
Meile Thorstein


Jun 10th 2014, 22:10:58


Meile Thorstein


Jun 10th 2014, 22:11:12

Well said, did mommy write that for you while skinning rattlesnakes?

(to prove how uneducated you really are, my name is of Nordic origins. We ate Germans for breakfast)

... proving once again yer keyboard tough-guy personna is really just to mask the fact you can't even wipe your own ass without drooling.

Try playing in traffic, you'll find more friends there son.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 23:21:06

>believing a word shekelstein says

even if you are from the swedistan/norgeria region that is equally funny

>ate germans for breakfast
>had to call the usa to keep us from crackin the whip on everybody

pick 1

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 23:22:03

altho tbh i do have a great admiration for the nords. It does sadden me to see their state of affairs today though.

Meile Thorstein


Jun 10th 2014, 23:33:43

We owned Germania.

I should forgive you and your uneducated pre-pubescent mind for not having the vocabulary and I.Q. to fully comprehend any history beyond having your mom's boob in your mouth last night.

For real tho, don't be angry at the world for what your Uncle-Dad does when he's drunk, he really knows no other way. Stick to playing your video games boy, the world has already forgotten all about you.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2014, 23:39:35

Just to address one point in your post, in a reply to Xinhuan, if you ever double tap me, that will be a fatal mistake in the game. :)

I retal every hit against my country in the best fashion for me, and I expect that all other players will do the same, thus, it's a nice fun game for me.

I don't subscribe to this "topfeeding" bullfluff, if I can reach you and take your land, it's not topfeeding, it's a landgrab, plain and simple, you can retal, but don't come along and think you're going to get to hit me until you get your land back, that's just not gonna happen, and if you think it does, you better be outfitted for warring and able to kick my ass in short order, or you can forget about a high finish if that is your focus. Mine is not about a high finish, it's about how I play the game, and how I allow you to play your game until it becomes detrimental to my game, and then I'm going to act in my countries best interest, if that means obliterating you, that's what it means.

A single grab, no matter how "big" or "small" is a grab, plain and simple, there is no cause for alarm, it is not a sudden war, it's simply a landgrab. If you want to make it a war, you can do that easy enough. :)

Have a great game, everybody.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cannon Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 23:49:13

Ok, enough of that. Back to the war of words between Deezy and Meile plz

Cable Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 0:12:37

Originally posted by Meile Thorstein:
Well said, did mommy write that for you while skinning rattlesnakes?

(to prove how uneducated you really are, my name is of Nordic origins. We ate Germans for breakfast)

... proving once again yer keyboard tough-guy personna is really just to mask the fact you can't even wipe your own ass without drooling.

Try playing in traffic, you'll find more friends there son.

Thats humoris, dont compare your ansestery to what you are now, unless you're a full blood Nordic which I highly doubt as Vikings became civilized and dolled down a long time ago. Just another mud blood mixture I suspect talking more trash to act internet tougher then the other guy.

blah blah blah my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great dad was a gladiator undefeated in the colloseum rings of rome, whatz up now

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 0:30:46

Uh oh, here comes weezy's big brother!

It's evident you're one of those who prefers to stick your beak where it don't belong. I don't remember once addressing you, Cable, stick to your assistant manager's job at McDonald's and beat it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 11th 2014, 1:08:17

Hey now, listen up viking!!, you NO make fun of mcdonald's!!!, they make yum yum egg mcmuffins!!!

That is all.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 1:23:30

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Hey now, listen up viking!!, you NO make fun of mcdonald's!!!, they make yum yum egg mcmuffins!!!

That is all.

haha no worries. I have no issues with the mcmuffs

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 1:44:37

Originally posted by Meile Thorstein:
We owned Germania.

I should forgive you and your uneducated pre-pubescent mind for not having the vocabulary and I.Q. to fully comprehend any history beyond having your mom's boob in your mouth last night.

For real tho, don't be angry at the world for what your Uncle-Dad does when he's drunk, he really knows no other way. Stick to playing your video games boy, the world has already forgotten all about you.

top kek y'all didn't even want us around during World bankers war 2 and the only reason y'all remained "neutral" and did business with us was because you had no army capable of stopping us.

nice try shlomo

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 1:52:53

and your constant mentioning of mom-ferishes and other degenerate stuff confirms my suspicion you are no nord.

Or maybe you actually are that would explain your cuckold fetish.

Just for fun next go around we'll conquer denmark and norway... again. Or maybe we'll just let our muslim brothers keep them all since they are conquering them now lol

take that silly stuff back to minnesota jack

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 1:55:25

and you leave my uncle dad out of this or i'll get my cousin wife after you ;-)

Cable Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 1:55:52

Originally posted by Meile Thorstein:
Uh oh, here comes weezy's big brother!

It's evident you're one of those who prefers to stick your beak where it don't belong. I don't remember once addressing you, Cable, stick to your assistant manager's job at McDonald's and beat it.

Welcome to an open internet thread tough guy, oh wait you're so smart you should have known that.... cats outta the bag you got beat as a child and and picked on in school so you're acting tough online and doing all that fluff your talking down. Get a life and pull the big fluff out of your ass, your nothing but a fluff internet troll with worse come backs then the backstreet boys reunion tour

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 2:15:32

Translated to english Cable's post reads: I'm a lonely transgender.

Edited By: Meile Thorstein on Jun 11th 2014, 2:20:41

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 2:15:59

Originally posted by deezyboy:
and you leave my uncle dad out of this or i'll get my cousin wife after you ;-)

yikes! haha

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 2:22:16

Originally posted by Meile Thorstein:
I'm a lonely transgender.

and no one was surprised

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 2:27:10

Originally posted by deezyboy:
Originally posted by Meile Thorstein:
I'm a lonely transgender.

and no one was surprised

That you fixated on just that sentence?? Not at all.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 11th 2014, 2:28:23

I remember my first beer.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 2:47:23

Do you remember an original thought? Or just lame quotes from films?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 11th 2014, 3:07:43

I once wrestled an anaconda for 4 hrs, then all of a sudden a bunch of white fluff flew all over the place, it turns out I was masterbating....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


New Member

Jun 11th 2014, 3:28:15

This thread has almost as many people in it as the average train black guys run on me while i make meile watch while wearing his chastity belt


New Member

Jun 11th 2014, 3:29:29

Meile always wants to jump in but i'm always like "son you know you have severe erectile dysfunction unless its with another man"

silentwolf Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 3:35:36

This thread is hilarious ! :)

nice one guys.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 3:37:15

True story: The last time meile touched a vagina was when i gave birth to him. If only i had knew of abortions then, or had a coat hanger present. But i sold ally fluff for crack.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 3:37:32

damnit lol

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 3:41:36

nice one rookie. perhaps if you weren't typing under yer sheets during bedtime you may not have slipped up.

Is it show and tell at school tomorrow? you can show the class you vagenis.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 11th 2014, 3:53:03

Man you are one pathetic loser, no offense.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:03:37

when u have more people pissed at you than i do you are officially a jerk

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:05:31

brb gonna jerk off and think about meiles mom

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 4:13:29

ain't nothing I haven't already heard in high school. next.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:15:22

are you saying you talk to yourself


New Member

Jun 11th 2014, 4:19:02

meile u know dang well u never had to jerk it as much as your father and I molested you so quit lying you aidsguzzlingfagget

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 4:20:26

try looking up the word clever in the dictionary, you can find it in your school library. take a seat in yer favorite dora the explorer bean bag chair, get your lunchables ready, and sound out the words. you may learn something other than what you experience while sitting on Uncle-Dad's lap.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:23:17

meile, i'm gonna be a nice guy and let u walk away with what little dignity you barely have left.

Protip: Unlike you i grew up in a large city, in the south, aka around a whole bunch of hood niggas. You ain't gonna win a roasting sesh with me so just kill yourself while your ahead. Ol eric cantor lookin boy

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 4:25:00

don't be mad at the world for being unclever weezy, it's not your fault your mom has seen more fluff-ends than weekends.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:28:19

not sure if trolling or actually this horrible at cracking jokes

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 4:31:28

I imagine you're nickname back where you grew up is Hammer Skinner. Got stretch marks on yer cheeks, boy?

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:42:44

are u actually mitt romney or wat htf can u be so unfunny

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:45:30

if ur this unfuny irl i actually think u may have never got a chic which would explain a lot. otherwise i'm calling troll. Nobody can make this many consecutive horrible jokes.

meile how do boobs feel? like bags of sand?

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 4:54:09

If you're asking out of pure curiousity, give it a squeeze when mom calls ya for feeding time.

I should've known you are from the deep south. I lose IQ points reading your lame quips. Plus where I'm from, if you need to brag about yourself on the internet, usually means you couldn't satisfy a pillow with that mushroom cap you call a vagenis.

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:55:52

i'm gonna quit clownin on you before u actually kill yourself n i have that in my conscience goodnight guys thanks for the laughs sleep tight meile dont let the bedbugs bite u nasty 3rd world illegal

iScode Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 4:56:39

restart your team country so we can kill you again deezy...
God of War


deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 5:12:19

lol i actually feel loved that a whole team of fluff-tier countries really just ganged up on me.

>penance confirmed for super butthurt fluffskins who live in, and run 3rd worldcountries

iScode Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 5:13:47

God of War


Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 5:14:50

hey weezy, since you're from the south and, as you bragged earlier, hung out with hood folk, perhaps you're VERY aware of the term 'sagging'. If by chance you're not, look it up son. Should explain A LOT about you to people on these boards nonetheless.

Wear 'em low boy, invite 'em in!!!

deezyboy Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 5:21:28

meile at least this other guy iscode does/says funny fluff ur just gay

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 5:26:44

Hey Weezy, when yer outside for recess, the game is called Red Rover, not Bend Over.

Meile Thorstein


Jun 11th 2014, 5:34:27

Originally posted by deezyboy:
meile at least this other guy iscode does/says funny fluff ur just gay

Nearly, but not quite, as clever as a 1st grader saying "I know you are but what am I"