it enough, maybe someone will start to believe it.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 15:32:35

This dude really wrote an entire diary



Nov 2nd 2024, 23:31:22




Nov 2nd 2024, 23:40:34

Superfly - you are SO fly. Everyone loves you here. You are the cream of the crop just know that everyone really respects you here and that truly means something.. NIN is just a big loser.... and does not care - lol. Change your name. Or keep having the fun, every. single. set. :)


LightBringer Game profile


Nov 3rd 2024, 0:10:38

You should all kiss and make up!

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 3rd 2024, 15:17:41

Originally posted by LightBringer:
You should all kiss and make up!

Get Taylor Swift over here and we will squash the beef I guess

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 3rd 2024, 17:13:59

NIN If team play was allowed here in primary you would be vanquished in 1 day that’s how loved I am….

But alas you identify yourself and don’t hit from behind and will both have a fun time together next set

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 3rd 2024, 17:15:35

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
You should all kiss and make up!

Get Taylor Swift over here and we will squash the beef I guess

I’d squash the beef over a round of cup cakes with vanilla frosting and cold milk shakes. I am always ready to choose peace over war cuz I am too busy with life to be logging in 7 times a day like some people

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 4th 2024, 1:16:59

For the fifteenth time I am not kissing you again superfly

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 4th 2024, 4:39:30

Originally posted by Cathankins:
For the fifteenth time I am not kissing you again superfly

Hold hands at least???

now im nothing Game profile


Nov 6th 2024, 13:14:26

Top 5 is the new top 10

less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Hessman123 Game profile


Nov 6th 2024, 14:55:27

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Top 5 is the new top 10

"If you aint first, you're last" - Ricky Bobby

Hessman123 Game profile


Nov 10th 2024, 16:24:09

No Talladega Nights fans in here?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2024, 18:11:58

Not me but as Dale Earnhardt once said, second place is the first loser.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!