
Alin Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 14:07:04

I don t agree. Isis has nothing better to do. Wait until the kid asks for a wmd or he grows up. Ignore him now and see what happens.

You are the best example of flufffied 21 century citizen. Our comunity is pussified. Ignore the elephnt in the backyard is one of the worst things to do atm. Grif piano ignore sing songs... they are laughing in our faces and wiill do what they did .more... offten.

Alin Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 11:46:02

Well written.

I don t fully agree with it but the frankenstein quote is awesome.

Alin Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 10:00:38

Sure i am near the french. Sure i feel sorry. I my self have part of my family in Uk which is sort of next on those religion brainwashed fluffs list. It easy to comment, grief, be solidar. How about if it strikes you? Gatewick airport is the airport where i take my plane, is the airport where my familiy take the planes. And guess what... yestarday there was a terorrist alert in that airport.

You know how this is? It doesn t happen to you until it happens. And i am thinking now as it has already happened, because it did. 130 deaths by brain washed monkeys is like happening to me... 30 deaths, 50, 9 eleven, madrid ... it did happend to us(altought on 9 11 i have some dubt it is entire terrorists plan, but this discussion is for another time).

So what should i do? I grief - checked, i revolt - checked, i light a candle -checked. Than what ? That s it? The freaking osamma from syria is laughing ...

There are 5k persons suspected in France of having ties with terrorism. A large portion of the 13 November terrorists were on that list(except the Belgium ones). What shall we do? Give those 5k human rights? not guilty until proofen ...
fluff no! Take their entire families and send them to where they belong. Send those fluffers to Assad to make shariah in Syria. Take them to guntamo or every other place... get info.

60k persons in all Eu are suspected. We do what? Wait... wait for them to become confirmed by blowing us. That s not normal, you don t fight that with human rights. You banish them from EU and USA! Simple as that.

Than there is the Syria and Iraq problem. Where the discussion is endless. USA,EU RUSSSIA China AND EVERBODY has economic interest there. Every gallon of fuel mrford loads in his super truck costs him less cents because we went to middle east to find wmds and found Oil! That is the reality, if anyone refuse to see that than he needs an Iq check. Or he just agrees and supports that... being ignorant to "causality and effect".

Everyone did it. Russia in Ukraine,cecenia, middle east, afghanistan and all those poor countries in their zone. Usa did it to basically everyone. Starting with Yugoslavia(Serbia) in the heart of Europe, and ending with middle east. Where they suck the oil out of them, keep puppets dictators in muslim countries, that obey the command... and overthrow the others who got greedy and do not respond to commands anymore, making an example out of them, an example that suits interests. All... have a fault in this.

How do you solve this? By grief and piano? Ben laden from iraq and syria is laughing his ass off when he sees that.
No! You go there but with the sole purpose to solve this problem. You leave them enjoy their resources and their dictators. Until they overthrow them by their own. You don t want your hand dirty? Fine, agree with papa Putin because he has no problem with dirty hands, than go there toghether. Leave Middle East be... after you set in some order.

Sure my ideeas are utopic, since Russia is with Assad and Usa with the moderate muslims that want Assad down. + odds are nato and russia will never work toghether, but this terrorist fluff must stop. Our world has the means to stop it but it simply does not. Untill it will be to late... ultranationalism will come to power and than we are close to WWIII.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 15th 2015, 10:10:40
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 19:00:13

Originally posted by Hawkster:
I find it sad that many have died and yet is hardly nothing but bunch of bickering in here. What ever happened to team spirit and everyone banding together for support?

Also sad that terrorists have already won to some degree, part of their mission has been accomplished as has been shown here in these threads.

I think your reaction and the french piano reaction is what s wrong in this stance. I think we were pusyfied by our 70-80 last years of wealth. We are unable to give a strenght reaction inside our home land and in isis home land. This is a terrorist organization made of a couple of tenth thousands. The oppostion is made of hundred of millions yet they won! Because we are unable to give a firm response otherwise than tears, regrets and pianos.

You know what goes on in Israel? For a while now? They try to stab israelits? The reaction is plain simple... the military trained israelit woman or man, takes his gun out and phew phew phew. Then, the israelit authority goes to the terrorist familiy, demolish its house, arrest the ones that are related(knew) details about the terrorist act and the rest of the familiy is banished from Israel. That is a decent reaction... a reaction Europe fails to deliver. And Usa to... Usa follows only economic purposes and nothing else while Europe is pussified. If the best reaction is a piano song infront of the theater than we deserve to loose. But soon... the nationalist parties will raise and the problem would be partially solved. Other problems might appear but this fluff is to much already.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 11:10:58

This honorable belgium citizen (who fought for what belgium is today for the entire 10 years of his wortless exitance) must be capture and expeld back to his country. His uk,usa,germany all over the place friends should be threaten the same. Now, until is not that late.

No question asked, no freedom no human rights no nothing. No you fraking islam shariah, you go back straight to your country and do shariah with saddam gadafi and assad.

Mrfords all over the world must understand dictators in middle east have their own purpose. Don t puppet them, don t drain them out of their only resource,. Don t kill them using false pretexts. LET THEM BE.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 10:54:56

Originally posted by mrford:
real history. not your history.

There is no such thing as real history. The history is written by the winner.

Imagine how the world history would have looked if Napoleon or Hittler would have written it. Or others since 3000 years ago.

If you want to know real History you go to the library, or lecture place and read tons of authors that wrote about stuff in some given periods. What you learn in schol is the winning side history not the real one.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 5:22:20

Originally posted by mrford:
you have said you were going to bed 2x in this thread.

clearly you do lie right?

I am in bed on my tablet. You biggest problem is my beauty sleep or the fact you must paint me as a liar.i am still watching tv and telling stuff to a random us citizen. I educate him.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 5:21:45

Originally posted by Cerberus:
The most obvious solution escapes everyone here, apparently.

This is not rocket science folks, nor is it "rocket surgery" for you liberal crowd to start to understand, but, there are not many variables in play here.

The first part of the major problem that is developing is that the "socialistic" style governments that have risen to power in Europe that have "enlightened" themselves into cultural suicide.

The second part of the major problem is that those same folks everyone refers to as "Islamist Fundamentalists", are the ones that have the idea that they need to be following the example of Mohammad in order to be a "devout", or "pious" muslim.

The third part of the major problem is that this same "method of operation" and "rules", appeals to the basest of human motivations, and thus arises a culture of violence, theft, and murder. Wherever this Islamic "Fundamentalism", or perhaps we should just clear the air and say that it is the worship of their "prophet" that they perform, by emulating the things that Mohammad did, and he did some horrific things. I'm sure everyone can look up the Hadiths.

So, draw your own conclusions, but it seems to me that this particular "worship of the prophet" cult is from our supposedly "enlightened" view point is Evil of a high order under our laws. But, since we're in the "business" of "Diversity", and "Tolerance", which have been redefined to mean entirely different things from what you think they mean.

So, everyone wonders why there were crusades, right? The answer is right before your eyes, plain and simple. I know that most of you found history completely boring and without a use when you were in school, but it's still not too late to read a little history and learn something from it.

We need to segregate this cult from the rest of mankind and that's that. We cannot "co-exist" with this cult. They can't have it and get to their version of "heaven" without destroying the infidels and also maybe yourself doing it, which guarantees that you get to be in paradise. So, with this in mind, exactly which sort of followers do you think this cult will attract?

Well if i wouod have been obama putin merkel all at once i would do the foloowing:

Take a look at the belgium citizen (i have posted in a youtube link). Also the uk citizen and i assume there is an us citizen too. Our socialism and human rights do not apply to them. No! They must be send back to their countries and banneed for life. That s the first step.

I ll be back with more tomorrow. It involves discussion about tradition, islam and stuff like burka. Those thing must disapear. You want to come... fine, but by "my" rules. I must find a way to write that in order to not offend some sensitive people.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 5:12:35

Originally posted by mrford:
i know who the aryans were, but they didnt speak english... i dont even think english existed. your statment made 0 sense.

you just make fluff up all the time, lol. even phrases. you are such a teal pickle.

Aryan english = you being a gramar nazy. Forced sarcasm. Surely went far far away from you.

P.s:i never make up fluff. Regarding anything. I don t lie, i don t do a lot of fluff some of other trolls do in order to make people look bad.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 5:03:43

Well i don t either. I am sure, things will be more clear in the next days.

But i guess that in the theater they came in with automatics. Panic, runnig for life, not thinking straight. Fear is normal for a human been, even a trained unarmed us seal will run for cover.

I doubt it was systematic. It was more like come in shoot at everything it moves.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:34:07

Google Aryanism. Aryan english is sarcasm. Don t call me nazy.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:32:13

Originally posted by mrford:
you vastly underestimate ISIS and other extremist terrorist organisations.

the US did too, a few times.

9 11 was highly organized and planed. Europe land acts are not like trained pilots flying airbuses into towers. 1st wtc attempt (land one) was a joke.

Please stop!

Edited By: Alin on Nov 14th 2015, 4:34:54
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:29:30


You are pointless ford. Perfect troll but pointless. They already caught or killed the running ones hours befors you even posted in this thread.
Good night ford. Embrace your gun and sleep tight.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:26:54

And terrorist are not as organized as you think they are. A 15 years old or a early 20 is not fully brainwashed. They dont always obey orders. Terrorism is chaos most of the time. On land ...

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:23:19

Looool. Of course the border would be open.

Let me make you a drawing about what we discuss.

Mr ford: they closed borders to catch terrorists
Mr holland: we closed the borders to prevent other crime coming inside france anc also to prevent the inside ones running away
Me: ford, as always you are partial right. Half of truths.
Ford:you hate muslims
Me:no i don t. I am just telling you don t know what you talk about. Cells work this way and are made of young enthusiastic kids.
Ford:they train for weeks, they act organized(where the fluff did i said they don't).

I fluffing told you that, in this cases is more important to prevent new terrorist acts, than to catch the running ones. And i am the one who change subjects and don t understand "arian" english.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 4:14:23

French people don t have 1.something guns/citizen. Asking heroism from who? Imagine yourself infront of 4 automatic fire weapons and bomb belts. If you somehow drible his automatic weapon, you'll die by explosion.are you that brave mr ford? I highly doubt. The only people able to do this are trained soldiers. And a large portion of soldiers won t go into a suicide mission.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:59:26

Originally posted by mrford:
you think that any terrorists that were planning anything would try to enter the country while it is on high alert? they are either already there, or not coming. france knows this, and that statment was just to comfort people.

this is to catch the ones that are already there. period. it is the same tactic any municipality takes after an attack. it is SOP. the borders will be opened in a couple days if not sooner.

think before you type. it will help, hopefully.

edit: you dont have a problem with muslims, you just have a problem with them moving in with you. right? lol. i have a black friend, so im not racist!

Omg i swear i had more logical arguments with my dog than with you today. You know how terorist cells work you mr know everything? They don t interact with each others so if one is caught, it won t give out others. Is safe to assume there are terrorist cells all over Europe. Some brainwashed fluffs could think of crosing border from let s say belgium. More important than this fluffs not leaving the country is other fluffs not to decide to come belted inside. Did you even read anything about cells and how they work? Did you even know that this cells are made in large portion out of enthusiastic and unpredictible kids? How many of them are now thinking at: "uhm i am just 15 km out of france, this is my time, lot of virgins here i come"

Gtf out of here ford. Before i start caliling you names, because you give me no choice.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 14th 2015, 4:02:26
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:41:17

Pal i don t want how to tell you... but. More important than terorists leaving france is fluffING NO MORE COMING INSIDE THE NEXT DAYS OR SO.

ford tonight you are drunk or something. I refuse to believe you are this naive. What freaking world you live in?

And again you go full stupid telling me i have problems with muslims. I don t. I grow up with a muslim friend, from guess where? Farking syria. One of my best friends. I have no problem with muslims. I have a problem with imigration. NOW!

Edited By: Alin on Nov 14th 2015, 3:43:20
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:36:54

The state of emergency would be in force across France, Hollande said, meaning some place might be closed and people searched. He said: “The second decision I have made is to close the borders. We must ensure that no one enters to commit any crimes and that those who have committed the crimes that we have unfortunately seen can also be arrested if they should leave the territory.”

In order to proof ford wrong once again. You said something partially wrong. "No one enters to commit any crimes"+ your right part. Your facts are always made out of partial facts, half of truths and fluff like that ford. You fail or choose to fail to see the big picture Always. Regarding many facts.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:19:15

I am watching euronews. 140 deads. Isis behind. It is a matter of interest in my private life too. I am doing logistics among others. France is border closed. But you could not understand.... for you i just hate all islamics from a fluffhole.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:10:23

Alabama , Lousiana country side?


Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 3:04:06

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Now come call me nazy and ultranationalist because i just sustained my point.

your ideals call you that, not me.

have fun with your islamaphobia. let me know how that works out for you now that you actually have to deal with diversity.

I dont have to deal with nothing. That s the advantage of not being a prime country in this century.
100 euro / month to imigrants
Compared with germany : 700 euros.

We are not atractive. Us gypsies are not interesting. Being a 2nd rate country has benefits. The region is Europe s (insert usa poor state at your own will).no one wants to go to colorado country side of europe.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:58:39

I wonder if he will ever realize he s the weak mind. Prolly not!

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:49:08

Originally posted by mrford:
threatening violence now?
maybe the Muslims really are changing you! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! and get your tin foil.

you are basically like a romanian cerb.

except you lie about going to sleep.

Threarening my ass. Sutpid ford. Go away.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:47:42

Now come call me nazy and ultranationalist because i just sustained my point.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:38:46

Originally posted by mrford:
do you honestly believe that?

i mean seriously. that is some baseless fear mongering bullfluff right there. Europe turning Muslim? because of a few million immigrants?

get over yourself.

Ford i said it and i will say it again. You are sometimes so stupid and ignorant it makes me wanna punch your idiot face. Period.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:35:18

And just as you know. East europe will be the last standing part. Just because we are a little behind the west fluff. Long therm however we are all fluffed.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:25:20

Tan is not about that. I ain t blaiming fluffing you. Or normal people who wann leave a normal life. But who am i arguing here? For years people are calling me gipsy poor and stuff. Some "briliant" mind even told me he upgrades his atv. What you fail to fluffing understand is that europe is going islamic. And i would care less if europe will go tan way of being islamic. But it will be with interferences of terorrists parties.

In 50 or less years, Europe is going to be a mess. Sure, well after our time. But lets see mrford nephews dealing with Germany and Uk islam republics. Owning uk and german tech, not syirias.

But whatever. I am just a thinfoil gipsy... in a 3rd world country.

Good night.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:10:02

Lol. You are my laughing stock ford. Every time us gipsy meet and go world wide politics talks, i mention your way of thinking. And others fluff.

Saying terorist attack is iminent is like sun eh?. Than why don t you send all your fleet to clean iraq and syiria of inocent civs. One could not simply argue with you. Your brain is damaged and filled with fluff.

Meanwhile: found my post in an closed thread:

Sep 9th 2015, 22:49:27
Cerbus is not exactlly alone. Altought i don`t share all of his ideeas, anti imigrant political parties are growing in numbers and % all over the EU. And that could lead to racism and ethnic mess...

You can`t really call "racist" people who don`t want imigrants. Or are against getting imigrants in their home land. Is like people calling USA racist for throwing thosands of mexicans over board, monthly.


Originally posted by Angel1:
[Quote]Originally posted by Alin:
Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share. [/quote]

[Quote]This makes the assumption that without US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Middle East would not be in chaos. That's a bold assumption to make. Afghanistan is a chaotic place in the best of circumstances and Taliban rule can hardly be called the best of circumstances. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator in a country that was super-majority against him.

We can't rewind the clock and move forward making other decisions in an academic exercise with any sort of certainty. However, before Saddam Hussein was taken out, the Middle East was still ruled by a number of dictators that oppressed significantly parts of their population (for good reason or not). Before Saddam Hussein was removed, the Kurdish Peshmerga was still armed. Before the Iraq invasion, Libya still had a WMD program. Moving forward into an Arab Spring with these facts would have been even more chaotic than it is now. The Iraqi Kurds almost certainly would declare independence in that situation and then Turkey would likely blow into chaos. [/quote]

Now USA intervention in Afghanistan dates since 1979 when CIA armed and financed the mujahideen to fight the russians in Afghanistan. It`s a small piece of the cold war but CIA actually created/financed Osamma Ben Laden and his fanatical group. Surelly CIA shooted at a pigeon and killed a crow, somewhere on the road things changed and now the entire world is talking about the greatest terrorist of all time, but never forget how it started... Is your own mess that bite back decades after. Surely if you ask Mrford, this never existed... all that exists were 5 planes coming out of nowwhere,hitting the WTC and etc.

Iraq is another story. Going for the WMDS, never finding WMDS and coming back with contracts of billions for oil extraction, reconstruction of Iraq. Also giving air to an already suffocated weapons industry ( you gotta use those weapons somewhere in order to make others ).

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement. Europe is slowly becoming a refugee camp for decades now... and things are swifting with speed. ISIS grows in numbers and there is a wave of imigrants crossing from North Africa and Middle East into Turkey,Greece,Serbia Macedonia and finally to the developed countries in UE. Among them 100% there are ISIS cells... and we all know their intentions.

The above being said, i care less if the entire people of Iraq were agains Saddam. Is their job to overthrow their dictator and change their country. I don`t care what Gadaffi was or done... i basically don`t care about Syria dictator or North Coreea. Hundred of millions died in order to overthrow regime after regime in this part of the world, thousands of revolution and riots happend in the last 2000 years in order to achive the current status. Is anyones duty to go rebel and overthrow a leader they don`t like or a political class that does nothing for them... not mine or yours.

But his crow dressed as a parrot ( "we did it for them, for democracy" ) does not stand anymore, when they were sucked out of their resources and Europe is now paying the bill...

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 2:01:26

You wrecked some breaking ability for days now. Thanks sov ...

Gg scourage! Welcome back!

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:49:46

Ttt for mr ford. Trying to find the thread where i said terorists attacks are iminenet. Somewhere around 3 months ago. That thread could have been deleted because heston and swellidiot shown up.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:36:25

Originally posted by mrford:
you are a sad person.

does the koolaid really taste that good?

Of course i am sad ... look at the thread i am going to top. So far i am right and you are wrong. As usuall. Not a matter of bad english or anything else. Just that the gipsy has a greater view over reality than your stuffed with "we gona find wmds", "we Re doing this for freedom" brain.

This is the reality. Take it or leave it.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:25:26

Ford just say it!

We are responsible for creating isis for our own God damn interest. So we can buy for decades cheap fuel and run our 30 liters engines. Along with eu allies we went there overthrow dictTors that were not our puppets, created isis.

Forced population to emigrate, 9 eleven could be our own hand.

Among 2 mil emigrants it is enough if there are 1000 isis. If you think paris is the last city you are dumb. Is only the first.

Good night ford. Go sleep in your cotton glass ball sourounded by 30 guns thinking you are safe agains brainwashed islamists.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:19:32

And no they would have not got here. Not that many and not that organized.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:18:03

We shall see after they catche them (if they ever get them alive). I can bet part of them are here with the 2015 and 2104 waves. If not... in the last 5 years.

I care less about your causality and corelattion. Go tell some 9 eleven husband or wife or father or mother the corelattion. I would not want anyone to explain me or my mother that only 1% are terrorists. Stay in your country, fight for it and build something better.... not this fluff.

Alin Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:12:40

Mr ford wanna bet me ... on something earth related that isis imigrants in the last max 5 years are at least half part of this? I am not saying all of them are bad. I just say imigration lead to this.

Alin Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 23:55:52

TOLD YOU! Is a matter of time until it reach a lot of other big EU cities.

Alin Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 7:31:13

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by Alin:

P.S.2: The speed of the kills is going to finally kill this game. I think this thing must be cut down as soon as possible. No sane person is able to wall Sof or Sol speed kills. Qzjul,Martian whomever - limit the number of GS/BR a country can receive / minute. To maybe 30- or discuss





Edited By: Alin on Nov 13th 2015, 7:41:25

Alin Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 7:23:11

The speed of kills is not normal. You can not work 1 month to lose your work in 5 seconds. No sane person can wall that. We are all (almost) grown ups with lifes of our own. If you work in IT and are always bound to a PC/laptop, than maybe you can do it. Otherwise is pointless.

I have my contacts into Sol,Sof and MD site. 3 bots will notice me if i am attacked. But if it is less than 30 seconds kill i basically have 0% chances. Warleaders look over targets play times. They notice the "off line" times, which is prolly the time when some of us sleep. Is crazy to assume you can connect any internet device, log in and buy troops in this low amount of time.

For a long period now, i spend half of stock before war to increase the killing time. My military config is always well above MMRs ( double or triple ). Still i die like a pigeon in a hurricane when it happens. Because the speed of the kills is not sane.

That being said - mods remove kill speed until is not to late.

Alin Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 10:38:41

I had already said this a couple of times. No intend to dismiss Sof merit or something. The difference in this war is made by the quality of the soldiers.

On one hand we have Sol with 70 or so members formed of their hard core warriors + some Dr Gonzo ( RIP ) old timers which are not extremly active or willing to baby sit their country.

On the other hand we have a mixture of Sof RAGE RIVAL MD and LAF old timers. Soldiers that are made for war, and warriors that signed this friendly war.

The difference is obvious and the outcome is predictible. IF all of you guys wish the war to go further and be in equilibrum you must do something now. If not we just had a good war for like 6-7 days.

P.S: i could wreck a certain Sof country from the DF tag to give like 2% equilibrum to the fight.

P.S.2: The speed of the kills is going to finally kill this game. I think this thing must be cut down as soon as possible. No sane person is able to wall Sof or Sol speed kills. Qzjul,Martian whomever - limit the number of GS/BR a country can receive / minute. To maybe 30- or discuss.

Otherwise is pointless.

Good luck!

Alin Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 8:37:10

Originally posted by Scott V 2:
Originally posted by Alin:
Someone bombed scott's buildings. He lost 167 of them. Thus someone already started.

Go sol go!

Must suck being stuck in the body of an adult and the mind of a very small child.

Yea lol. You are exactlly the person with whom i must use my adult mind. You and your worthless attempts.

Alin Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 1:53:29

Someone bombed scott's buildings. He lost 167 of them. Thus someone already started.

Go sol go!

Alin Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 0:55:13

Oh yea! Prize is valid for mods to. I suppose i don t have to report that country name anymore

I offer 1 week of duty free lack of troll on AT.

So who gets it first, contact me to pay you back. Thx

Alin Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 0:50:52


Kill this one! Whoever gets th3 kill trade pact #382 for Fa prizeS!